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Posts posted by Nericus

  1. The Magisterium iTrial


    Final fight against Tyrant for fate of Praetorian and Prime Earth


    Ready to Rumble.  Defeat black swan in the first eight minutes of the trial.

    Bring th debuffs and bring the dps, rip through all enemies and the three av, fast, faster, fast as your league can


    Shadow Master.    Black Swan must never open all six portals simultaneously, designate three to six players to smash the portals then they help smash black swan


    Triple Threat defeat chimera, nega penndragon, shadow Hunter all within five seconds of the first of three being defeated.  Tricky but I have had the most luck by gettting the league to coordinate and get them to 2 percent each then taking out chimera first then the other two.  Also do not bother trying to get this badge and ready to Rumble in the same run.


    The Hard Way.  Defeat Tyrant without destroying more then twelve of the light columns. 


    Enemy of the State.  Win the trial.  All badges you qualify for award at the end.


    Master badge, get all the above badges


    The Really Hard Way. Defeat Tyrant without destroying any of the columns of light.


    Now there are those that think this is the toughest badge in the whole game get.  To be honest, I feel that it is definitely in the top ten list of tough badges, along with the no defeat/no temp mo badges in the TF/SF, and perhaps the av badges on recluse victory. However the debate of the toughest badge to get is best reserved for another thread.


    Want a strategy for the really hard way?  Try the following:


    1 assemble a full league and make sure all understand which badge you are going after then request that if any feels not up to the task to quit league before you start.


    2 bring the dps and debuffs, also if some in the league have t4 diamagnetic radial in their interface which inflicts Regen debjff with their attacks or an interface that gives extra damage over time, great


    3 before launch all league members go to Luna in Ouroborus and spend some threads to get 4 to 6 ultimate inspirations,  plus some of the super damage boost inspirations. Also your character ingame email box makes a great pez dispenser for inspirations. Load it with some purple's, reds, greens....


    4. Now the entire league goes to pocket d to visit the vip  vendor and purchases their temp upgrades to damage amd defense


    5. Destiny power: try to have about six or more with barrier. Then juggle league roster to that you have a barrier team.   Do the same for rebirth and incandesence them if anyone has ageless mix them into the rosters of the team. Clarion....not all that required for this.


    Also you really want the bulk of the league as plus 3 incarnates, if you a get a couple of plus one or two, make sure they get ultimate insps and damage boosters.


    6. Start the trial, do NOT use ultimates at all until the final fight. With you damage upgrade from vip and some super damage insps you can tear through the trial and quickly get to the final fight.  Who knows, shadow Master and ready to Rumble badges may be won by some that don't have them yet.


    7 Lore pets, do not use them at all until the fight, not debateable.  Also you really want to make sure that as many in the league as possible are using the longbow lore pets for their regen debuff and damage


    Lore pets are not to be summoned until after the cutscene and before any buffs are applied as you want buffed pets.  So summon lore, buffentire league plus lore,  pop an ultimate inspirations and some damage boosters. Someone with incandesence, preferably t4 radial, warps the league to appea behind tyrant


    Commence your attack. Full fire power hold nothing back and no one destroys the light columns at all


    Maintain barrier, make sure the barrier team is coordinating the usage and rotation of castng barrier.


    When he calls down the lightning, get out of the way and your barrier boosted defens help. You drop, hospital, popan ultimate and returm to the fight.


    After the lightning incandesence again warps and everyone to tyrant, preferably behind him


    Repeat attack plan shown above


    Do this right, bring the dps and debuffs and watch tyrant melt like ice in lava.


    Oh by the way,  did you know that the quills power can be given to others just like the grenades in lamda?  Something to think about if you want the minimize the chance of a griefer sabotaging this.




    Do not let Desdemona die or you lose.  When league enters she randomly follows somone and stays with that person unless they get defeated or log out and back in. She then randomly chooses another........


    It is also suggested that when you fight the two regenerating war walkers that the person with Des stay way out of the fight so she doesn't interfere as she can screw up the fight or  possibly perish.  Your choice.


