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Posts posted by VV

  1. Tonight!



     Femme Fatales is open this week. In honor of Pride In Your City, this week. We will be having events during the night. Dress to impress and show your pride as you walk the catwalk in preview of our new events room. Who know you just might win a prize. Yes, we will have prizes. Due to a glitch in the matrix, more details soon.

  2. 8 hours ago, Zilljah said:

    Afterhours is now VICE-9166 as they have moved into the new location

    ugh THANK YOU. I've been to the new place half a dozen times already and STILL forgot the new code.


    8 hours ago, Zilljah said:

    Femme Fatale alternates Wednesdays with Inferno INFERNO-11459

    Confirming this now.

  3. On 6/17/2021 at 12:08 PM, Warboss said:

    Is it me, or has the latest patch instilled the "run like hell" mentality into the mobs. I've just spent several minutes chasing various bosses around the map as they attempt to flee my Tanker's wrath. I don't recall this ever being such an issue. Has anyone else noticed this?

    I did notice them running more, I have not tested it on my Tanker. I'll do so as soon as possible. The main thing I noticed is that they run and don't stop for a while. Used to be they would run away then run back.

  4. This is easy. Straight up my F^3. Fiery/Fiery/Pyre because ALL the fire. Also, I built her more durable than most people believe can be done. PSI hole? No thank you. 61% resist, instead. There is little she cannot main tank. Nothing with a little support. And her damage output is so fast, I have to be careful not to hog all the glory.

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  5. UPDATED 6/1/22


    Please post any updates or special events in the thread below and I will add/change this post.

    Unless otherwise noted, all clubs are RP-encouraged.

    All times are Eastern.

    For last second information, most clubs place a promoter in Pocket D, next to the Base Portal. Be sure you check that crier for the most up-to-date information before heading out.



    8pm-3am, Star Dancers, Rave style party, STARDANCERS-22629


    8pm-11pm, Black Cat, Goth themed (not required),  BLACKCAT-18688

    8:30pm-11:30pm Ed's Books, Shop & Cafe, BOOKS-22720


    8pm-11pm, Femme Fatales, every other week, FATALES-13836

    8pm-Midnight, The Gehenna Club, every other week, The Nine Circles, VIRGIL-6196


    8pm-Midnight, Black Friday, high-class, no capes, BLACKFRIDAY-4066

    Midnight-Late, Afterhours, VICE-9166, back at the old place for a while VICE-7008


    6pm-Midnight, Joker's Wild, JOKERS-5378

    9pm-Midnight, Penny Palace! Second Fridays, Pride themed, GLITTER-15236 (Skipping this in June, see below*)

    Midnight-Late, Afterhours, VICE-9166, back at the old place for a while VICE-7008



    6pm-9pm, X's & O's, 1st and 3rd Saturdays, CHI-1376

    8pm-Midnight, Oasis, Pool Club, bring your swim suit but not your inhibitions, OASIS-3471

    Midnight-Late, Afterhours, VICE-9166, back at the old place for a while VICE-7008


    8pm-Midnight, Stormcage, skipping third Sundays, STORMCAGE-3512

    6pm-?, Penny Palace! third Sundays, Pride themed, GLITTER-15236 (Skipping this in June, see below*)


    SUNDAY JUNE 26TH - Penny Palace all day party.

    • Like 3
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  6. This

    On 6/10/2021 at 3:04 AM, America's Angel said:

    I'm really impressed when people play characters with complex human motivations/emotions that differ from the player.


    Because usually it's one or the other - either they're carbon copies of the player and therefore have depth, or they're nothing like the player, and are just a cardboard cutout.


    And this

    On 3/22/2021 at 7:47 AM, rookery. said:

    When you are so into the character and the story being woven by everyone involved that you look up and go, "Where did those four hours go?"


    I mean humans, just everyday people, are capable of telling each other the most interesting, engaging and wonderful stories all without anything more than a few props and a few shared verbal and visual cues.  We have been doing it since we huddled together in caves around a fire. I can only hope we will continue to do so long after we move to the stars.


    I love to ask people to talk in-depth about their characters. You're a scientist? I'm probably going to ask you physics questions. Pirate? How did you get there? And I am always impressed with how well thought out their backgrounds are. 


    I like it when people who you've just met will go all-in with you. Have a nice long, deep conversation.  In general, I just like it when people really get into their roleplaying.

    • Like 3
  7. Hmmm... I know I'm late, but there is a lot I don't understand here. I mean, first, if you want to play an armored, melee DPS, why not a scrapper, or even stalker? You can use the epic to add a few ranged attacks to your scrapper, so you still feel like a hybrid. 


    On the Rad/Regen build, why does a power called Neutron Bomb to SO little damage? Why did you skip MoG? I know it's not for everybody, but I wouldn't skip Second Wind, either. It allows you to take bigger risks.


    What is considered the "best" Armor or combo for a Sentinal?


