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Patch Notes
Everything posted by Tahliah
Over all, super good improvements. Yes, I'll miss the insta-base access of the /enterbasefrompasscode macro, but we all knew it was going to be pulled, so I'm just thankful we had it as long as we did (and that we can still use it to enter others' bases we have saved for that purpose). I very much appreciate the shortened cooldown time on the day job base porter, too. 10 mins is much better than 30 (not as good as instant, but hey, I'll take it!--besides, even stealthing mishes takes a few minutes, so by the time you get to the door, stealth through, kill whatever/hit the glowie, and exit mish, you won't have to wait long for the base porter and may have your mish porter back up by then, etc.). I do get what people are saying about the sg base porter being 10 mill/per toon. That is steep, esp for casual players and/or for those with altitis who, unlike me, actually play their many many alts. I tend to make them, be enamored of them for about a minute, and then let them sit for months before I get back to them again, and they rarely make it to the 30s let alone to 50. But that's just me. I do, however, have several toons I do play a lot, so I think it would be a good compromise to make the 10mill base porter either account-wide or offer a more expensive version as well that is account-wide: 10mil/per toon OR 25mil/accountwide. Or 50mill, whatever, just to have that option for those who really don't like badging or care about zone badges/merits on every single alt. I love love love the new fast travel button. That has literally saved me an entire tray of travel powers on my main (and other toons who have all the travel power goodies). Very many thanks for this! As to the new things being considered, the badger in me loves the idea of the exploration tips for each zone, assuming as I think we all are that we will still get the merits for completing them with or without doing the tip chain (and vert much hoping for a new badge for the completion of each tip chain!). Writing this I've already forgotten the other possible improvements, so they didn't register with me (as either good or bad). Not sure what that means, probably nothing. :P
No, but then I am typically doing content arcs, TFs, or something that would shake such a character unless they were really keen and just lurked outside missions until we came out. That would be very weird, but totally amusing. We'd all laugh our butts off, I'm sure! @ArchVileTerror I'm not a fan of the "nudgers," but I just assume they have real life issues that they need to vent by nudging my character. If it makes them feel better in some small, petty way, shrug. It's all good. I've gotten to the point now that I don't even move out of the way, just let them nudge my toon around until they get bored with it (unless I have somewhere to be; I wouldn't keep a team/tf waiting to indulge some passive aggressive's need to be annoying).
I mostly just do some of the old school stuff when I am soloing, so I'll take the train or the boat to whatever zone and leisurely fly to the mission door. I tend not to do this on teams just because I miss half the mission taking my sweet old time. :P I do now grab a travel at lvl 7, but I like content, so I will do the Hollows, Striga, Faultline, Croatoa, etc. on some toons (while others will do the tfs to level rather than doing them later for the TFC). I'm not crazy about the content available in the 30s and 40s, so I will often just do the tf then to get through them. That said, some of the newer Bricks arcs are a lot of fun. It's very very rare that I will farm any toon, though I have when I needed to get to a certain level for an sg thing or to do a tf (farm from 30 to 35 for ITF, etc.). Otherwise, I just take my time and enjoy the journey. As to IOs, sets, procs: yes, I use them, but I did on live, too (though obviously not when I first started playing). But I don't use them in every alt I roll (I have a lot of alts). That said, there is one exception: recovery procs. Inherent fitness made me happy, so I don't care to revisit the end-sucking days of resting after every single mob and having to turn off sprint to fight Frostfire, and I am happy to slot the recovery procs asap on end-heavy alts. It may not be old-school, but it greatly improves