    Regenerate This: destroy the 2 regenerating war walkers within 8 minutes altogether.  Watch the clock. Qualify and win the trial for the badge. Note: if you find your selves getting some extra astral merits after the fight that is a good chance you qualified. Collect grenades from the glowies along the way for the first walker. Use them to stop its regen and also it is advised to taunt it to the corner by the elevator. Keep it facing the taunter(s) while the rest blast it from behind. 


        Second Walker: it regenerates when Lichen/Mushrooms are near. Pull it to the same corner and destroy the one and only one that spawns there. It will respawn so smash it fast and smash the walker


    Tour Guide: Desdemona's health never drops below 50 during the trial then win the trial.


    Preservation Specialist aka the BOMB Badge.   Here's a command for you:   targetcustomnext charge      set that up as a tray button and click it as you slowly move through the tunnels to target the bombs.  Have 3 or more snipers in a group that slowly moves ahead and blasts the bombs from long range. it has a blast range of about 150ft and can wipe most victims.  One sniper could do this but that sniper needs to be long ranged, to avoid setting off the bomb and have perm snipe with fast recharge. Get 3 or more to do this.


    You must also get the bombs in the side tunnels and there will be a tunnel later with bombs in zig zag pattern starting on the right side. The last bomb on the left side may be slightly hidden, use the above target command.  have one sniper with that command target the bombs starting on the right, then left then right then left, etc. all other snipers target the targeter to hit the right bomb. Break sequence or get too close.......BOOM.   Miss one bomb and badge fails. 


    Getting this badge takes patience the snipers must be the only ones to move forward until they give the all clear.


    Avatar Assassin: got this one about an hour ago to complete my UG Badge set and master badge.   This one needs some timing and league cooperation.  It is also suggested that lore pets NOT be used or set to passive when the cease fire command is given.

    The badge is won when the Avatar of Hami perishes while a seedling has spawned but NOT exploded.


         Here's the catch: 20 seconds to spawn a seed,  10 seconds for it to explode, then another 20 for another spawn, etc.


    So you should take the Avatar's health down to 2% to 3% then cease fire....wait for a fresh seedling to spawn then blast the avatar with everything you have and then some and hope you beat the 10 second countdown. 


    WARNING:  the Avatar might get a sudden regeneration of health to about 10% while waiting for the next seedling. if this happens repeat the process.  This badge requires some good timing so don't be too angry if you don't get it the first time.


    Underground Seeker: win the trial


    Master Badge: all the above


    All badges that you qualify for award if you win the trial.  Also this trial tends to offer Rare or very rare at the end, win a badge get some bonus incarnate salvage too. Pays nice XP to for those that want veteran levels.

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  3. Minds of Mayhem incarnate trial badges


    This trial can be frustrating and easily failed, be careful and take your time with it.


    Dreamwalker: progress for this badge is ONLY in the first fight, First you all attack Malaise, he will then summon nightmares in the form of the giant monsters.  He spawns only THREE per iTrial.  it is RANDOM which ones are spawned. I know of no way to induce which ones spawn and I doubt there is one.  This badge requires you to defeat all SIXTEEN of the nightmares.  Now here's the snag, remember I said it was random? So on your next run of the trial you may get some repeats.


    Here is the link to the list of the giants that spawn:



    Warning: some of them are rarer then others, it took literally 30 runs to finally get EOCHAI, you have been warned.


    Suggested course of action: form a league, attack malaise, take down the 3 giants, defeat Malaise, abort league, reform and repeat until badge dings or you need to stop from frustration and come back to it another day.


    Also avoid the pink circles of doom and never take a rez offered by Desdemona that takes time off the clock. Clock runs out, you lose.


    This badge will award on its own you do not need to win the trial at this time


    A Perfect Storm:  massive psi damage in this one.  You must destroy a Storm Void next to Penelope to make her vulnerable then attack her.  Then you must do this again as needed.  No more then FOUR Storm Voids used to qualify for the badge......if you win the trial.  The storm voids can be tricky to pull, you may need to pull Penelope to them instead,


    Daylight Saver:  Designate a group of 3 to 5 league members, some with heals to enter the yellow portal to aid Aurora. Keep her health above 75% at all times while the rest take down the AV,  Aurora dies you lose. The aurora group will need to keep entering the portals to get back to her. Qualify and then win the trial for the badge.


