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Everything posted by Tahliah

  1. We had such a fun night! I do agree with this part, though. We started as an all-plant troll team and happily accepted plant doms who were interested in our all-plant troll awesomeness, but we are slowly moving out of that, with far too many random ATs, and it's a good plan to get back to our roots. An all-plant troll/dom team with blasters, MMs, tanks, and whatever is obviously no longer an all plant troll (and dom) team. And, frankly, it is no longer fun to run on as a plant troll. The whole point is that it's all plant trolls (and doms). If it's just a mish-mash of whatever ATs, I'm going to want to run my main (a blaster, not a plant troll I made specifically to run on an all-plant troll/dom team). I can run on teams consisting of whatever ATs in any hour of any day of any week. But I can only run on an ALL PLANT TROLL / DOM team on Tuesdays (and now on Thursdays, too!). That is how it must be going forward. Yes, we can pick up non-trolls for the occasional tf, to fill a team, but that has to be the limit going forward. Otherwise, we are no longer an all plant troll/dom team and have no reason for meeting up each week. What do you all think?
  2. Either is just fine, VV! We're starting a new batch of seedlings for those who missed the first run to 50 and are interested in doing it now. It's part of our plan to grow our all plant troll/dom BAF team. I'm running a lvl 2 plant/nature troll for this one, but you can roll a new toon or bring your incarnate. Either way, you'll get good stuff beyond the awesome good fun of an all-plant troll / dom team: xp, etc. for lowbies, and incarnate shards/threads/xp to unlock incarnate powers for level 50s.
  3. I think an SG-sponsored costume contest is a great idea! While we only want plant/ trolls (and doms) running on plant troll nights, we can get the word out with a costume contest open to all ATs who want to get gussied up in a Parks and Wreck-themed costume contest. Anything planty or nature-related would be great! In fact, I can't wait to see the costume creations! I've never run one, but I've attended quite a few and have even entered a time or two (I won a pity prize from one judge for my candy-cane inspired costume; this was back when I first started playing, and I was SO happy that she really liked it even though I didn't place in the actual contest--she gave me a million infl, and I was beyond excited. It seemed like SO MUCH cash at the time. Heh.) Anyway, I will be happy to judge if we are short on judges, I'm not super creative in my own costumes, but I can spot awesome in a flash. @Gregg247is super good with costumes, so maybe he'll be interested in judging? I think AP is probably best just because it's the most full and we may get interest from people who aren't entering the cc? I don't think the base is a good choice, the logistics of that would be a nightmare. We should definitely think about a good day and time, hopefully one that is good for our planters who live in the UK and Europe. Maybe a weekend afternoon? Or maybe with the global shutdowns, day/time isn't that key at the moment? What days/times work for everyone? While we can't enter ourselves, we should all show up in our planty best and do the meet and greet thing to promote our sg. We will likely at some near point do some more sg-related stuff with non-plant trolls / doms. We had that before, but it kind of died out at that time. But a lot of us have planty or Parks and Wrecky non-trolls (my /plant blaster is awesome fun to run, and I have a water blaster (or maybe corr) that is also super fun and falls under the Parks and Wreck theme). I could also move my beasts/nature MM over to Parks and Wreck, too, if we start something up. Just tossing out ideas and getting off the costume contest track, yikes! So we need more P&W crew to donate to the cc cause (if you are able, it's not required). That way we can give decent payouts for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. (not a freaking billion like bigger, more established sgs do!). Maybe one day, but not this time. [Edit to add for clarity: YES, @VV, please organize the costume contest and THANK YOU so much for doing so and for all of your efforts on behalf of the sg. You rock! To any Parks and Wreck sg members wishing to donate to the costume contest kitty, just email your donation to @V.V in-game (that is VV's global, be sure to include the single period between the V's. You may want to send a test email to her to make sure you have the right email address. Like a dummy, I sent the influence and the "ooops, hope this is the right email" in the same email. Happily, I had it right!).]