my enjoyment of the content. Typically, I don't "set up" until I get an alt to 50 . . . mostly because 90-95% of my alts won't ever make it to 50, and I'd rather invest the time, energy, influence, etc. in alts that I know won't sit there for a year or two gathering dust. Most of the time I just buy DOs or SOs not because I am trying to play old-school, but because I can't be bothered to craft or fiddle with the auction house to buy IO's. I might grab them from the base if there are some there that I can use and I think about it. Ultimately, if I'm enjoying a toon, she'll get IO/set/slotting attention at some point. I definitely don't miss having to run origin contact arcs to unlock the ability to buy SOs; if we still had to do that I might do it once or twice for nostalgia's sake, but I'd just use IOs (like I did on live) instead on most alts. There are some old-school things I do still do on some alts, the costume and cape mishes and the Midnighters arc come to mind, but I am glad we don't HAVE to do them anymore. They did get old if you rolled a lot of alts (and I did), so I prefer doing that stuff when I want to not because it's a milestone I have to do to get a cape or to get to Cim, etc. As someone noted above, we do still have milestones, they are just different now (except things like Levantra's arc to get Vanguard merits). All that said, the forums have a LOT of players who miss the old-school stuff and often post about it in various threads. I think there is an appetite for an "old school" sg if you wanted to set one up and run it. They would come. I would probably roll an alt for such an sg (depending on the requirements set by the sg leaders). I certainly wouldn't mind a whole team running a tf and taking the tram rather than using base portals or ouro (before obtaining via a mish arc, anyway). Though I might change my mind if the sg did shard tfs that take eight hours without everyone having team tp. 😛
My current fave five: Ice Ice Baby. --ice/ice blaster (just all-around fun, powerful and awesome fun to play) Peace Pack -- beast/nature mm (I used to love my demon/dark, but this one edges her out lately) Wylde Childe -- rad/plant blaster (newish and therefore interesting and fun--love the spines!) Power Plant -- plant/kin troll (love to play her with the all plant troll sg) Trapper Jayne -- plant/emp troll (nostalgia brings me back to her again and again) hon mention: Lil Sprite -- water/kin corr (haven't played her lately, but so fun!)
Pretty much anything I do on my main (an ice/ice blaster). She's so fun to play and I just feel so happy and superhero-y when I'm running her. :) I also get that feeling, though, just entering AP and hearing the music or flying around on any alt or seeing an alt (esp one with a cape) lift off in a jump-to-fly maneuver. Street sweeping in AP on a new roll also does it for me, saving citizens from purse-snatching goons is always a super hero moment.
I'd not heard "steamroll" used in that sense, but it sounds like what people mean when they say "kill most." Kill all is kill all, speed is hit the objectives and get out, and kill most is kill everything in the way to complete the mish (my preferred method). "Steamroll" to me means just plow through and cause carnage, not necessary following "old" play rules where tankers herd, trolls wait for herd to be positioned before locking them down, etc. and etc. (Seems few teams do it that way anymore, for good or ill.) In my understanding, then, "steamrolling" can be done in both kill alls and in kill mosts. But it makes sense the way you describe it, too: steamroll through mobs to the end of the mish.
Someone up thread said "incarnate," and that is what I would like to see, as well. More things for incarnates to do as incarnates, more arcs, more storylines, incarnate level task and/or strike forces (i.e. not trials requiring a league), or yeah, why not a new itrial that is specific to KW? Incarnate tips and radios would also be nice to have in the zone (not sure if the tips would work since they are available in every zone). Really just any endgame stuff for our incarnates to do that is not DA or a Trial would be very very welcome. Some kind of incarnate communicator thing to achieve the same goal as radios / tips, maybe? Moar incarnate content (anywhere, really, like in Galaxy City . . . but in KW would be awesome).
