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Everything posted by sessa

  1. It's just really good in all the different kinds of PvP like smol team arena(2v2-3v3 4v4), and it's the meta for 8v8 scene and it does great in duels, it's self and team buffs are great with +dmg + absorb +tohitt and it's healing. For duels and smaller things I would probably plot a defender instead of a corruptor tho.
  2. Nature affinity is probably the meta set in most PvP things!
  3. I'm just reposting this for Seagato here on the forums, if anyone have any questions and don't have discord you can contect me on global @Sessa ingame for more information.(or on discord)
  4. as Ms Deadly pointed out a 9s placate duration in PvP is a bug.
  5. Thanks for those showing up! Was a good turnout now event went for a bit longer the expected but people had fun! https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2106086729 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1E2CvlYjt4IcN3gROrQS_tFa-aTg5TUsUTiup2ew8zEk/edit#gid=0
  6. There will be a 2v2 Tourney on Excelsior Server on Saturday. We will gather in Pocket D at the monkey fight club and arena terminals. Anyone is welcome to join ,even if you never tried PvP before , the matches will be at lvl 50 with alpha incarnate slot enabled. In this event you will be able to bring your toon(s) and teamup with a random partner in a 2v2 arena match. The exact rules will be posted on the forums a bit later this week. If you pre sign up by dming me on discord or posting on forums or sending me an ingame message to global handle @Sessa and then show up at event, you will have a chance at winning a fun prize.
  7. Like currently you have Fightclub meta then small team arena PvP meta and zone and possibly some base PvP . Before you also had 8v8, but most that were doing 8vs8 left the game.(maybe some comeback one day who knows!) either way you have to pick what kind of PvP play you want to engage in.
  8. Remember you from Victory Badges channel
  9. Ja I've had similar issues usually when Ive switched builds or done a respec! one tray slowly glides up and down and it becomes hard to press powers on number 3 tray because of it!
  10. Only 1 of your 9000 toons?
  11. @Sessa Here to hunt Loppy down. Nature/Ice defender
  12. Like stalker patron snipes do to much damage currently on the live servers however not sure changeing the proc rates is the correct solution to the issue. I feel Alouu summed it up pretty good don't mess with the proc rate instead scale back the crit damage. Also since some powers get mes protection in PvP maybe we could get breakfrees to work in PvP again? or a modfied breakfree!
  13. I must say I don't really like this change on my ta. I play with SJ and gymnastic on just to get that fun IR movement, now on beta it feels slow and kinda boring. It also affects PvP play styles some since it was a key reason to play a TA in PvP would there be possible to have them stack just in PvP?
  14. First of all I must say i'm all for alpha only PvP zone at level 50. However I would say the most "fair" option would be to clone or make a new zone with alpha only (and add a variation of the other changes that have been discussed in the beta PvP thread.) Then the people that have been playing under the current system in the zones can keep doing just that, if they wish. People have been saying that it might split the community to have two different zones with two different rule sets, but honestly those running around fully incarnated will probably keep doing so. But now they could also have the option to play in a zone more geared after the arena style of play and maybe they would like that better when they try it out. Having a synergy between how zone PvP and arena works is a good thing,but there will always be people who only do zone PvP because it always was a lot more casual friendly. You can just jump in and PvP without having to log in at set time or wait 10+ minutes for the arena event to start. So if making a new zone(or clone) with alpha only is not to much work for the devs I would say that would be the best option. The more vocal arena pvpers gets what they want and same with the PvPers that tend to be in the zones more.
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