  4. Oh, good point! I'll add it to the OP right after this message. 🙂 I'm so sorry you can't make either SG day/time, but yes, definitely get on the channel and shout out if you are looking for a team. We have had some amazingly fun impromptu plant teams on "off" nights/times, and we'll often use it to fill tfs or whatever on our non-Parks and Wreck alts. We're running the ITF tonight at 9 p.m. EST, but if you can't make that, lots of us are often on . . . . and if no one responds to Parks and Wreck chat, just send that global a tell. A lot of us have crazy altitis and may have forgotten to add the Parks and Wreck chat channel to every new roll. (Okay, that may just be me, but I do forget sometimes, especially if I'm just rolling a new toon because I thought of a great name/concept and then just park it in AP for forever. LOL). We may also dust off alts from pre-Parks and Wreck chat days and not have it added to our chat window. In short, don't be shy. Everyone in the Parks and Wreck sg / crew is amazingly friendly and helpful.
  5. Oh, those people. Yeah, I wouldn't ignore over that (even briefly), but that is a sure-fire indication that this is a team leader who is not a people person and may be abrasive throughout the tf. Like you, I would just ignore anything s/he said in the tf. :P I think it's perfectly reasonable to ask if you can join the TF, they fill super quickly (unless they're super long shard ones), after all, so there might be no room left. I like it when people ask me a question or write a complete sentence rather than just send "me" or "[insert name of tf]," neither of which is bad, but it's nice when people take a second to be polite (and do more than effectively grunt at me, heh).
  6. Friendly gardening reminder time for our weekly plant Troll (and Dom) teams. Tuesday (tonight!) Tonight we will meet at 9 p.m. EST in Cim on Excelsior for the Weekly Strike, the ITF. Our crew does this tf a lot because it's freaking awesome good fun, goes pretty fast, and is a good return for our investment. And did I mention that it's freaking awesome good fun? Heh. As it's the Weekly Strike, we will earn the Notice of the Well for our Incarnate builds, plus always welcome and delicious double merits. The ITF requires a minimum level of 35. Following the ITF, we will be running PI radios or tips, and any level planter can join those. Thursday (April 23) On Thursday, we are starting a brand new batch of seedlings! We will be starting at lvl 1, or lvl 2 if you complete the tutorial, but if you are a higher level, you are welcome to join us, too! This is open to all existing Parks and Wreckers as well as to anyone who wants to give an all plant troll (and dom) team a try--you won't be disappointed, even at low levels, an all-plant troll/dom team is amazing! If you have a new plant troll (or dom) or want to roll one to run with us, we will be meeting on Thursday at 9 p.m. EST on Excelsior in Atlas Park. We'll run the DFB a couple of times and then head over to Kings Row for some mission arc fun and wreckage. Joining either plant troll team night is easy: just send a tell to me @Tahliahor to our Parks and Wreck sg leader @GreenAx, join our Parks and Wreck chat channel and let anyone there know you want on the team and/or join the sg, or just show up in Cim on Tuesday or in AP on Thursday and shout out or send any plant troll/dom you see a tell. Any one of us will be thrilled to welcome you to our plant troll festivities.
  7. Hee! Awesome wake up call, Sovera, and you are so right. I tend to be a bit dramatic and over the top, and I kind of hate that part of me (though it is fun in rhetorical / intellectual terms, it can hurt people). I think it just boils down to the black and white of an anti-KB ignore . . . being, oddly and unironically, countered by the black and white of a pro-KB defense. In that sense, I appreciate your balance on this and think you bring good perspective to those of us (erm, me!) who have let perspective slip away as we counter blanket anti-KB diatribes. Of course we have all seen KB screw something up or even lead, however tangentially, to a team wipe. But we have also seen crappy tanks/brutes/whatevers claim that the whole reason they suck is . . . . KB. That's not right, either. But yeah, KB is not the Second Coming, but it's also not the Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse. (I giggled at your "Karen," but I'm not that, of all things. I don't think I have ever reported a player for anything, either on live or here. :P)
  8. Both of these situations sound horrible, Sleepymoth. I can't even begin to understand what makes people think it's okay to harangue others like this. As an aside, I have no idea at all what a cellphone emote is . . . and don't even care! If someone is that uptight about something stupid like this, I tend to give the benefit of the doubt. A cellphone emote makes someone crazy? Naw, there's something else going on there, so I just stop the conversation (temp ignore if need be to shut it down) and then unignore laters. Life is short, crazy people whinging on about emotes are not worth wasting a moment on. :) That second person you describe is a horror show that I'd ignore, too, with a note reminding me why, and a one star for good measure (since I'd unignore him at some point but would avoid teaming with him again unless on a trial or something where he would have lots of targets for self-inflated venom).
