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Posts posted by VV

  1. On 2/6/2021 at 2:23 PM, oedipus_tex said:

    You're correct, any power with travel time that is fired before you activate Hibernate will still hurt you,

    Okay, this is quite probably the situation I am seeing. Just means I gotta be a little quicker on the button, but not that any enemies "cheat"

  2. My question is kind of the other way, are there any primaries that work out better with a Dominator than a Controller? And, let's keep this to soloing because the force-multiplying of buffs/debuffs makes Controllers clearly superior in all group situations. I have run quite a few of both and after much trying, have become quite unimpressed with Dominators at all. I do have a Dark/Savage Dom that is fun, but I definitely would not call it top-tier in power level.


    For example, I changed my Plant/Rad Dom to a Plant/Dark Troll and holy cows. The troller grinds through stuff faster than the dom ever did and without anywhere near the danger. To me, one of the real issues with Doms is that they cannot decide if they are ranged or melee. Having a bit of both seems inefficient. I dunno, maybe it's something else. I really thought I would like to play control/attack because I am not really a healer/buffer type of player. "Lock 'em and clock 'em," you know. But for some reason, Doms always feel particularly weak to me. 


    That being said, my three main Trollers are /storm, /dark, /traps, soooo... I'm kind of cheating here by only taking the best of the debuff/damage secondaries. Also, my feeling is that procs have been a great leveler here.


    Anyway, the question is, what primaries are better on Dominators than Controllers?



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  3. I have noticed that sometimes, it seems like damage can leak through Hibernate. Has anyone else noticed this? Does anyone happen to have a list of enemies that can get through Hibernate? Or, is there a way to figure it out other than the obvious hard way? Is it certain enemy types? Certain levels, like AVs or EBs? Any info is appreciated!

  4. You can pretty much run any Epic with Grav/Storm and be fine. I run Fire just because, and have no problem. I'm thinking of swapping to Psi, but am unmotivated to go through the respec. Lev should be great. Extra AOE is always good. Hibernate for if you do get into a tight spot. And your little clay buddy is a nice extra pet.

  5. 3 hours ago, Coyote said:

    Other top options are:

    Oh, good to know! I recently ran one up for just this reason. But, then I saw

    3 hours ago, Coyote said:

    Illusion/Cold (see the thread by @Frosticus in this forum)

    and I was concerned I had chosen poorly. Now, I just need to get a good AV-killin' build and get to work.


    And, as it turns out, Ill/Traps is great in team play, as well. Fire-and-forget Shields and healing buffs, plenty of DPS to contribute, and massive debuffs when needed. -1000% Regen yes please.

    • Like 1
  6. IIRC, the EF proc only checks when you are actually summoning Singy. I could be mistaken and it never checks. Either way, useless. I have my singy slotted with 4 Expedients, a purple Dam/Acc and a damage proc. It is embarrassing how much of a better controller it is than my character. I have seen it, many times, hold an entire 4x8 ITF ambush at bay for quite a while until the rest of the team notices it.

    • Like 1
  7. 17 hours ago, Coyote said:

    you can use Recall Target as one of the prerequisites... with that, Acid Mortars are also "mobile".

    Holy cow, I had not even thought about that!


    20 hours ago, Force Redux said:

    Man, this build is fun, and it's really the first time I've leveled traps beyond the twenties. The detached combat is a refreshing change from my other characters, which is what I was seeking...👍🏻👍🏻🙂

    Glad you are enjoying!

    • Thanks 1
  8. On 1/16/2021 at 10:32 PM, Snarky said:

    I have said it before, Tanks are a one trick Dom and they are custom built to pull off that trick better than any other AT is built for their job, hands down. 

    I haven't heard this before, but I like it. I do take slight issue with the "one trick" as it really depends on the build. 

  9. 2 hours ago, Keen said:

    I'd plug that slow resist to above 90%.  but having near immunity to slows is worth it.


    Ummmm.... Where does one find their Slow Resist? I'm not seeing it in Mids or in-game, either. Do we actually have to do the math ourselves???

  10. On 1/19/2021 at 5:22 PM, Keen said:

    Rad Armor Tankers make excellent Hami tanks regardless of secondary. One of my most successful Hami tanks was a Rad/Katana.

    Ah, this is good news. I just finished kitting out my Rad/Dark. Hoping to get a shot at trying it out on Hami.

  11. 10 hours ago, Ultimo said:

    I'd like to suggest that this restriction be removed.  Let us do radio missions, whatever zone we're in.  I'd even do them for no xp.


    6 hours ago, Ultimo said:

    Yes, but I don't want to STOP progressing... I just want to keep playing in the zone I like for that character.

    Uh... so my recommendation is to turn off XP, then turn them back on when you are ready to move on.


    10 hours ago, Ultimo said:

    For example, I have a character who is a "street level" hero, based in King's Row.  It's like Batman being in the dingy, grungy Gotham City.

    This also seems to lead to turning off XP. The thing is, if you don't turn off XP, your "street level" guy is going to soon be a "cosmic level" Incarnate.


