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Everything posted by Bananiac

  1. Holy St Patrick, I hadn't even noticed the 4 trays on the top before and was completely confused what you were talking about until I double checked the pic again! 🤩 I stand in awe before this kind of dedication 😲
  2. @TrixieKixx Hey Trix, for next week I would like to register Gin Toxic, a Psi / Poison Corruptor (I think...). In proper Irish Greens attire, of course! Created for the Drinks Theme, I find him very fitting for the occasion.
  3. Just dragging the schedule a little bit to the front so I don't have to go looking for it every time...
  4. Team didn't seem to be too impressed by Positrons epic monologue... Aaaaand... did I mention that I really like how that water/magma effect turned out?
  5. So, this is some more impressions from the fiery fire funtainment frenzy. I would say every picture tells a story 🙂 As ready as we are ever going to be 🙂
  6. Talking about colors of the rainbow, what happemed to Miss Skittles?!? I was more or less counting on her showing up again at this theme 🙂
  7. Looks like Team is full for now and all the bases are covered. So I will be on standby this time, hawking for a spot if anybody drops out. @TrixieKixx put me as a backup pls. I have DROIDICA MK2 ready and waiting. One of my small elite band of toons 😇 in the right lvl range. And she is kinda color agnostic, I think I can make her work with any of the colors on the fly and still be looking cool. 😎
  8. Thx for the heads up, Nyte! I admire your very systematic approach to this, and the helpful advice! I am still at a stage where many of these things actually are new to me 👍 Have fun at the office, for me it is exactly the other way raund today. Hopefully I will be able to log off early today and get a few missions in by the evening. Had a new group starting with All-Fire/Rad-Controllers yesterday, which was ridiculously effective... Stop Motion Central! And somewhere around lvl 7 to 9 we also started to generate something resembling what you could call recognizeable damage lol... I am also looking forward to saturdays burning down the house event! 🔥🔥🔥
  9. @TrixieKixx This will be some hot crazyness with all those fire FXs stacked on each other! We will leave a trail of scorched earth behind us GOING FORWARD! 🥳 That being said, what I am thinking about doing here is signing up with Magmatron, a Water / Thermal Corruptor. Now hear me out, you ask yourself why would I bring Water Blast to a fire theme? This is (as the name may imply) a character I created with something like a living volcano in my mind. And on my way of speccing it out I found that a mix of red and orange on those water powers looks absolutely fabulously magma-like, much better than anything you could find anywhere within the fire-sets. And as I just noticed, he got thermal manipulation, which qualifies him for the theme anyway 😆 Anyway, my new favorite toy right now, and looking forward to running it in together with you guys!
  10. I only got a few worthwhile pics in, but here we are. Doesmn't bother me at all that we didn't get the entry and exit shots this time. It was a fun learning experience for me, I definitely didn't do this one before! And this is for sure something that one needs to be aware of what is needed going in. Great effort, guys! It was well worth it! I found it was great having a spontaneous pick-up to join our team... I think 😇 Or was this somebody from our channel? I seem to remember we had 2 fresh faces when we started... I also never did a TF before with such an army of bots rampaging through the caves 😄
  11. Man, you seem to have some busy days these days. Hope things get back to (more) normal soon... or what goes for normal nowadays.
  12. Looking shiny, Trix! Got quite the feminine touch to it, for a Murder Killer Deathbot! 🙂
  13. @TrixieKixx I would revisit Black Ice Rez for this, my Psy / Mind Blaster. Not quite a Robot as such. But "a sentient AI in a crystalite-metallic bodyframe". I hope we can make that count 🙂 I may need to respec this one some of these days, not quite impressed with the perfomance of this set. I have the nagging feeling this could also be a consequence of always being broke and not affording the badass enhancements to make it the 1-man-army it rightfully should be 😇
  14. No, she doesn't qualify for Citadel yet, unfortunately. Consider it more of a "study" 🙂
  15. Ah, never mind... At least they let me keep the outfit! I moved server and her name is now Betty Bondagebunny. Let's see where that takes her. 😁
  16. I may have pushed a little too far with another original concept that I have been building for this... Let me present to you: The Bondage Faerie Now more commonly known as "GenericHero836594"... 😇
  17. Hey @TrixieKixx, I think I am switching to Lilac, Dark/Rad Controller. I like her color scheme better with the valentines colors. Looking forward to saturday! I am very curious about the line-up 🙂
  18. Some more impressions from saturdays run
  19. I am signing up Icebloom Djinn, Strom/Ice Defender. She definitely needs some love! 🙂
  20. Now, I actually managed to get Forlorne to lvl45 yesterday. So she would be ready and waiting @TrixieKixx Brief update: I managed to lvl up Forlorne to 45 yesterday, and she is ready and waiting for Recluse. Still can't promise to be there in time today, and if I do I'm not sure how much of a help I will be at lvl45 when the going gets tough 🙂 I am willing to do my part anyway...
  21. Yesterday during the weekly All-Archer Session on Reunion I checked in my 2nd ever toon at lvl50! Altoholism is strong in this one, as you all know! So this is a REALLY REALLY BIG achievement for me. But I had a ton of fun along the way with this one! Anybody got a good idea about how to build Incarnate? Arch/TA/Elec Blaster...
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