  9. Hmm, good point I did ask why people ignore other players, and you responded. Of course it's my fault you hate KB and were forced to show your limitations as a player in this thread.. Here's an idea, play a toon with KB. Just play it, to lvl 30 or so. Then come back and tell me how I triggered you with my triggery trigger OP (about ignore lists, not your weird little fetishes). Actually, I'm not angry, I think you are a substandard thinker and a substandard player. I think anyone scared of KB is substandard, unimaginative, and useless. I don't think I've said anything to the contrary. I would be ashamed to be like you: a lazy, rigid, robot player who blames everyone else for their own glaring weaknesses. But that's just me? You probably haven't seen me on Excelsior because I am on your ignore list for using Nem Staff in Frostfire at level 15 or something. That damn KB is the evil that palgues the planet. Grrrr.
  10. Some people hate KB, no argument there. And it sounds like you have sussed out some great places to land when HC refuses to remove KB (because it's an awesome power that is awesome). Buh-bye, hit that private server where KB is banned. Door, butt, keep going. That seems to be your cup of weak tea. But that's not surprising, is it? Given your whole weak tea persona. In fact, I recommend creating a toon, asap, called Weak Tea. In your bio, you can specify how you cannot adapt to team dynamics, how you cannot work with anyone using KB effectively (and to your own advantage), and how KB makes you want to flop to the floor and flail your pudgy wittle fisties and stubby wittle tootsies until you are blue in your authoritarian wittle face-y. My global is @Tahliah, and the one thing I never thought would become of a thread about "ignore" lists is my very deep and abiding desire that you quickly and forever ignore me. I have Nem Staff; I am evil beyond all words and reason. Dude, I can't believe I've found the one person in the entire game that I would not have on a Rikti/Zombie/Nem league. But silver linings and all that! :P
  11. We had a weedy, creepery-filled time on Heather Townsend's arc of planty wreckage in Dark Astoria this week. We had a total of 10 planters show up, plus one Brute, and we were delighted to welcome our newest Parks and Wreck plant crew member Violet. As we had more than eight actual plant trolls/doms, we ended up running a plant-themed brute on one of the teams. It was weird, but kind of different and thus interesting! So we started with two teams of five, one headed up by Irresponsible Creeper (i.e. @GreenAx) and the other by Penni (I think, it may have been her hubby). Anyway, they went off and did their thing (I think also DA mishes), and we did ours. The best news of all is that Good Seed finally rejoined us a bit after we all started. It was so amazing and wonderful to see her back with us, and of course, there was much celebration! (and of course my team snagged her first, lol! :P) We did the Heather Townsend arc, and it was a blast. We melted through everything and had an awesome, lux and beautiful gardening time . . . um, as it turned out, lots of times. The final mish in that arc must be played by each player, so we did it again and again. And again. And once again. Personally, I didn't mind. As a newly-minted 50, I need every incarnate shard, thread, imperial merit, that I can get, and that final mish drops them like candy. Besides, it's a short mish, and easy for all plant trolls/doms (plus our oddball Brute). After that, we ended the night early. Really early. But it's all good, that gave us time to ponder our incarnate builds and stuff like that. For some reason, I can't get Print Screen to work on my laptop for screenshot captures, so I've been relying on our ever-fabulous sg leader @GreenAxfor screenies, but he didn't take any last week. No worries, though! If you have a screenshot of our wonderful plant adventures, please post it . . . funny captions or context statements are an added bonus! 