    Lastly, why does Dual Pistols do SO much less damage than Radiation Blast, yet also has shorter range?



  8. On 6/8/2021 at 8:30 AM, MoonSheep said:

    I personally only build for recharge and don't bother with silly defensive builds, a permadom has all the survival abilities it needs. If you need a boost during hectic times, just pop a purple or mez something

    Can confirm recharge is the way to go. I build all my alts for recharge uber alles, except my tanks. Getting your power hitters up faster makes a huge difference in control and kill speed. I am hardly ever satisfied with anything under 95% global recharge, before Hasten. But, I really try to get past 100% because then you should be at perma-hasten.


    The other thing that massive recharge does is cut down on the number of powers that make a complete attack rotation. Many people need to take 4 ST powers for a rotation, I can usually get away with just 3. That means I have a spare power slot for something nice.


    • Thanks 1

    On 6/5/2021 at 2:52 AM, DreadShinobi said:

    Psi melee with IOs performance vs robots changes drastically.

    Hmmm, I guess that's on me. I only build with IOs and I forget that sometimes others do not (though I cannot figure out why). So, I never talk about builds with anything but IO sets. It's been so long since I built without them, I couldn't even tell you how it feels (other than masochistic).


    On 6/5/2021 at 3:46 AM, Parabola said:

    I'm of the opinion that damage type diversification is an underrated benefit of proc use.

    I agree. 


    On 6/7/2021 at 6:11 PM, Warboss said:

    also since we are talking resists i like to use this link gives you the basics backed by a spreadsheet for math nerds

    This VERY much surprises me. I am stunned that Fire is so little resisted, considering it is a very common damage type. Though, it does explain why my Fire/Fire/Pyre tank is such a monster. Now I kind of want to make a Fire/Fire Dom.

  10. On 6/8/2021 at 9:47 PM, Rustbeltcomics said:

    So here is the build I have been running which is working out great. With Hurricane going I still have all the endurance I need.

    Um... why in the world would you be running Hurricane all the time, especially without the KB>KD proc? Hurricane is only needed as an OHSHEET power. When the Scrapper runs off and aggros 3 extra groups then dies. When the tank forgets their toggles and dies. When you get beset by 3 ambushes at once. You need some breathing room, only then do you need Hurricane. For normal running with a team, you should not need it.


    By not running it, you allow yourself to get up close and personal, like you want. You also minimize the risk of screwing up combat. Not to mention that many people cannot see through Hurricane. Earth/Storm has way more than enough control to keep you safe in most circumstances. You generally don't need maxed out anything armor-wise to keep you going. Get those bad guys flopping and/or locked, and you could run around naked and be safe.

    5 hours ago, 5099y_74c05 said:

    Slow effects could work too if you throw out FR + QS + SS but you are looking at 7 secs of cast time before you even attack. FR and QS can be cast out of LoS but SS requires LoS if I recall correctly. My point is you can reduce this to 2 unsafe seconds which is still a long time to spend casting in the open after you've riled up the hornet's nest.

    Not exactly. You can proc the heck out of FR, which is a nice start. Also, FR does KD, which is another form of mitigation. If you're soloing, open with Tornado+FR+LS (slotted for KD), then it almost doesn't matter what you do. If you are running in a team, let the tank (or whatever grunt you have being your HMD) take the alpha, then step in the manage things so nobody gets hurt.

  11. On 4/13/2020 at 8:46 AM, PhoenixV117 said:

    Hmmm, what secondary would you reccomend for beast MM ? 

    Little bit of necroposting, but I have a related question. It seems like /Sonic would be a good combo with Beasts/. It has Ally +Res buffs, a +Res toggle field, an ally buff that adds -Res to their attacks, and an ally buff that does knock to nearby enemies.  These last 2 are particularly good on melee allies, like the beasts. Clarity which resists Mezz, Siphon debuff Res, and Liquefy just generally F's up the enemies. All in all, seems really good for melee pets.


    One question. Clearly you want to slot Sonic Repulsion with a Sudden Acceleration: KB to KD. But, what if you also slotted it with a Force Feedback +Rech proc? I know if you slot an actual pet or pseudo-pet with the FF+R, it works on the pet and kind of messes things up. But Repulsion is the caster's power, they pay the endurance for it. Would the +Rech then come back to them?


    I mean, with this combo, yeah, you're probably going to be spending all your time buffing and debuffing, but if it works, then it could be worth it. What are the experts' opinions?

  12. 3 hours ago, FUBARczar said:

    The Psi resist "problem" is overblown, speaking from the experience of having Psi Melee or Blast on 4 Blasters (1 Primary, 3 Secondary), 2 Brutes, 2 Stalkers, 2 Doms, 1 Scrapper, 1 Corruptor and 1 Defender.  Psi Melee does a lot of dmg, more than most sets, and killing even Robots is not a problem.

