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Everything posted by Replacement

  1. I think it's worth pointing out that this set was never Live. So we don't really know what had to be done to polish this set off. Tbh, I'm impressed with them because I'm betting they were working with having to re-tool already re-tooled assets (e.g. flame sword animations with a purple stick glued on). Pie in the sky time: I can't imagine this is in the cards, but I'd love to see Psionic melee re-envisioned as a counterpsychic: Boggle: Reduce Confuse duration. Probably something like 6 seconds (I know, I know...) For the duration (probably the current 15 seconds), any Psychic abilities the target uses causes their brain to overload, dealing fire or energy damage to them. This is pretty far-fetched, not only because it's a pretty big change to the functionality of the set, but also because I'm reasonably sure the team would need to go through and special-case every single ability enemies could use and decide if they're classified as Psychic or not. Still, I can dream.
  2. I'm interested in finding, or collecting here if it doesn't already exist, some lists of full contact paths. Not necessarily 1-50, but close. Some gaps throughout where people are expected to party up and run radio missions to basically skip 3 levels here and there would be totally acceptable. Even better if they're at least loosely, thematically fitting (e.g. a bunch of contacts that relate to all things Paranormal in Paragon) or otherwise flow naturally. I'm maybe a bit odd in that I don't really care about having One Character Who Experienced Them All (and in the Flashback badged them). Instead, I like the idea that certain characters experienced different stuff, and that's their story. But as a player, I would certainly like to experience them all.
  3. Keep the drama to its own thread please.
  4. Whilst I'm at it, I wouldn't mind some trickle damage over time on some of the elec control powers. I find the damage on that set underwhelming for the elec' domi. I Also have an elec elec.. remember part of the elec theme is sleep, and DoTs would break it... im fine with more damage, just not in a way that breaks the elec sleeps ...do Blasters dream of electric sleeps? Folks, this is what a hero looks like. Well done.
  5. Add all missing folders until you have the complete path; then put this file there. Thanks for this! It's awesome!
  6. I've noticed the strange hole in my attack chain for sure. I have every single attack picked up so far and I still need a pool power when there isn't enough fuel for my +recharge taunt aura. As for animation stuff, I was also slightly disappointed that it would have the and problem as fire melee, where sometimes the sword doesn't fit, and other times you don't ever want it put away. Am I the only person who's noticed how absurdly right-hand dominant the set is? Lockout Last night was my first time playing with Greater Psi blade. It feels powerful but this mechanic never lets me feel like I'm making a good decision. For the uninitiated: If you have Insight up when you use Greater Psi Blade, it deals a bunch of extra damage and applies a second instance of Hold. BUT it also removes Insight. The kicker for me is that it doesn't simply remove Insight: it moves you straight to the lockout phase (a period of time where all attacks have a 0% chance of gaining insight). This is a real bummer. I had hopes this would be the ticket to avoiding lockout altogether, with optimal play revolving around using your other attacks until Lockout is nearing, and then performing a Greater Psi Blade to purge off Insight at the last moment. My current assessment: I'm clearly focusing too much on the Insight gimmick. The chance for insight isn't that high in the first place, and then the Lockout phases do their thing, so it feels like Insight is never there when you need it (namely, solo/low-man) and too easy to forget about in a full party (because there's no way that DoT will be allowed to play out fully).
  7. I'd like to get a discussion going on it so we can have a central place for SCORE to see and even feel free to weigh in. Keep it on the task at hand without a lot of noise about other new sets, please. Ideally, we'd get a thread going for every "new-to-us" power set. What are your guys thoughts and experiences with Psionic melee? What ATs were you using? For myself, I've only played on a Scrapper, paired with /Energy. Mostly solo, only ~25 now. I'm quite enjoying it, but Insight just giving additional DoT is actually pretty lame. Something like -ToHit (to simulate you reading their moves) would've been good, but I can understand how that's Dark Melee's turf. A grab-bag of effects on per-attack basis would've been nice though. In lieu of a huge creative overhaul, however, I would be thrilled with a strong but short-lived -regen and -heal while Insight is up. Getting real tired of these Freakshow healing through my DoT when I try to optimize my DPS. I'm also usually pretty annoyed at Insight Lockout. It feels like it lasts too long. A part of me says "it's there to inconvenience Fury and give you a reason to take a moment to breathe" but that doesn't really hold up to scrutiny. Anyway, your thoughts and feedback. Go!
  8. Knowing there are i24 servers out there with a zealous adherence to what the game was at shutdown? I'm with you. Bring on the changes. I'll find my nostalgia experience if I truly want it. It's literally impossible to kill at this point. I love all the polished off sets and proliferations. I feel like Sentinel is a bit bland (Assault would've been cooler than Blast) but I love the bold decision to publish it. Keep it up. Feel free to finish up those other Origin-derived pools while you're it, SCORE/Homecoming.
  9. I've been really interested in seeing Manipulation/Summon. What's interesting about it is that no matter what you choose in your primary, you're guaranteed an attack from pets (since the first summon is always Power #2, and Power #1 is something blasty). So then I figure change the progression of pets from there - instead of ending up with 3 (level -2), 2(level -1), 1 pets, you could do something like 2 (level -1), 1, 1 for pets, introducing the special ones like combat medic sooner. So you have pets, but less than a MM, and at least one guaranteed attack. And then the rest of the Manipulation sets are extremely varied and have a lot of options, so your own character is quite customizable. And then just patch the holes with a passive.
  10. https://forums.homecomingservers.com/index.php/topic,2875.60.html I'm sorry, no one's commenting on the irony of this? lol
  11. Yes, thank you, that's precisely what I'm after but worded better. It would be so nice on both sides (Ninja/beasts who don't want to exit stance, and Heroes who feel compelled to run around like a Damned Fool for ~15 levels).
  12. Ditto Beast Run. Is it at all in the cards to turn these into Prestige Sprints, ditching all the mechanical benefits of the -Runs? -Most Heroes aren't ninjas or beasts, but we typically end up giving in to the amazing early-game mobility and run around like ninjas anyway. -For characters where Ninja Run/Beast Run make sense, the unenhanceable endurance cost is crippling, typically forcing us to disable during combat. Ditto characters running Combat Jumping, etc, that are mutually exclusive to Ninja Run. -This was a necessary evil when Ninja Run came as part of a purchased add-on. Now? not-so-much. Could leave a full-statted version at the p2w, of course. But I'd rather it didn't have any animation overrides.
  13. They've fixed some stuff that was in the Live game for way longer than was reasonable.
  14. I'd like to reframe this. Instead of focusing on unintended high-level solo play, let's assume: -Low- moderate levels of optimization ("I pay attention to IOs on the market and make intelligent decisions but don't meticulously study the hero builder") -Team play. -Every team is expected to be able to take on +4s. That's the state of this legally-dead game. I think it's safe to say that is the median player in mind and expected experience most mechanics were designed around. Or close to it. So with reasonable assumptions in place, my question boils down to: Will an MM's pets contribute, outside of just being sacrifice for the alpha?
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