    Lost connection to server:  Attack Malaise to bring out Shalice, bring the nightmares that spawn to where she is at and destroy them next to her to slow her down then hit her with all holds and immobs and DPS, do not let her get to the center of the room. You must do this all three times she emerges. Fail one and badge fails.  Qualify and then win the trial to get the badge.


    Mental Voyager: win the trial


    Master badge: all the above.





  4. TPN Incarnate Trial:  Max of 16 people and you want a full league for this.


    News Flash:  when it is time to secure the terminals and boost the transmission to get the score meter to 500, you have 8 minutes to reach the 500pt threshold and maintain it. The clock starts at 15 minutes. So if you go past the 7 minute point the badge is failed.


    use tanks/brutes to taunt and pull all guards away from the terminals to the center of the room.  Other players then defeat the techs at the terminals as they will no longer be immune to attack. Once the tech drops, click the terminal.  All 4 get clicked and you warp out of the building and move to the next.  Be fast, sprint/ninja run, super speed are our friends here. Also incandescence to warp the team to the area in the building if necessary.  Also in the building ignore the guards in the halls, they are not relevant and will slow you down.


    Once this first challenge is done you fight Maelstrom outside, this is not the final battle.  Once this skirmish is done the next 500point challenge begins. Once again, the clock starts at 15 minutes and you have to finish within 8 minutes.  Same strategy. Also the trial will not let you split the league up to station people in each terminal room and that would be a bad thing to do anyway.  Badge awards at tend of trial if you qualify.


    Fair and Balanced: prevent all telepathists from converting citizens. If four or more get converted you fail the badge.  This is also occurring at the same time as the attacks in the news buildings so I do NOT suggest going for News Flash and Fair and Balanced at the same time.  Designate 3 or 4 people to remain outside to seek and defeat the telepathists while everyone else goes into the buildings.  Stalkers are great for this.


    Television Addict: during the raids on the TPN buildings, H.D. will activate an HD screen in the terminals room to broadcast to the world what is going on. You must not EVER let H.D. drop below 80% in any of the buildings at any time during the attacks on the terminals.  Usually someone just needs to get into the room FAST, locate H.D. and then distract or dispatch the few attackers that are damaging him. Sprint/Ninja run or super speed again is good for this.


    Tonight's Top Story: every time Maelstrom shows up, defeat him within 4 minutes each time.


    Spin Doctor: Complete the trial.  All badges you qualified for award at the end of the trial.


    Master badge:  get all the above badges.

  5. Inventions and incarnate badges all predated their shift to making CoH into the hybrid pay to play or free to play system. 


    But the point is moot now as it's all free to play 😎

  6. 3 hours ago, Moonshades said:

    You can use merits to get anniversary badges? How does that work?

    The memorial vendor Luna in ouroborus is set to offer them during anniversary month. 100 reward merits per badge.


    Also as an FYI if you want to get a jump on winter badges, buy about 200 candy canes from the auction house and visit the elf vendor in the ski lodge of pocket d.  Also both ski slopes are online and all badges from them are available.  For them you may find that hover, fly, Sprint, ninja run, and afterburner or combinations there of may be your new best friends on the slopes

    • Thanks 1
  7. Ah the weakened hami stage, the one stage that is truly the bane of master badge runs.


    1. Stock on eoe even have some spares in your in game email box, mine is basically a pez dispenser that I always fill with purple's greens, blues and wakies.


    2. Melee units take down the yellows one at a time.

    3. Ranged take out the blues one at a time


    4. For greens, all taunt and damage aura are OFF and pets are dismissed.  Controllers, corrs, Dom's with holds move in to break the defense of the green while NOT hovering behind it as that puts them dangerously close to the hami. They should all pop an essense of the Earth as a precaution. If hami attacks everyone breaks off and gets behind the rocks.

    When the gren can be damaged let range attacks do the job.


    It is also suggested that one person target the green and others target that person, they will see the green as target and this should prevent accidentally attacking hami.


    Also the incarnate power of incandesence can be your new best friend on this. Someone with that power stays behind the rocks and the instant hami is aggro too soon the whole team is warped to safety.


