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Everything posted by Illuminant

  1. Sorry for not finding the 4-year-old thread before posting.
  2. Well shit. Please delete. Also though, costumes deserve a sub-forum. Would avoid this problem going forward.
  3. I used to play this game wrong and come here to talk about math Costume Thread - Let's go This is my new Shield/StJ Praetorian, can't wait to lvl him!
  4. If I donate 100 mil inf to each of you, or whatever it is that you consider "a lot," can you all just get together and make a joint promise to stop this ridiculousness? You're squabbling over rounding errors. It's just sad at this point.
  5. I acted like an idiot in this post so I'm removing it.
  6. Uhh, you can unslot and email all enhancements in the game. So maybe spend 30 minutes on the market to buy level up gear that you can email to your alts.
  7. And you've done a great job of illustrating my point. I wasn't talking about perma-hasten, I wasn't talking about softcapping anything. I was talking about the most basic IO's in the game. And the fact that it's socially acceptable in COH to act like the most fundamental IO's are anything but, is exactly the player mentality issue I'm referring to. Thank you for being such a solid unwilling guinea pig. This really worked out.
  8. By level 30, you should have your LOTG's, miracle uniques, steadfast/glad armor/shield wall 3%'s slotted, etc. Why would we want to create new systems that further encourage the weakest members of the playerbase to be unable to keep up with their peers?
  9. It's encouraging people to keep slotting vendor trash, rather than encouraging people to learn how to slot and properly build their characters.
  10. Then why are IO's in the game? And more importantly, while I have you here, what is it that you don't like about IO's? Pretty much every argument I've ever heard can be translated to "lalalala I can't hear yooooU." They're too expensive. I don't like doing math. I don't want to do research. I don't want to devote the amount of time and effort necessary to maximize my character, etc. So if player retention is the goal, why should we be catering to the lowest common denominator? There are people like myself and many others who have invested hours, months, years into this game. Shouldn't we be prioritizing how these players feel, rather than those players who can't or won't even put in enough effort to learn one of the most basic, fundamental systems in the game?
  11. It would probably be in the best interests of the game to simply remove all non-IO's, so we don't have to continue to deal with the portion of the population who aggresively defend their right to never learn the IO system. Either the IO system is a part of the game, or it isn't. The issue is that we have a substantial chunk of the posters here who think it's okay to simply not learn the end game gearing system- In the case of COH, the end game gearing system is the IO system. But the positive side of that is IO's are available as soon as level 10. They have plenty of time to learn. Maybe instead of giving them more excuses to not learn, we should be removing the barriers, ie: take non-IO's out of the game. Have generic's drop in their place. You made a point about longevity and player retention, and I agree that should be a priority. Ignoring end-game gear is not a good way to get to that point...
  12. @ArchVileTerrorIf you have something to add please feel free to chime in. Your passive aggressive "confused" reactions are getting kinda old.
  13. We're playing a game that has Kallisti Wharf completely unpopulated. No street sweeping, no missions, no nothin'. I've been waiting for the Coming Storm to come since 2012. The devs seem hell-bent on spending their time fixing stuff that isn't even broken in the first place. They've already nerfed the majority of my live characters to the point that I don't even want to play them anymore. I guess at this point, I'm just on the ground having enough of all their "improvements" and hoping that they just start to move the game forward...
  14. My point is that the devs are wasting precious development resources on optimizing and improving gray-con throwaway gear. It's a waste of their time and everyone else's. This is a good opportunity to implement more robust IO system tutorials, rather than doing what they're doing. My original point was that we already have a substantial portion of the playerbase who is not using IO's. This is further incentivizing them to not learn how to properly build their characters.
  15. The Paragon Dev's did make this argument, often. They also knew how silly it was. Why give players the means to trivialize your game and then not balance the content around this new level of power?
  16. IO's in COH *are* the end game gear. The game is already laughably easy, with people soloing Incarnate trials and MoTF badges. The reason why the game is so easy? Forum warriors have been spouting out that "gAmE iS BaLaNcED aRoUND SO's" nonsense for years. If IO's shouldn't be in the game, just take them out. To develop content as you're implying with the idea that the best gear in the game doesn't exist, is willful ignorance. And it absolutely blows my mind that such a big portion of the playerbase advocates for never learning how to properly build characters.
  17. I'm linking the lore doc that Sai referenced with the original concept for Photon Seekers. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XroAWgGCTcrqSzP5Ea_OPENsHFDNMkJdWVI-0Nmmnrc/edit Adding a side note: This doc is a great read and has more to offer than just the Photon Seekers concept I referenced. I recommend reading through it in its' entirety if you're a fellow Kheld superfan.
  18. At level 15, you can slot pretty decent generic IO's, making this new "SO Combination" method pretty pointless, right off the bat. I hate to see you guys wasting time and resources on stuff that probably shouldn't even be in the game anymore in the first place. We already have a big problem wherein a substantial amount of the playerbase think that they can play "without IO's." 😏 I've never played an MMO where so much of the community and now, even the development team, would encourage people to run around without gear on.