    Also, can you not do most of the missions through Ouro? I mean, it wouldn't be radios, but you could do the KR mission sets over and over. Probably more interesting than radios, anyway.


    I don't necessarily disagree with the idea of the Radio auto-Exemping a player, that seems like a good one. However, it is not something I really want the volunteer devs to spend their limited free time on. So, I recommend finding ways to simulate it without that feature. Several have been suggested.

  12. Having mained a Grav/Storm for years (also have an Elec/Nrg Dom), just a couple of things. Many people spit on O2 boost, but it is really one of the best heals in the game. It's perfect for when some wayward scrapper gets themselves in more trouble than they can handle and you need to top them off while taking care of the situation for them. If you really dislike healing, skip it, but I find it to be quite a useful emergency tool.


    Second, many people will recommend converting all your Knockback powers to Knockdown. This is fine, especially when you are first learning, but I have found that having a KB power on hand can come in handy sometimes. Gale is great for scooching more enemies into the tank's aggro field, or if they get too in your face. I also leave the KB in Lightning Storm. Just be sure to set it behind the combat and the knockback won't disperse them much. And many times a rear-guard LS has saved our bacon from a big ambush.


    For electric, remember that the Sleep pulses. This is more powerful than many people realize. It means that if you wake up the enemy, they will likely go back to sleep quickly. Drop them in a KD patch, and they wakeup, flop, go to sleep, wake up, flop, go to sleep, etc. I like to layer Static Field, Jolting Chain, and Chain Fences, then run in with Conductive Aura running, and within seconds the enemy has no endurance.


    Elec/Storm should be a powerful combo, good luck!



    • Like 2
  13. 2 minutes ago, Wavicle said:

    That definitely sounds like a bug.

    Jeez, now I'm sorry I so politely answered your questions. Go test it yourself, then. I'm just trying to be nice and share knowledge with my tanker brethren and sistern. I guess that's how the old saying goes, "No good deed goes unpunished," eh?

  14. On 1/19/2021 at 12:46 AM, Apparition said:

    Yeah.  It's one of the main reasons why I've been pushing to get knockback resistance added to the three, 'cause I honestly can't see the justification for excluding it anymore.

    Shoot, that would be sweet. Anything that makes Fiery more powerful is okay by me, not that it isn't already plenty powerful.

  15. On 1/16/2021 at 4:28 PM, Wavicle said:

    So I’m a little unclear on what it is you’re saying then. You’re just healing yourself? After the attack happens. What’s the trick?

    Nope, I'm actually preventing much of the damage. Rather than my HP going down to 1, then healing for the amount of my heal, my HP goes down to about 50% then heals the amount of my heal. It has to be timed right. NOT after the attack happens. During the animation of the attack. Just after he raises his fist, right as he starts it toward the ground, that is the best time. If you do it before he starts animating, like when the warning flashes, you will heal, then he will hit you. If you do it after the attack hits, you take the full damage, then you heal. You have to do it during the animation. I hope that clarifies.

  16. I guess I'll put this over here. I learned a new tanker trick tonight. If I hit my heal just at the right instant as Marauder was throwing Nova Fist, I could significantly blunt the damage done.  So, instead of taking all my HP except 1, I would only take about 50%-70%. One time I really timed it good and only took about 20% damage. I'm probably years late on this, but I figured I would go ahead and share, since I hadn't seen it mentioned, anywhere.


    (I know I could just back up, but that's not my style. It offends my tankerness. LOL)

    • Like 1
  17. 9 hours ago, Neiska said:

    Well, I wasn't intending to ask for a build critique, but here is what I'm using. Maybe I'm missing something!

    I can't see anything you are missing in the build. Grab some daggers from the P2W. Run up to the fairy in Ouro and grab some super red inspirations, then mash them buttons as fast as you can. That should get the job done.. 

    • Like 1
  18. 1 hour ago, jojogladco said:

    Bio/EM should have more than enough DPS to clear out +4 AVs without needing the Dagger, the Dagger should speed things up quite a lot though. It might help to post your build so we can get an idea of what your slotting looks like. 

    I was thinking this same thing. 

  19. 17 hours ago, Neiska said:

    I can get the GM I've selected down to about 20% consistently, but then I always run out of steam and it just heals back.

    When you say, "Run out of steam" do you mean, "run out of End?" If so, my recommendation is to to pick up the device from the P2W that buffs your recovery. When one of my alts has a bit of End troubles, that always helps.

  20. On 1/9/2021 at 10:44 AM, Rinwen said:

    Someone told me, since I have one, that leveling a Tanker, (my favorite is my INV/SS), is pointless if I ever have interest in "endgame group" content.

    This is one of those statements that is so clueless and so immature that it is hardly worth addressing. But, since you are concerned that nobody will team with you for endgame content, I want to reassure you that anyone that holds the above opinion is someone that you do not want to team with, anyway. Those people are by far the minority and terrible players, so just stay away from them. My tanker, and all the tankers I know have no trouble finding or running groups for endgame.

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