We had a rollicking fun-filled set of adventures last night, and we made a new friend and new member of our Parks and Wreck crew, as well! Celebration! We had eleven planters show up (not counting our new member who didn't run with us last night), and while we were dithering with splitting into two teams, we chatted about what we wanted to do. We ended up deciding, no surprise, on the ITF. We were already in Cim, and that does seem to be our "go to" tf since it's a fun one, relatively short, and just challenging enough to keep everyone interested and on our toes/roots. We split into two teams, one of six and one of five, and set off. We have posted lost of pics of us in the ITF, but here's one with an outside view for a change (this is the five-plant troll/dom team): And here's one on the Rom platform . . . we are so gorgeous! And pretty deadly. After that amazing good time, a few people had to get going, so we formed one team and ran the Sister Solaris arc. It was really fun, and I think that part of that was that it is just so different. I haven't done that arc very much--maybe a couple times on live and once on Homecoming, so that "newness" was welcome. To me, at least. I got a kick out of not knowing (remembering, really, heh) we were going to be whisked away to a ship and have to battle a mini Lusca. I did have a vague memory of the mission once I saw the tentacles, but it's not like the ITF where you just move along pretty much on autopilot. It was awesome to enter a mish and not know exactly what to do or where to go. It also went a long way to showing our plant troll (and dom) team's stuff. We didn't miss a beat and just plowed right through everything and had a marvelous time. And here we are basking in finishing up the penultimate arc in the incarnate DA story: Over all, a marvelous mix of the "old" and the "new," and a good time was had by all. Next week, we have the Dream Doctor's arc in DA, so we will be in for a challenge on that one. Wee!! If you are interested in joining our all plant troll (and dom) teams, do it! We run our 50s on Tuesdays at 9 p.m. EST on Excelsior and will be meeting next week in Dark Astoria. We run our leveling planters--now lvl 21ish--on Thursdays at 9 p.m. EST on Excelsior and will meet tomorrow in Steel Canyon to finish up the Midnighter Arc and to run Posi 2 (not necessarily in that order). To join, simply grab your plant troll or dom and show up in the zone we are meeting and shout out in local or to any plant troll/dom you see in the zone. Or you can send a tell to our Parks and Wreck sg leader @GreenAx or to me @Tahliah. Or you can join our Parks and Wreck chat channel and let us know you are there (shout out), and we will get you added to our team, and your planter to our sg if you wish. So many ways to join up with us, and all so easy to do! Don't be shy, either, you will be very welcome among our great crew!
Oh, I didn't even think about changing the key bind. Great, thanks! I'll give it a try. :)
Your pictures are awesome! I need to figure out how to take them on my lappie since Print Screen doesn't work right. In the meantime, keep snapping those awesome plant pics!
As @Antarticaanotes, we had a marvelous time on our Thursday leveling plant troll/dom team adventures! We had five planters show up, and we ran Graham Easton's arc before deciding that it would be fun to run the Posi I tf. And it was fun! We had a fun-filled, all plant troll (and dom) time cruising through the tf. Interestingly, and once again, we were convinced that the sims would be our undoing. And we were wrong. Again. We had a harder time getting the City Hall door open (ended up being a random flier), but we mopped the floor with our doppelgangers without breaking a sweat. It just goes to show, I think, how truly different and sometimes challenging an all-plant troll (and dom) team can be. The big challenges for mixed teams are a breeze for our team/s, but those things that mixed teams steam through can sometimes take more thought and planning for an all plant troll/dom team. It did not, of course, take any thought or planning to rescue Azuria: After our good time running Posi 1, a few planters decided to bail, but the rest of us were ready for some more wreckage. Our sg leader @GreenAxwas on Irresponsible Creeper, and he suggested that we do the Midnighter Arc from Montague Castanella. Well, the throwback was too good to pass up . . . even though it meant dealing with CoT. Heh. We used to have to do this arc to unlock Cim, but since we can get the badge via Night Ward, I haven't bothered with it too much. But I love the arc, even as I gripe CoT and . . .especially about Lady Jane, whose sole mission appears to be getting herself and the team dead as quickly as possible. We didn't get too far into the arc and haven't rescued her yet, but I doubt she'll be successful in aggroing a team wipe with an all-plant troll (and dom) team! We got to lvl 20-21 and will be meeting in Steel next Thursday at 9 p.m. EST on Excelsior to finish up the