    Also there is the old strategy of taunt pulling all the rikti from the pylons into the hami goo area and let them attack it while you all sit back and watch. Hami takes them down but they might take a few mitos with them...or not.


    Ah for the good old days when teleport foe and wormhole could rip mitos out of the hami goo. Could even warp hami itself out of the goo once all mitos and pylons were down

  8. 16 hours ago, Blondeshell said:

    Since I (think I) am the only person still around publicly from the Badge-Hunter site, I'll say that I have no plans to do anything with that. While I had some access to make updates and additions through an admin interface during the last year or so that the site was live, I was never involved with, nor had access to, the underlying backend code or operations. That was still maintained by BeefCake, whom I believe has never resurfaced since the game shut down.

    Beefcake hasn't returned? Now that is a surprise, I thought they would have returned as soon as news broke about the return.


    Still it is good to have the tracker sheet.

  9. If the character is too low for the zone or minimum level for the zone then they need to be careful as snipers can be a problem.


    But for characters that are at level 50 and/or defense capped for s/L qnd ranged then they shouldn't need to worry much about snipers unless they are in dark Astoria, rwz or an incarnate trial, or playing a mission on +3 or higher

  10. To me term worst build is relative as one person's trash is another's treasure. Someone may not like a power set combo, others may think it's the best.


    The worst build on any character is a build where the person is faceplanting every few minutes

    • Like 1
  11. 29 minutes ago, Veracor said:

    As someone who is vet level 528 I can assure you that I don't need more inf.

    Well if you have 2 billion inf on that alt then yeah that is enough unless they raised the limit.


    I mainly ask as my main is closing in on vet level 99, just wondering if I need to go past that point.

  12. First, I like them.  They are a nice way to restore the vet badges.


    But as I recall, they stop after 99, and I have heard of no plan to add anymore of them, which is fine. 


    Yet I see some people that are significantly higher then vet level 99, which again is fine, mileage varies and to each their own.  But aside from in game status symbols or a players own sense of gratification/ego, and the occasional level up buff,  wouldn't it be better at vet level 99 to shut off XP gain and just rack up influence?

  13. A group I was in did that too.  Sadly the Malta outside will not attack him but they will attack the group. Recommend that all Malta at or near the building are wiped out along with the war walkers before you go get director 11.


    Also make sure everyone can fly even if they have to go purchase a new rocket pack. Director 11 can hop up onto rooftops so anyone perched on a roof due to not having any flight at all may get hit with a bomb if heputs any on the roof


    Group Fly is NOT recommended for this.  It's area of effect isn't that big as i recall and it is too easy to leave the area if the person with the power moves out of range and you are not keeping up with them.

  14. I love the badge tracker list, but is there anything new about a badge tracker website?  City info tracker last I heard wouldn't be used but has anything new been mentioned or even a rebirth of the old badge-hunter site?

  15. You have an tip for avoiding Director 11 proxy mines?


    I am still working that badge, but I am thinking now that since he likes to run around like a runaway jack rabbit, is to bring some incarnates with some serious hold/immobiilize powers, spam those powers while everyone remains airborne using long range attacks and debuffs and lore pets just pound him. Possibly an incandesence user or two to warp the team the instant proximity triggered apppears

  16. The BAF trial


    There is a badge for no one clicking the glowie that briefly shuts the turrets down, rather self explanatory.


    Badge fo no prisoners escaping. Split the league up to each door area have some people on the choke points lore pets are summoned three seconds before it starts, set lore pets to stationary and aggressive and go to town on the escapees. Easy badge to get.


    Defeat siege and nightstar at their spawn points. In other words you do not bring them to the tennis courts.

    Have someone shut down the turrets, or else have some people in the league that can take a beating, have some forcefields if possible or else some healers and some dps.  In the beginning of the trial everyone dogpiles them then for the final fight, team one takes on one, team two another, team three supports each and attempts to take on the adds.


    Defeat siege/nightstar with no reinforcements spawned. They must all be beaten before the AVs drop.

    For this, suggest bringing them to the tennis courts, team one and two take them on and team three takes on the reinforcements. Coordination of the adds being down before their final defeat is key.

  17. The keys incarnate trial.


    Well the day I joined a group and we used a discord channel for the leaders to give strategy and those with no microphone used the chat window in game to mention ideas and suggestions for what to do.


