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Everything posted by Neofuguist

  1. Same
  2. I actually have a toon with the Rapid Response badge but wasn't granted the base teleport temp power - I'm wondering if it's broken?
  3. Makes sense, maybe some crafty clever people will make some kind of tool to help with the conversion to a more 3D print-optimized model . . . I imagine there could be more you could do with models like that besides 3D printing. *shrugs* Though I don't really know what I'm talking about lol
  4. I have no idea what kind of work would be required, but is anyone able to 3D print miniatures of player characters? I would love to have a physical representation of some of my characters.
  5. Just experienced this myself, then get a "user already logged" message when I try to log back in
  6. Truth! I named my Beam Rifle/FF corruptor Colonel Weird after a character in the Black Hammer comics, he's a grizzled retro space-faring science hero trapped between planes of existence complete with bubble helmet :)
  7. From my limited playtime with both sets I would say yes, Beam Rifle attacks have disintegration effects and good range, while Time has a lot of great slows and hold - both sets impose -Regen on enemies which is also cool.
  8. Nice! For a retro space-faring science hero trapped between worlds Beam Rifle and Force Fields make total sense :-D
  9. I would also appreciate such a guide. I believe I made a Beam Rifle/Force Field toon last night . . . though when I look at Paragon Wiki it isn't listed as a Corruptor Secondary. Either I was overtired and was actually playing a Defender, or this is something newish(?). Either way my BR/FF toon is a lot of fun :-D
  10. Also bummed I missed the opportunity to donate - looking forward to being able to in the future.
  11. Definitely encountered the same dilemma. My main on Infinity was actually a character I created as an homage to a friend who committed suicide. I decided not to recreate that character as I think recreating it would be a disservice in a way . . . hard to explain. I may recreate other old toons, but not that one.
  12. Think I was @Fugue back then too, on Infinity I mostly played as: Scout Lanpheare (lvl40) - Emp/Elec Defender Jane Troy - Ill/FF Troller Freedom Inc. - Fire/Mace Tank Knight Reign - Eng/Eng Blaster Lao Tsu - Archery/Eng Blaster I'm stoked because I found my old Toon/Server list in my email the other day :)
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