😛 So next week's weekly strike is the ITF, so we will be doing that to ensure that our newly-incarnate planters get the Notice of the Well needed to build their incarnate power trees. The double merits don't hurt, either. Heh. Hopefully, we will have enough planters for a second team to run lower level missions for those not yet lvl 35, but if not, don't despair! We'll be doing PI radio and/or tip missions after the ITF, and every planter of any level can join those. We will be meeting next Tuesday at 9 p.m. EST in Cim on Excelsior, so if you are interested in joining our ongoing plant adventures, please do! Your plant troll (or dom) is more than welcome, no matter your level! Show up in game next Tuesday, send our Parks and Wreck sg leader @GreenAx or myself @Tahliah a tell in game or in forum at any time, or join our Parks and Wreck chat channel at any time and shout out, anyone there will be happy to get you added to the team and/or sg. ANNOUNCING: Plant Troll (and Dom) Thursdays With @VVdoing such amazing recruiting, and so many of us having low level planters, we thought it's time to add a second all plant-troll/dom team night for those who are not yet 50. The 50s are itching to do high level stuff, so we need something for our new recruits, for our not-yet-50s, and for our own planty alts. Do you feel that you "missed out" on our lvl 1-50 plant nights? Do you want to see how amazing all-plant teams are while leveling? You can read about our first 1-50 adventures in this thread, and that's great! But think about it! You can take part in our next adventures starting on Thursday, April 23, 2020 at 9 p.m. EST on Excelsior. We will be meeting in AP for the DFB, and moving from there to Kings Row (we did the Hollows last time, so we are taking a different path this time!). I'll be running the first toon I made for this whole plant troll team adventure: Meadow Creeper. She's (still) a lvl 2 plant/nature troll, and I'm so ridiculously excited to use that combo after watching its complete awesomeness in the hands of Termite. She'll likely never reach his levels of awesome, but I am so eager to try this combo! Who knows, maybe Termite is up for running a /kin! LOL So the plan for the Thursday group is to stick to content, including TFs, so we'll hit Posi at lvl 8+ and etc. We did Striga last time, so we will skip that for Talos, and we will definitely not do Croatoa. Yikes. (LOL, the horrors of that are still with me!) Note: you do not need a new roll for this new Thursday night plant troll/dom adventure, but if you have one or want to create one, now is the perfect time! But you can also run your existing planter of any level. After all, incarnates will still earn incarnate drops, xp, and the like, so you can keep building your Parks and Wreck Tuesday star if you wish! Or you can run your 10/20/30/40-something planter who still needs the TFC tfs or just for the wild and beautiful fun of being a part of an all-plant troll (and dom) team. Honestly, this is something that is so much awesome. It's gorgeous to see, amazingly effective, and just plain fun! Your plant troll (or dom) is more than welcome, no matter your level! Show up in game next Thursday, send our Parks and Wreck sg leader @GreenAx or myself @Tahliah a tell in game or in forum at any time, or join our Parks and Wreck chat channel at any time and shout out, anyone there will be happy to get you added to the team and/or sg. NOTE: There is no requirement at all to be present on both the 50s Troll Tuesday and on the Thursdays Troll leveling team. You can do one, the other, both, or neither.
  12. Yep. Sorry if I wasn't clear about getting that! I am a HUGE KB fan and don't get people's visceral hatred for it. There are awesome players who make amazing use of KB, and I would never one-star a player for having it or using it. The one-star that makes sense is the one for the anti-KB whiners who have no idea at all what they are talking about and are painting with broad brush a power that is immensely useful and effective.
  13. I think that's a good solution that doesn't involve "ignoring" a player but that let's us know who is going to whinge and whine about everything from Nemesis Staff to Hurricane. I've seen players use KB in hugely effective ways, and I've seen players who are still learning how to use the power effectively, and of course, I've seen players who don't yet understand that the power is manageable and can play well on any team. All are fine in my book. One-starring the players who cannot adapt to KB powers [as a viable, incredibly useful part of this game] is a good compromise. As a bit of background, I personally don't use much KB, though I do get Nem Staff and make good use of it early on as a squishy KBing baddies back toward the melee toons. I play a lot of /kins, too, and KB and /kins don't make good partners . . . unless they do. An aware player with KB can kick a target right to my door, and I can heal the whole team or the squishy second row in a flash. I've seen some awesome uses of KB, and I can't understand ignoring someone for using a power that is so very very useful.