Midnighter arc and to do the Posi 2 tf for our first Task Force Commander badge. Any plant troll/dom of any level is welcome to join us for one night or many! It's easy to join our planty goodness! Just send a tell to @GreenAx or to me @Tahliah, or you can join our Parks and Wreck chat channel to be added for one run or many! You can also show up in Steel Canyon next Thursday at 9 p.m. EST and shout out in local or send any plant troll (or dom) in the zone a tell. Anyone will be so happy to help you and to get you situated in the sg, if you wish, or just for the fun plant troll goodness. One note on this: We definitely, absolutely, and totally want your plant troll or dom in our sg and/or on our all plant troll/dom teams. If you send a tell when our sg is not running all plant troll/dom events and we are on a non-Parks and Wreck alt, please be patient. I do respond to all tells, but if I am in a tf on my main (as an example of one of my alts not in this sg--she's an ice blaster), I can't in good conscience quit or log to invite a new planter. This does not mean you are unwelcome, it just means I'm in a tf and can't bail on those folks (as I'm sure you wouldn't want me to bail on your tf just to invite a planter to an sg that another alt is in). If I'm in a tf on a Parks and Wreck alt, I can add you immediately, though, so don't be shy and don't give up! Neither I nor @GreenAxwould ever fail to invite any interested plant troll (or dom) to our sg! We just might not be able to do it that minute. We are always on Parks and Wreck planters on Tuesdays and Thursdays at our regular time for sure, so you can definitely catch us then! Or just add the Parks and Wreck chat channel to let anyone there know you are there; you still may need to be patient, but there are going to be more sg members in the chat, and some may be on or able to quickly switch to Parks and Wreck planters. Just shout out, we have an amazing crew!
Last night's all plant troll (and dom) team was fantastic fun and had a little something for everyone! We had a total of 11 planters show up throughout the night, but we never had more than eight at any given time. As we were forming our team, we chatted about what to do this week since we hadn't decided last week due to the sadness of our Miss Liberty tf failure. That still stings, but we're working on our strategy for beating that pesky old crab arms Lord Recluse. Enough of that, so we decided to do the Citadel tf since it is the weekly, and we all need more goodies for our incarnate trees. We were at seven members and awaiting one more we knew was coming, and what do you know, the Rikti chose that time to invade Talos Island. Perfect! We needed to finish our bombs and other invasion badges, besides FUN! So we zoomed around Talos destroying bombs then went to the hill to fight Rikti. There were a lot of heroes present, and our all troll team (by now we were full at eight) was kicking it. As that started to die out, we headed over to Cit and got that tf rolling. We'd done it before, of course, so it went as expected (except we had to bump up the diff a bit because really, heh). So we got our double merits and our Notice and were a team of incarnate plant trolls and doms ready to take on the missions in Dark Astoria. We finished up Duncan's arc, and had so much fun! The CoT cave maps used for a lot of the DA missions are ridiculously dark. I'm not sure if that's supposed to make it more creepy or more difficult, but mostly it just makes it more annoying. By the end of the night, my eyes were feeling the strain (guess I'm not as young as I was when I first started playing CoX!). I found myself getting giddily happy every time someone dropped ice patch and lit up the area a little bit! We persevered and just had a marvelous time wrecking through the missions. Here we are getting all buffed up to take on Diabolique. I guess we thought she'd be difficult or something, but she wasn't for our team. Once we finished Duncan's arc, we were all ready to call it a night. I know I was ready to build some more incarnate power tiers with all the goodies I raked in over the course of the evening! We earned merits, incarnate xp, a Notice of the Well, lots of incarnate threads (and a few shards), influence, vet levels, and not a few badges. It was a marvelous night! Next week we will be meeting in Cimerora for Sister Solaris' arc. We meet on our level 50s every Tuesday at 9 p.m. EST on Excelsior server. Anyone who has a level 50 plant troll (or plant dom) is welcome to join us! If we're not doing something specifically for level 50s (like a tf or trial), lower levels are also welcome to join us on Tuesdays. To do so, send a tell to our Parks and Wreck supergroup leader @GreenAxor to myself @Tahliah; join our Parks and Wreck chat channel and let us know you want to join the sg or just run with us without doing that; or show up in Cim next week and shout out to any plant troll / dom and let us know you're there and ready for some all plant troll team fun! It's that easy!
