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Posts posted by Nericus

  1. You need to use holds on the green mitos (same as a regular hami raid). I'm not sure if there's a good temp power to use if you don't have any holds.


    EDIT: You can get Tear Gas either through the day job system and as a random reward from doing the weapon raid side missions in Safeguards but that seems to be it for temporary powers.


    The other option is a Lore pet, there's probably one that has a hold but I don't know which.


    Hey Adeon, good to see you again


    Holds....yes!  Thanks!  My blaster does have shocking grasp as a hold,. I'll have to recheck the other lore pets, currently using T4 longbow

  2. been sending my defense capped, incarnate blaster with melee and range powers into the Lady Grey TF for some solo practice runs on the master badge settings.


    I can get through mission one to three without being defeated then comes mission four..... the hamidon.


    The rikti, the pylons, the yellow and blues I can take down.


    But those greens.....


    I can't remember the trick or strategy to take down the shield around them to take them down.


    Suggestions are welcome, aside from forming a team of course. I want to do this solo.

  3. Fair enough.  But if a GM could chime in and give the official word about this badge that would be great. I would like to cross it off my list one way or another

    I'd cross it off.  Unless you find such a bug, and report it, will you receive it.  I'd rather just play the game than try to find bugs.  The article lists the only two examples it was given.  One allowed a player to "infinitely" slot powers with enhancements so he/she could two-shot Hamidon!  The other allowed for billions of prestige to be accumulated in base editing.  As you can see, these were game breaking bugs, not just a run-of-the-mill "this mob has a typo in its description" bug.


    The article also states - with no citation - that the Devs were less likely to award the badge if the person reporting the bug asked for the badge.  Presumably the Dev team has changed, but the policy may not have.


    Now I those I remember and yes positron and th devs we're stingy about giving the badge.


    Just curious as to it's present status.  For now, drawing a red line through it on the badge list

  4. Follow up, it seems settitle can work but the codes listed on Paragon wiki and city info tracker are outdated, and even though you get the message about your badge title being set or cleared, it can take a few minutes for it to change on your character

  5. If you can make it to the second mission of the Tin Mage TF, there are a lot of healable NPCs before you end the portal that could be used.  Also, thanks TopDoc. I got empath on my Dom using your method yesterday.

    It isn't my method.  Unfortunately, I've long since forgotten who told me about it.  Pay it forward.  Find some creative new way to earn a badge faster than ever, and post about it here so the whole community can benefit.


    Any recommendations for getting the damage badges?


    The red crystals in CoT maps are painfully slow.


    My alt can't use lava as it seems to fry him too fast even when resting.


    People talk about Doc Q as the worst TF in the game, but really, it's Justin Augustine.  It barely qualifies as a task force, it's more hunts than actual missions.  :P


    Nah, Justine Augustine is a fine TF except for missions where you must leave the shard. Most annoying if you don't have mission teleport for yourself and team transporter


    Dr Q is the worst as it is the longest, and many of the missions are repeats, see map, same enemies, just travel to another door to start it.  It needs to have the redundant missions removed. Put the old version in ouroborus like they did with sister psyche tf


    Synapse to me is the second worst.  Some missions are poorly described and you find out the hard way that the mission is a kill all.  Also its defeat clockwork, then some more, then more.....then here comes more and more....then giant monster Babbage and then the clock king as the final.

  7. There's a couple of reasons I haven't added the ordering; The first is that I don't actually have the canonical orderings for the badges across hero, villain and praetorian yet. Second is that the tabs with sub-headings are not easily sort-able, which leaves either removing the headings for sorting, or leaving them there for clarity.

    That being said, I'm working on a site to hopefully replace the sheet and the in-game order is something I've already started implementing.


    That is good to hear  the sheet is nice but something like the old badge-hunter.com site would be great.


    Hmm the web archive site may have badge Hunter stored in it, perhaps that may facilitate a return if you can study their old pages?

  8. As a reminder for people doing the Justin Augustine TF this week, given that it's about 90% running from one part of the Chantry to another killing mobs or clicking glowies, the fastest way to run it will involve having someone travel from place to place, porting the rest of the team in to do what needs to be done while they're traveling on to the next place.


    It's only 60 threads to build a basic Incandescence, if you don't have it yet.



    Pal of mine soloed it last night, his alt has afterburner so they could quickly traverse the shard, then used mission to leave the shard to fight CoT and team mission to return to save faathim

  9. I done the everything but the 2000 badge and did the starter quest  but i still got nothing


    Did you check the vip vendor?  My badge Hunter camped in pocket d for an hour and got the vip badge but the teleport to pocket d power didn't seem to appear until I visited the vendor

  10. There's only one issue with that unfortunately. The badges only register hit points restored so they would need to be damaged first.

    There is no issue with that.  This is not theoretical.  It works.  I got Empath within the last week.  Feel free to argue whether or not it SHOULD work, but understand that it actually DOES work.


    have you by any chance found a good spot on the blue side for this method?

  11. Yes, but you need Longbow Warden II, which requires the Disruptor badge.  On live, it was bugged for a while and awarded for completing PvE missions in PvP zones, but they fixed it, so now you have to PvP for it.


    Yep the requirement was 400 pvp rep points as I recall.  Not always quick, easy or fun to obtain at times and I believe your rep points decay by about a point per day wasn't it?




    Apparently they changed it! I ran into someone with Disruptor, and their rep was low enough that there's no way Homecoming's servers have existed long enough for them to have reached 400 rep and then let it decay to the point it was at. I asked them about it, and they said it's just for getting about 50 PvP kills.


    That would be fantastic

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  12. The problem with Caleb is that you have to be within a certain range to see him as all spectrals are invisible when too far away. Having tactics activated helps with this.


    Also a keybind or tray button  targetcustomnext Caleb or something like that is also good. Fly around that area tapping the bind and if you get target lock on him, set to follow him until your team is ready then bring him down to the ground.


    It's also good to have someone patrolling the skies while others hunt spectrals in case he is already spawned

    Otherwise just keep blasting spectrals until the alert appears.

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