    This has been my experience, as well.

  13. So, I think this would be fun. Share stories of funny conversations you have had or heard.



    I usually play goody characters and decided to try a real villain. Imagine if H3ll Boy had a half-sister who was like dad, never clipped her horns, also got summoned, decided to stay to cause mayhem and "recruit" for her dad. So, that's H3ll Grll.


    Standing around in Pocket D, minding her business, she overheard some nearby ladies talking about the coverage of their outfits. So, to add a bit of fuel to the fire, she quietly changed to her tiniest bikini and continued to stand there. The below conversation ensued. 


    Add your favorite funny conversations!



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  14. Okay, I went and tested it on a bunch of 4x8 Council mission. I admit, it is a little slow on the kill. But then again, my main tanker is F3, so I may be biased. But, still, they went down fast enough. I mean, it wasn't long, drawn out combats. I ran on Efficient Adaptation so I wasn't "cheating" and getting too much bonus damage from Bio. I mean, I see what you're saying regarding lower damage, but I don't think it is unusably bad. And, generally, Tankers aren't designed to be great soloers. And this one, in particular, is designed to be mostly teamy. Anyway, thanks so much for the feedback, that is what I wanted to know.

    • Like 1
  15. 2 hours ago, Psyonico said:

    I think the difference between resisting S/L and resisting Psi is that when things resist Psi, they resist it A LOT while when things resist S/L it's by a much smaller portion.

    Interesting. So, who are these super Psi resistant enemies? I want to go test against them, to make sure my tank performs on them before I'm there pulling a whole team. I've already tried against Carnies and Rikti, which didn't give her any trouble. I'm looking for highly Psi resistant enemies.

  16. I recently tricked out a Bio/Psi tanker and it is a lot of fun. I took Psi melee for thematic reasons, even though I knew it got a lot of hate from tank-players, in general. But, after playing it for a bit, running it through various 4x8 missions of different enemies, it seems to be pretty solid. I mean, it is no broken OP Super Strength, but I would put it on the level of Dark Melee or something like that. It has a Stun, a Hold, and a Confuse, of all things. An AOE and ST knock-up. And the "trick", Insight, is not a big enough deal that you have to track it closely. Personally, I can't stand tracking tricks, especially while tanking.


    Many people are like, "Oh, but psi-resistant enemies yadda yadda yadda," and then go off and play their Super Strength. First of all, there are barely any highly psi-resistant enemies. Secondly, when you meet them, it is just like all the S/L damage tankers running into every other enemy.


    So, my question is, what the heck am I missing? I'm sure I'm missing something for everyone to dislike it so much. I'm usually missing something (at least a few marbles). I mean, I'll play a slightly-less-than-optimal set for theme, but I ain't playing no gimped set just for RP. And, I'm always nervous I'm going to accidentally find the big hole I don't know about at a critical moment. 

  17. Ugh, there's a ton of stuff wrong with Mind Control. I mean, they are the only set with a 6s recharge on their T1 power.  WTF is up with that? And, they tried to combine Telepathic and Telekinetic into the same set, (same with Psionic Assault), so neither effect gets a fair shake. Anyway, to the subject at hand.


    The petlessness is a significant problem. I also agree that it would be sort of out of theme for them to summon something. I think in this case, real issue is that in team combat, Confuse is just used as a soft hold. The victims are still targetable by PCs, so they tend to last barely enough time to do anything.


    A big issue is that they steal XP. If any other pets kills something, everyone gets normal XP and lewt for it, but if a confused opponent does, the players do not get XP. How is that fair?


    Lastly, the power of most NPCs tends to be pathetic compared to other control pets. Heck, Singularity dies less often than my actual Gravity Controller. All of the actual pets have a good variety of both damaging and controlling powers. They are way more powerful than a minion, and about as powerful as a +1 or +2 boss, maybe more. But, the listed duration is for even-con minions, and drops off pretty fast as you go up the scales. Try this solo, 6-slot Confuse with Coersive Persuasion, pop domination, and go try to control a +2 or +4 boss, see how long it lasts. I mean, you can probably keep it perma, but you spend a lot of time reapplying


    What would be nice would be to make the L32 power a perma Mind Possession, single target, that turns an opponent into a legit pet. 240s recharge, just like all pets. Cannot be targeted by friends, no chance of breaking free, he's just your pool boy until you're done with him. To keep the dicey nature of the Mind Control set, give it 100% chance to apply to even-con minions, then a sliding scale up the power level. You can get you a minion for sure, but if you try for a boss or EB, you will probably be without a pet until it recharges. And, for more player-annoying fun, instead of dying when you die, it reverts to normal state and probably attacks the party. Then, rearrange the other powers to make it fit, dump any of the stupid ones, plenty of choices (Telekinesis please). And there you go.


    Damn, that rant went on longer than I expected. I just really want to play a good mentalist, I guess.

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