Our Thursday plant troll (and dom!) leveling team was fun! We had seven planters show up. It was a bit weird since we welcome all levels on Thursdays, so we decided it would be fun to run a DFB for one of our new lvl 1 planters. And it WAS fun! Then another super low planter joined, yay!, and we decided not to do the DFB again but to march on with Steel content instead. I have to pause here to say, that this was one fine looking group (myself excluded since my costume is just planty purple and uninspired, but) check us out! Seriously good costumes, right? We have a Bad Seed, can you spot her? And a Standin inyourgarden, you can spot that gnome in a flash! So fun! Everyone just looked so incredible and really getting into the whole plant troll/dom theme! Sigh. Anyway, we did run into a bit of trouble on a regular mission arc, if you can imagine. We just ran our incarnates on Tuesday, so I think we sort of forgot that there's a huge difference between a level 50 plant troll all rocked out to T3 (at least) and level 15s slugging along in Steel Canyon. It was crazy, but we quickly, after a couple of team wipes, fixed that particular problem. Heh. Here we are being amazing: An all plant troll (and dom) team is truly remarkable and fun in a very unique way. Things that matter so much to other teams (tanks, dps, healz) don't to us because we are our own tanks, dps, heals, and de/buffs. One planter was struck by the fact that we don't really care about mob placement or herding or . . . . much. We are chaos, and we love it! We just lock them down and wipe them out. It's a whole new way to play that often strikes our new planters, hopefully inspiring new ways to play and have a blast when the norms are thrown out the window. Our Thursday plant troll (and dom) leveling team is currently at level 17, and we are set to pick up in Steel with Graham Easton's arc. If we have enough planters who are at least level 8, we would prefer to do the Posi TFs and get started on our Task Force Commander accolade. That said, any level is welcome to join on Thursdays at 9 p.m. EST on Excelsior for our all plant troll (and dom) adventures. We are lvl 17, though all level plant trolls (and doms) are welcome, and we will be meeting in Steel Canyon next Thursday. It's easy to join our planty goodness! Just send a tell to @GreenAx or to me @Tahliah, or you can join our Parks and Wreck chat channel to be added for one run or many! You can also show up in Steel Canyon next Thursday at 9 p.m. EST and shout out in local or send any plant troll (or dom) in the zone a tell. Anyone will be so happy to help you and to get you situated in the sg, if you wish, or just for the fun plant troll goodness.
Interesting thread, and it's good know I'm not alone in some of my weirdness. Heh. I sort my characters by level, and within the level by AT (damage/control/support). Since reading a post in the forums about people upset that they don't see anyone in Wentworth's, I make it a point of going there (unless I am just dumping salvage between missions or only need one little thing). I have specific places to log out for day jobs and do it on every toon (on top of the tram, on top of WWs, on top of a tomb in the cemetery, off to the side of the vators in the hosp, and etc.). If I am soloing, I will swim across water to distant mish doors rather than fly. I just love the look of my toons swimming, especially those with pets (so cute to see my demons or beasts swimming along!). Or I'll use my hoverboard (I love that thing!) and fly low, at street level, sticking to streets until I get there. After I get all the badges and plaques in a zone, I use Reveal to clear the fog of war; this let's me know immediately upon zoning that I have "done" that zone. Talos is my favorite zone for some reason that's not entirely clear to me, so if there's a dayjob available there, that's where I always go.
Friendly gardening reminder: our all plant troll (and dom) leveling team meets Thursdays--tonight in Steel Park--at 9 p.m. EST on Excelsior. We're currently lvl 13, but all plant trolls (and doms!) of any level are welcome to join us. We're going to be doing content starting with Dr. Trevor Seaborn's mission arc, or if we have enough planters show up who are at least level 8, we may run the Posi TFs. Either way, we will be having a blast as only an all plant troll / dom team can! You can join us for one night or many by sending a tell to our Parks and Wreck sg leader @GreenAxor to me @Tahliah ; by joining our Parks and Wreck chat channel and shouting out to let us know you're there; or by just showing up in Steel Canyon and sending a tell to any plant troll / dom you see hanging out. It's super easy, and you'll have an amazing time!