  14. The contrarians are those who have chosen to despise a power that is a part of the game, a power that IS and HAS ALWAYS been used effectively and well. That said, there is nothing wrong with you not liking KB, with your refusing to "hear" about it, or even with your refusing to team with players who have it as a viable and perfectly useful power they have chosen to keep as it is and not waste a slot on creating their character for your and your ilk's foot-stompy preferences. What is bizarre (not wrong, just bizarre) is your claim that a player with KB is a "griefer." I'm not sure that word means what you think it means.
  15. Oooh, the someone doesn't slot "properly" (as I want them to) ban. That's a good one. Knockback is actually very useful when solo and on many teams, so this "the only way to slot any KB is with KD" fake self-inflated player invented "rule" is just the type of elitist "do as I sayism" that makes me crazy. If you can't manage to adapt to an AT effectively using KB, that is on you as a weak, uninspired, rigid player. I would welcome your "ignore" . . . unless you're trying to get a team together for a Nem/Rikti/Zombie raid, then who cares how simplistic a player you are?
  16. We missed our weekly recap this week, so I'll quickly breeze through it. We rocked. We wrecked. We creepered and vined and buffed and debuffed our way through the Incarnate intro arc in Ouro, and then those of us who hadn't yet done the PI-to-DA solo arc went ahead and did that. Then we were all off to a very wrecky ITF in which we ruled. Of course. So this week, er, tonight, we are going to be picking up in DA with the first contact there, Heather Townsend. All level planters can join us in our DA incarnate adventures, and we will TP you to each mission to keep you safe (like the old days of PLing in PI). If we have a lot of lower level planters, we can always switch to the weekly strike--Synapse--for the Notice of the Well; incarnates need it to fill out their incarnate power tree, and lower levels need it for merits, xp, and maybe toward the Task Force Commander accolade, so it's a win-win. Our delightful and extroverted @VVis working on recruiting new planters to help us build up to an all-plant BAF, but in the meantime, we are moving forward with our fabulous all-plant gorgeous wreckage. We will be meeting tonight, Tuesday, at 9 p.m. EST in Dark Astoria on Excelsior, so if you are interested in joining our ongoing plant adventures, please do! Your plant troll (or dom) is more than welcome, no matter your level! Show up in DA tonight, send our Parks and Wreck supergroup leader @GreenAx or myself @Tahliah a tell in game or in forum, or join our Parks and Wreck chat channel and shout out, anyone there will be happy to get you added to the team and/or sg. It's very easy, and our crew is amazing.
  17. OMG, sorry I missed this, VV. You are the rockingest. What level is your planter friend? We will be sure to do non-level locked stuff for any new planters, so let us know.
  18. Oh, I'm so sorry that happened to you Jacke! This is one of the reasons I avoid running PuGs, people reply not just to LFG and via private tells but in local broadcast and who knows what list chat. It's hard to keep up, but I tend to write PST to let people know to send me a tell so I can keep up with the requests. If they still broadcast, local, LFG, and I happen to see it, I'm happy to add them, but if I miss it, I don't feel too badly since I was specific about how to let me know. Ignoring someone for missing a tell/global/local whatever request is a bit nuts . . . more nuts? Being a snarky butthurt whiner and sending a sarc tell to "thank" you. This person ignoring you is probably a gift. Be grateful. :P
  19. This I love love love! As I said in my OP, I do rarely (super rarely) add notes about players who tick me off (and more recently also about the ones I love being on a team with but haven't' interacted enough with to global friend--that's a whole other topic! I got to where I had no clue who 70% of my global friends were and just stopped adding them indiscriminately. Anyway,) I have also changed my notes and ticked players way up when I get to know them better and have run with them (and learned that their dog had died that day, and they were super sad and had one tee many martoonis and lashed out . . . or whatever). Having an open mind is so key not only to finding good people to run with but to be being a good person to run with. Bravo!
  20. LOL, those are some crazy players, but ignore is a bit tough on stupid. That said, there was this one guy back on live who joined a Shard tf and afk'd to make sandwiches. I kid you not. I ignored him then and would STILL have him on ignore now, like ten years later. That level of self-involved stupid just can't be explained away.
