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Everything posted by Bananiac

  1. I will be sending The Devious Distiller. Still work in progress, I keep you posted... EDIT: He turned out as a Water/Pain Corruptor. Gotta level him a little bit to get the feels, but like him already!
  2. I may be 5-10minutes late today, sorry. ...
  3. Merry christmas etc. to all! I have been tempted to follow the exemplary example of The Dame and go 4th of July as well. I present to you: Captain Shieldbearer My 1st Street Justice, which I enjoy tremendously! And a great fit for the concept. Haven't bothered with the Bio, I guess you all know his story well enough 😉 I just hope the GenericHero-inator doesn't hammer him! He's only lvl14 now, so as much as I got to like him, I will still stick with Mr O'Hallows for the TF later. C Ya there! B.
  4. I'll pitch in the 4th! Enough to justify a May-themed holiday anyways... May the 4th be with you!
  5. Worthy Cause! All the best for that!
  6. For now, I will make a reservation for Mr O'Hallows (Fire/Plant Controller). Will have to check Family schedule for the 26th, if I will actually be able to make it for the run. Anyway, looking good so far, will keep you posted...
  7. Absolutely! Foes were falling like flies! I gotta be honest with myself: I suspect it had something to do with incredible de-/buffing and wasn't consequence of genius combination of powersets and excellent, coordinated gameplay on my part 😌 Felt super powerfull anyhow, and had lots of fun just (more or less) mindlessly blasting away! And as usual, looking at the action shots and costume close ups is big part of the fun here for me! Thx for this! Will add a few when I find the time to sort through my folders.
  8. Sounds promising again. Put me down with BLACK ICE REZ, a lvl19 Psy Blaster right now. Am sure to have him higher for next week. I may switch to DROIDICA MK2, lvl36 Arrowblaster. Will decide spontaneously, depending on how I feel. Both are fitting the Black/White thing here perfectly.
  9. A few impressions from last week that I promised. I think there was some switching of toons involved in between...
  10. Good hunting, folks! Hope to join you again next week. Looking forward to the pics and a story or two about who drew first blood etc.! 🙂
  11. Probably won’t make it this weekend, partly due to lack of any ice toon in that level range, partly because I am not sure I will be finished with other things that day. My icy stuff is all still pretty much in their baby shoes...
  12. Really good shots here, @Midnyte! Thanks for taking the effort, as usual! 🥇 And we really burnt through the bosses with all the tankiness and DPS that the melee toons brought. Babbage literally melted down before our eyes, I have never seen him go down THIS fast! Another thought, looking at these pics: I don't know about you, but I am still very much amazed about how well the grafix still hold up in this game today! I have the greatest respect for the Devs for creating this. From the looks in the costumes, the mind-blowing diversity of the character creator (including the fantastic choices and looks of the powersets and ATs), the animations of the toons and powers, the different opposing factions... even the city scapes still are good enough for me to feel immersed, although the streets got a strange Downtown-Detroid-vibe, if you know what I mean 😁. Not many a game out there that would be comparable!
  13. I will be there, but lemme check which powersets are still available. I will bring something fitting! Sooo... I narrowed down to a few choices. That wasn't easy, man! There are so many... My favorite would be Panzer Sarge - Shield / Super Strength Tank. But that would mean we double on Shields (albeit on a tank in this case). Clean option would be Elric Stormbringer - Broadsword / Dark Brute. @Jaxman100, I let you decide. Both need some love, anyways. This is becoming a regular on my schedule, I am looking forward to seeing you there, Guys!
  14. That was exactly my first thought as well when reading this! 😁
  15. If you still got a spot, I would like to join with Flying Nightingale, Emp/DP Defender. And the theme is interesting, wouldn't have thought of something like that!
  16. I actually wouldn't have noticed ... Sorry for unmasking this 🙂
  17. And just because it turned out so nicely: Showcasing the toy I bought her for going 2nd in that costume contest recently. Felt like going cape here was more appropriate than wings 😋
  18. And here, Trixie... I caught you in a special moment: 🎂🥂😁
  19. Just a few added impressions. Unfortunately we didn't catch all the different toons switching in and out. But I think what is good to see is the Theme Team's strong embrace of the theme here 🙂 Again, an impressive showing of creativity, both in looks and reads. One of the things to look forward for me is getting surprised what you guys come up with when we actually meet each time 🥳
  20. That was beautiful today! A very ... diverse... representation of the fairy nation! 😁 Great looks everyone, and an absolutely smashingly efficient team! Will work on the pictures I took and upload in a few days. Really good fun again!
  21. Just a couple shots from last week...
  22. I rolled another toon that would fit in nicely. Its Icebloom Djinn, a Storm/Ice Defender. Now you may ask: "Why did you do that, Bananiac? You have plenty of choices already?" 🤓 The answer to that of course is: I don't need a reason, I just need a Theme! 😇 I may still go for Demolishia though, as TinkerBOOM is already beyond lvl20 now, and for DFB bringing more Ooomph is surely no mistake.
  23. So I will either send TinkerBOOM (a Tank, obviously) or Demolishia (a Brute, similarly obviously). Depending on the evolution of the team composition, I may also just roll a new toon on Indom. I am having ideas...
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