Ha! I just show up for other people's cc's when they are scheduled to start, from there, it's fast. It's the advertising and the reminders and getting their early that makes it seem like they last longer, I think. Obviously, once we set the day, you'll be doing the advertising and reminders and stuff, and I'll log in early to help, too, and to be there for when people show up to enter, and etc. The judges, if they can, might want to get there a little early, too, to check out the entries, etc. You can do the MC thing since you are running the show . . . and you are so much more extroverted than we are (meaning Ax and myself). :)
Hi BeeboBeliever, and YES, we are running tonight at 9 p.m. EST on Excelsior. We're running our leveling planters so will be at lvl 13, or we may have enough to do the two Posi TFs. Either way, we'll be meeting in Steel Canyon, and you are more than welcome to join our team!! You can reach out by sending a tell to @GreenAx(he's our sg leader, the sg is Parks and Wreck) or to me @Tahliah, or you can join our Parks and Wreck chat channel and let anyone know you are there or shout out in the channel at (or slightly before/after) 9 p.m., and we'll add you to the team (and sg if you wish). You can also just shout out in local in Steel; we don't usually miss those, but we have been known to miss callouts in LFG/General/etc. chat simply because they fly by so fast, and we are chatting amongst ourselves, too! If that happens, worry not and just send one of us a tell, and we'll get you added in no time at all.
Last night's plant troll festivities started out amazing, but we soon ran into a challenge we could not overcome in the Miss Liberty Task Force. We started out the night with ten fabulous planters, including a new and very welcome member of crew Stepmother Nature, an awesome plant/storm. I love /storm, even seeing it played makes me happy. Anyway, so we all leagued up and then split into two teams of five each and headed forth to do Max's arcs in DA. It was super fun, and we rolled through missions like butter, enjoying the beautiful gardens of wreckage we created at every mob. Strangle this, vine that, creeper the other! And all the while amazing buffs and debuffs and secondary goodness aplenty flying all over. It was chaotic and amazing great fun! So after a couple hours of that, someone suggested that we do the Weekly Strike, Miss Liberty. A couple of planters had bailed, so we got together on one team of eight, and we were off to IP. I was a bit nervous about this tf, but we quickly got our bearings once we realized that as all plant troll/dom team, we couldn't run it like we usually do on our mains or on mixed teams. We had to stick together and work together to get through the early mishes, and we did end up killing more mobs than we might on a team of another makeup. But omg, the fun! We just steamrolled along and had such a great time! We breezed through all the missions (once we figured out that we needed a unique approach to them), and rocked right along. Even when we got to the final mission, we did a marvelous job, defeating all the AVs (after some awesome pullage from Terralyn). We smacked down the flier. We were confident and happy at this point and marched (flew, hovered) our way to Lord Recluse's platform. We all know what comes next: the four towers. Our downfall. We tried and tried and tried again to take down just one (the red one), and we just kept getting one-shot by Lord Recluse or otherwise shattered. We'd make progress on the tower, and at one point we had it down to about one quarter, but it regenerates, and we were dying. A lot. We'd regroup and go for it again, and then splat, down goes one planter, then two more, then the rest. It was discouraging to come back and see the tower had regenerated and to see Lord Recluse, all his crabby legs dancing around, mocking us. At one point we got back to the tower and it was almost completely regenerated. We weren't making progress (except on our death badges), so we decided to call it. It was SO disappointing! Our plant teams have never failed a tf, and it was a heavy loss for us. But that is not the end because we will meet Lord Recluse again, armed with a battery of Shivans and other assorted buffs from the sg and trays of uber inspirations, and he will fall. Oh yes, he will. After that we were a bit dejected, egos bruised, stalks battered. We didn't come up with a plan for next week's plant festivities, but we will do something amazing and fun. Maybe continue to work our way through the DA arcs, maybe think about when to gather for a run on Bloody Bay for some Shivans (a thing we obviously won't do on our usual plant night lest we let the cat out of the bag for some PvPers who would be most happy to learn when we will be there, heh), maybe do the Eden trial or Cit tf (the weeklies next week). Who knows, but whatever we decide, it will be great fun for the whole plant crew. If you're interested in joining us, it's easy! Our incarnate plant trolls (and doms) meet on Tuesdays at 9 p.m. EST on Excelsior and anyone with a lvl 50 plant troll (or dom) is welcome to join us! To join us, the easiest way is to join our Parks and Wreck chat channel and let anyone there know you want in the sg or the next week's funfest. Another good way is to send our Parks and Wreck sg leader @GreenAxan ingame tell or send one to me @Tahliah. As we don't know yet where we'll be meeting next week, you can just shout out in chat or send one of us a tell. We'll likely start in DA if you want to try us there, too.