  19. I was able to make inf. substantially faster than farmers just by playing the market. There are multiple avenues to amassing wealth in this game and none of them are remotely challenging. You've actually punished a method here that wasn't even the most efficient one available to us. Income inequality in COH can be waved away even more easily than when people try to apply this argument to the actual economy. 1.) There is no "fixed pie," so one person accumulating wealth doesn't prevent another person from doing the same. That's a fallacy. 2.) Income inequality is more accurately termed Effort Inequality. If some players choose not to grind, that's their prerogative. But they shouldn't be surprised when their actions yield less favorable outcomes than those people who chose to apply themselves.
  20. I have unlocked the power of brawl!
  21. 10/10 would read these patch notes again. 😄
  22. You'll notice I softcapped the energy defense on the Beam build because the set has no resistance to speak of to the 3rd most common damage type in the game.. Certainly not ideal. I'm not a fan of bio armor generally speaking because it has zilch in the energy resistance department, so a few lucky shots through your defense and there's the possibility of getting stomped. On a Sentinel I find it's more palatable because you're not typically subjected to as much aggro as melee AT's, and Sentinel's damage is so anemic that offensive adaptation is a difference maker. The -regen from Parasitic also stacks with the -regen from disintegrate so there is some synergy there.
  23. The DPS on beam is actually pretty sneaky good, due to the -regen and -res built into the attacks.
  24. To be honest with you, going with the psi mastery epic pool, using damage procs in Dominate and using Mind Probe should leave you in a decent spot as far as single target damage goes. Have you considered Beam Rifle by any chance? I tested a Beam/Bio Sentinel that killed a pylon in 2:13, for 416.11 DPS. Water Blast is a great choice for AOE as well, due to the AOE's with large target caps. Here is the beam build I used for that, perhaps it will give you some ideas. 🙂 http://www.cohplanner.com/mids/download.php?uc=1539&c=730&a=1460&f=HEX&dc=78DA65945B4F134114C767BB5BA1E54E81B6D096B60A524AB72D204F4623A2468558E1D9342B2C654D699B960779F41BA8D1F8607C17357E12AF8989DC7CD378C5CB27A867E7FC219BEC269BDFCCB9CD99736666E1F65CFBCB4B77CE0AA5F37CD968348A4B6665C3AA9865EF8251B29685FDB5D03F78282F2E1A9592B9A2CF9AC67A71D15A2D9BC923D59CB96A561AA63E6B558BD7EA25A3622D17CFD5D7AB75E12F54AB657DA9669A2B1D7278D12AAD9153A95DCEE64DA34693AEC3C98A596FAC59B5F0859AB5AC1F852F34ACE282D1D830EB9B214A2943FF8794C0D754C5844788BC4F784E73CE9E0955089F26B44D8F64D0B655A4AD22CEB08D068648A7B04E2809F60B934C6599AAF62B32F6B16EB08FD91A607E245B2FE7A1799F6A24D344EB16D3FF0C7CCE6C7FC1DC4E7169C9C7D3B24539F691EE3131A089CE27CC2DB2F1710ECD2419B721FFB6B490EB76820AE93A50878E0221A989EEEBE022B37789394831BBD8D6DBF54D95B9F47E67F6FD007F32077E8107CC5DF2ED91456C7A7B5EF13E42AFC137CCC1B7E03B66E43D334EBE01D428105765DE9118C78D0DF33C1601A34C95F6D58F3DF7076910F5897848E1BE922E88FE04D19FF8558E17479F12E8D30EAD1DC69EC3598FB44964409D793C07E6419C9F24F90EE16C0CD9878E747B248B225E749BF7776207DC05F798A3FBE027E63EF90EA30EC393BCD6E814F3E434780A9C412EE493440EC949CE2B41B211A1C9382311DE772AC6754BA17E29D4753CCEFACFE43386BCC7EE723EE3F7C0FBCC8907E04330CD397C21DF347CD3330452670CBB279AC85C669B0C6A96BDC0EB65D715798EBF92AF8E5EE9E855B687996F03FF71AE03D4D71C7A9E836D1E7D8C6847F7DDBE12CDA6B8256FB557DE90719736E792E45D92299764DA259977490A1A1E13FBC590125F37BD172C691EF81DEF89D4FE714AAE70557EBBACFE3A258FF83D1BB2DF00C48D38C631C7DB50F0CBCCE4F886636C38C6371DE379BA8879F8FE079CC4FBA3 Also- Here's a Water/Bio build I threw together but never got around to testing. This should perform pretty well against ST's while also having pretty substantial AOE. http://www.cohplanner.com/mids/download.php?uc=1566&c=772&a=1544&f=HEX&dc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
  25. You should go ask Jimmy. Show him your spreadsheets! Maybe that will help. 😁
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