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  1. I've been testing Invisibility defense values and have notice that Invis is increasing the Psionic defense total where it shows in Invisibilties discription +DEF All except Psionics but it does increase the Psi defense value in the combat attribute stat window. Don't know if this is intended with the new Invis update?
  2. Still no news on a eta? :(
  3. Who is using the Mighty Incarnate in PvP right now to begin with? Who is using anything but Pyronic and maybe Ion. Melee is fine, CC in PvP is the problem. This discussion has already been had ad nausem. The game has always favored ranged in PvP, that isn't going to change, nor should it. The movement of this game is what makes PvP so beautiful. Melee has a place in that system, but it has always been very niche (with a bigger impact in zones and smaller scale matches than larger 8v8 formats). ***Ive been using Mighty a few times on the stalker against MM's in pvp, works bloody well, try it out for your self. Just because you don't use it in pvp or in arena doesn't mean it is not used and it defiantly does mean that because you can't think on ways to make it useful and therefore it can be scrapped who cares attitude is exactly not what to do or how to be.... actually thats the attitude that needs to stop. *** If CC in PvP or the lol lack of,.. is the problem then tell me good sir, why do you want to take away kb isnt that totally going against what you are suggesting, make up your mind please?!!! Melee is not fine right now, please stop saying that like you actually believe it, yes I do agree with you that CC would be a huge improvement. Has it been discussed has it, all finalized and signed to? Until that happens i will speak out about it and travel suppression and de-toggling when the game was still fast and team orientated and moved beautifully but it was a different beast then with a higher skill ceiling to reach, the game has speed up a little because it has been dumbed down more and made easier for special little snowflakes that melt when it gets to hot. I realize the game has always been if favor of ranged for a long time now Einstein, but not like this, as it is right now. Please who are you trying to convince here, the community or yourself? It wasn't always in favor of ranged either, melee had their time in the light. My main use to swat any squishy away like a fly. Didn't matter what it was, squishys knew to keep their distance and play smarter and with support like it should be, but now its totally reversed, tell me what is wrong with that picture?! Anyways, sorry to de-rail the thread a little, just sick of people wanting what they want and trying to pull the cover over our eyes to get it. Back to the original subject at hand.
  4. I'm still not convinced it is the right direction to go. Making it only pvp is a good idea but ranged is going to become even stronger, it also makes the Mighty incarnate option useless to the point where it might as well be deleted from the incarnate system. Ranged has far to many advantages already and doesn't seem to be stopping anytime soon, actually im rather sick of it and so are a lot of other peeps who want to play melee that isn't a stalker in pvp, didnt Sent just get a Hp buff? Where the fuck are the buffs for melee?! We need to be careful implementing shit like this because there will be repercussions, it is never as straight forward as it seems. The way the game is favoring Ranged in pvp is pretty obvious and if it keeps going the pvp player base will dwindle quickly. We need to make changes that benefit the majority, not the minority. My suggestion is to add it to the options in Arena, simple as that so when you guys are having 8 vs 8 matches you don't need to slot for KB protection. Also let me add to the PvE side. I don't see anything that will be a major issue for pve that has been raised that has not been answered in a thought-out reply and answering the concerns of the PvE community. How long has it been since pve has been a matter of life and death because of Kb, because it is just that in 8 vs 8 matches. With incarnates etc you just steam roll anything in the game, it's hardly a huge challenge, i'm just being honest and before you think im all pro pvp and ffff pve i am not. I enjoy this game as a whole, always have and still do and Im so happy to see it come back as im sure a lot of you are. I want to see it survive and flourish and it is up to all of us to make that happen.
  5. Wow don't flatter yourself Barrier, how old are you man, 13? Why and how do you think that I hate your guts?! Because you came into a convo with nothing constructive to say, so i said to sit down and shutup if you didnt? Now i hate your guts?!!! Grow up. I don't even know you, why would I hate you?! Im sorry if I upset your self entitlement Barrier but my feedback was honest and was my P.O.V and had nothing to do with hating your guts or personal in anyway shape or form. I had seen the link you put up in Discord as you wanted opinions, but it seems you only want people that you know that will side with you giving their opinions by the look of it. Oh and way to give your side of the story, to try and make me look I'm here as a part of a vendetta, seriously way to come across as a douche. We can copy and paste the convo right here if people want to know the truth instead of trying to sway public opinion of me in this thread to gain momentum in your favor. I must of hurt your precious feelings and I apologize right here and now to you. Because I haven't even giving it an after thought. Anyway, Let the discussion continue with Barriers suggestion.
  6. It doesn't though, is the problem. The issue here is sets, such as Ninjitsu, and some variants of Fire, just as examples, cannot build enough KB resist to actually be viable in certain PvP modes. Where as most builds can. This change doesn't remove KB from PvP. Anyone who knows how to PvP is already playing a build that is, effectively, immune to it in PvP. What this change does do is allow other power sets to come into the PvP world that would, otherwise, be rendered useless because of KB. Regardless of whether this change goes through, or not, does not improve the viability of KB. Anyone smart is going to pay the KB tax. However what this does do is make it so I can play Ninjitsu instead of EA on my stalker, or Fire instead of Bio on my tank. I hear you, i really do, but this is just a quick fix to the bigger problem and will not really change anything like you say. I would rather see time and resources that are available used to improve pvp in bringing back balance and not dumbing everything down even further, this feels like it is another step backwards, not forwards. I realize a suggestion is just that, a suggestion and it's good to see people discussing changes and ideas. I just really think there are many, many changes needed to the mechanics of pvp before changes like this are implemented but each to their own, people have different opinions and that is what these forums are for, to discuss possible improvements whether I agree or not so Ill leave it at that and let others have their say and opinions.
  7. Agreed, with the exception of the slow resist implications. Then why not remove Kb from pvp all together because that's exactly what this does. I mean everything else has been taken away, might as well continue the process.
  8. Sorry but I don't really agree with this. What happened to risk for reward and having to make sacrifices for your build? I don't think being able to slot your sprints with this is the way forward, it just makes it a no brainer for any build, no thought, just an easy auto 20kb protection solution. I appreciate Barrier putting this suggestion forward but, if you are going to give builds a boost like this one then you need to take something away.
  9. This is early in the Morning for me. I'll try and get out of bed for this as it looks like fun. ;D But if I don't make it i didn't get out of bed because I had to much to drink the night before... obviously. Global: @ Lucious Lucious Psi: Psi/EA Stalker Lucious The Eternal: EM/EA Brute
  10. Hows that vid coming along with the vianle melee? : P
  11. I didn't read every post here so do not know if these have been suggested but to list some ideas that could maybe work and make them unique and a valuable member of any team in PvE/PvP.... Give tanks a guard mechanic that they can swap from team mate to team mate when ever they want? What ever team mate they choose to guard, that team mate then receives a % reduced damage if he/she is within 100ft of the tank for example. Give Tanks the only reliable way to taunt and hold aggro on Hero's/AV's. Make them immune to taunt ( pvp ). Can carry more enhancements and/or have access to unique team buffing enhancements. Just my 2 cents...
  12. Omg I don't want to even think about I13 and the pvp changes. I stopped playing soon afterwards. It absolutely killed energy melee as they changed Energy Transfers animation, grrrr make me angry and sad just thinking back to then, sooooo much time invested and it was all destroyed overnight.
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