  21. Bwahaha! This made me laugh. Out loud. As an aside (and as a boomer), I'd say unignore them. They'll outgrow it. We did. :P
  22. This made me laugh! I am exactly the same way! I can never remember why someone was ignored, so I just unignore them. I'm sure if there was a real reason, I'd remember . . . but I never do, so I assume there was no real reason. :P Usually, I do it just to clear up chat where they are being stupid, offensive, trollish, but once that has passed, who cares? Stupid people can still run awesome toons.
  23. You are one of the sweetest, bestest people in our whole community, Emmy. I am not at all surprised that you are so gracious and kind; it's what you do. ❤️
  24. So the strangest thing happened a bit ago, and I am still sort of half-laughing at, half-bemused by it. Someone goes on LFG for a Nemesis raid (omg, I love these things! Such a nice break from Rikti and Zombies, though I love those, too), and says send a tell blah blah Nem raid. So I do. Nothing. So I try a second time. A second time nothing. Weird, right? So I get the dude's global and check my notes, and sure enough, I had a little note about something I thought was weird about an earlier interaction. No big deal, really, and I didn't ignore him over it. In short, he had been seeking players for some kind of something, and I had sent a tell saying that if there was still room, I would switch toons. We all do that ALL the time, right? Well, snippy pants sends back a tell saying that he doesn't "take reservations." You know the type. Anyway, this exchange landed me on this guy's ignore list (prolly rightly so, as I may have been less than diplomatic about his "no reservations" policy"). That part is fine with me, actually, since I was peeved enough to write a note, a thing I RARELY do, it must have been a hot exchange. Apart from my note, though, I have zero memory of this ever happening. Anyway, so the whole thing (no, I didn't get to join the Nem league, sniffle) got me thinking about the Ignore list and how we all use it. Mine is currently empty, though I do occasionally ignore people for over-the-top annoying, inappropriate, and otherwise offensive chat (in help, LFG, wherever). I do, though, go back and unignore them at some point, thus my empty ignore list. There is literally no player in this game that I would not be on a league with for a Nem/Rikti/Zombie invasion. Good grief, who cares who's on those teams/leagues? Heh. My feeling is that everyone has bad days and can behave badly on any given day. Who hasn't? Someone's dog may have died, they may have just lost their job, they may have been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, they may be drunk, high, or whatever. These--and a million other--things can make people behave abnormally for them, so if my only experience with a player is a bad one, I tend to give the benefit of the doubt. Who knows what is going on with them, right? Likewise, if a player is new now, they won't be in six months or a year or ten, so what mistakes they might make now don't make them a "bad" player forever. That tank can't hold mobs! IGNORE! What if you happened upon that tank while he was still learning the ropes and happened to suck because we all suck at any AT that is totally new to us? That tank may be a freaking brickhouse by their third respec at 50 with incarnate. I see no plus in ignoring people for stuff like this. Who knows, a melee star may be running their first ever blaster . . . and totally muck it up. Dude is a bad blaster but a kickbutt tank/brute/scrapper, right? Why would I cut that off with ignore because they failed to meet my expectations on that AT at that moment? Am I just too forgiving and open? Should I ignore every crappy [insert AT] on principle? On another note, does someone who thinks differently [insert whatever ideological position that is not my own] automatically become a bad teammate, a bad player, a horrible tank/blaster/troll/whatever? Should I limit my teaming possibilities by ignoring everyone who doesn't think as I think or play as I play? What about those players who hurt my feelz? Should I just ignore everyone except the four people I like best to run with? Heh, I'm getting a bit carried away as I am wont to do, but I truly am curious about what prompts people to ignore other players and if that's a life sentence (i.e. you never revisit your ignore list to remove people from it). What say you?
  25. I'll chime in here for demons, too. I like /kin or /dark with them. If the noise of demons is your only qualm, just create macros to silence them. I like to get mine to eat (they bring out this giant bone and just keep eating on it) or to salute (they just stand at attention, saluting). Sometimes I have them play magic tricks or read books. You only need to use this on T2 demons (the ones that howl), so it's not a big deal. Back on live I would have my three demonlets do the drum dance while the second tier ones banged the big drum. It was cute, and it was quiet. Bottom line: if you have them doing some emote, they are silent.
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