    Anti antimatter badge, during the first reactor get him down to 10 percent health, or slightly lower then win the trial. Do not kill him or the trial fails. Also the more injured he is the more damage the pulse does until all reactors are neutralize.


    The badge for the bunker doors, that is for taking all three doors on each bunker down at the same time. You can do this one bunker at a time.  One person per door get each door low then simultaneously smash them then move to next bunker then the next and hope your timing was perfect and win the trial.


    In the final fight with anti matter do not smash any terminals, he must fully regenerate each time and no one dies, period.  When someone gets hit with disintegration they must yell for help, all healers converge on that person and the person eats green inspiration like they are pez candy and every person passes them greens to eat.


    So have healers for this badge attempt and a lot of damage and lore pets for anti matter.


    Now comes the badge for avoiding the great beam of death. Anyone caught in the beam floats helplessly and the badge is failed for everyone. (I hate that). However pets caught in the beam do not fail the badge.


    Would what we did was the five of us switched our destiny to incandesence and everyone turned teleport prompt OFF for the duration. We then set up a teleport list of who would use the power on the first beam and so on.


    Also NO FLYING when attempting this badge. Everyone on the ground, not even hover is to be used. Turn on Sprint and ninja or beast run, and zoom your camera out to the max and PAY ATTENTION to then the beam begins to appear and move away and hope the designated teleporter does their job.


    Also coordinate attacks and be sure to stop all attacks before the beam starts and coordinate to ensure that his time stop occurs five seconds or more before the beam attack so pay attention to his health and the beam timer. The timestop cannot be avoided or broken free of, just ride it out and hope your timing is good.


    The incandesence incarnate power is key to winning this. Make sure to have three people minimum with this power and get them to take turns as the designated teleporter.


    Also on a minor note, people in the hospital should be safe from the beam....


    Also it is highly recommended that this badge is NOT sought after in conjunction with the no death/no terminals badge. Cuts down on the stress.

  18. I have been looking but I have not seen any guides for "Master of" badges.  The wiki has strategies for some of the older task forces but few for the incarnate trails.  Anyone have links or their own strategies for each of the Master badges sets?



    Well for the incarnate trials coordination and cooperation are essential, even more then the no defeat, no temp power master badges in the other task forces.


    The other day a pal or mine was leading some lambda runs to get the grenade badges.


    Gather the ten pacification bombs only and do not use them. That is the criteria.


    So you want a league of 16, plenty of heals, dps and some brutes and tanks that can divert some of the adds away to pound them while the rest stay on marauder. You have the 20 minute timer and you will take it down to the last couple of minutes.


    This badge can be easily griefed/sabotaged by someone who claims to have not paid attention to the statement made multiple times about not using the bombs or by someone that came along to get their jollies by trolling the league and using a bomb at the last minute. These two things happened to a pal of mine so on their third run he had everyone pass him all ten of the bombs and even used his incandesence incarnate power to warp anyone that went outside back into the warehouse area until all ten were passed to him.


    Then we won the badge.


    Next up was the badge for gathering only the ten acid grenades and not using any. We won that the first time as he again confiscated all ten acid bombs.


    Next was the badge for gathering all ten of each and using none of them. I led the half of the league to get the acid, he took the others to get the pacification bombs.  I had everyone slip me the acid (phrasing), and he took all the pacifiers.  We also got the synchronized badge on that run for destruction of one of each container at the same time.


    We then won the badge and all received the master badge for lambda.


    Also during any of these badge runs, ignore the weapons shipments as getting bombs from them have failed the badge back in the first era of the game and I doubt that was changed.


    Now while some may not like the idea of passing all the bombs to the leader I think that it is necessary as the league leader is the least likely one to grief the league and fail the badge as they organized the thing with the stated intent to get the badge.


    Also remember that for all the grenade badge runs that all ten portals will be open and marauder cannot be hit with the bombs.  Make sure your league is tough enough for this

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  19. Something to note about the aura mission, when you start to street sweeps in Crey folly they will send reinforcements that are your level. My L50 had to deal with them on the first run, then on the other runs was able to out run them while sweeping the targets


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