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About MacguyverBond

  • Birthday 01/01/1004
  1. Some things happened, I’m grinding away but not 100% sure I can get there in time, don’t hold my spot if it’ll hold everyone else back.
  2. I should be good by then for sure, what time zone are we reckoning by?
  3. I remember crowding at times before, haven’t had too much trouble with Miss Liberty myself, though I have noticed it be pretty busy at times. Courtesy definitely should be a thought though. Especially for those of us who returned from playing the game that long ago. (Not saying ya’ll are old but I certainly have added some lines)
  4. You do need to be invited OR know the name, assuming they’re not private only. I know we have a few on Excelsior, some of which I’m even part of. In our case, on Excelsior at least, people have posted at least some of them in our Shard-relevant forum here.
  5. Hear hear! There’re so many mission arcs I never fully experienced and I was sad when I realized I had to go looking for the Hollows because none of my starting contacts across 4-5 characters referred me to the officer there. Still kicking myself for outleveling my main past the Hollows entirely doing other stuff. I’m very carefully running a reimagined old alt through the Hollows just to see it all again, only this time with Ninja Run haha.
  6. If I can get up there level-wise by then I’d love to revisit Quarterfield’s shenanigans. I’d definitely be on my scrapper.
  7. Then you talk to Vic.
  8. Nice one, I never managed to pull off anything that crazy haha.
  9. Hovering everywhere on my Claws/SR scrapper I originally made on Guardian, very first toon. Tights with a mask and hood everything was Spider-Man Blue&Red, but yeah I got Hover unlocked and didn’t turn it off for an hour. I made 2-3 random alts in every server but eventually Liberty mostly became my home. Don’t even remember that first toon’s name, but I remember floating around like The Dwead Piwate, claws out, taking potshot swings at Hellions below me.
  10. It leaves an ache in my heart knowing the great one is gone, but it is soothed a bit by the knowledge that in memoriam here his avatar stands, ever vigilant to watch Positron's back while he waits for that phone call. Thanks to the wonderful developers of this game and the amazing community that has breathed new life into it again!
  11. I am a fan of this.
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