I missed our recaps from last week, so I'll do those super quick (my memory has faded on details, so it will indeed be a short post). On Tuesday, our incarnates had a blast in DA; I seem to recall 12-14 planters showing up, but don't hold me to that! Here we are getting our wreck on: Sorry, it's so dark, I couldn't save the lightened version for some reason. After some great fun in DA, many in our two teams had to leave for the night, and we were left with four planters. We pondered what to do and decided on the Summer Blockbuster. And omg, was that ever a blast with four plant trolls! We had so much fun, we did it multiple times (and got yummy badges and enhancements as an added bonus). What a fun night with our lvl 50s! Not to be outdone, we met with our sprouts (i.e. leveling plant trolls and doms) on Thursday in King's Row. We had four planters show up for that and had a super fun time bashing through story arc missions there. We didn't get any screenies of that fun night, but what a blast we had. We made it to level 13, and are all set to get started in Steel Canyon tomorrow night (same plant time, same plant channel). If we have enough planters, we will likely do the Posi TFs, but if not, we'll just get going on Dr. Trevor Seaborn's mission arc. My leveling planter is parked in the University, and I wouldn't mind doing the enhancements tutorial there for the badge, but we'll see how everyone feels when we meet up. As always, please feel free to join us on our fun-filled and rollicking all plant troll (and dom) teams! We run our incarnates on Tuesdays starting at 9 p.m. EST on Excelsior, and we run our leveling planters--currently at lvl 13, but any non-50 (or 50!) is very welcome to join us--on Thursdays starting at 9 p.m. EST on Excelsior. You can join us for one night or many by sending a tell to our Parks and Wreck sg leader @GreenAxor to me @Tahliah; by joining our Parks and Wreck chat channel and shouting out to let us know you're there, or by just showing up where we are meeting that week (posted here in advance) and sending a tell to any plant troll / dom you see hanging out. It's super easy, and you'll have an amazing time!
Let's stick to our regular meet time so that everyone can come. When we picked the day/time, we based it on when people get home from work, put their kids to bed, and etc. It shouldn't take an hour to do the cc; they usually only last like 10 or 20 mins max (depending on how many people enter, how long the judges take, and etc.).
Friendly gardening reminder time! We're running 50s tonight and will be running in DA, starting with Mu'Vorkan. I'm so excited to continue working on our incarnates! I finally have everything but Hybrid unlocked, and with at least the first tier powers crafted and equipped in each. I ended up going with Arachnos as my lore (for the spider!). I'm out of stuff to make more, so tonight will be grand not only in terms of our amazing all plant troll (and dom) team/s but in stocking up on more goodies to grow our incarnate trees. We will be meeting tonight, Tuesday, at 9 p.m. EST in Dark Astoria on Excelsior, so if you are interested in joining our ongoing plant adventures, please do! Your plant troll (or dom) is more than welcome, no matter your level! Show up in DA tonight, send our Parks and Wreck supergroup leader @GreenAx or myself @Tahliah a tell in game or in forum, or join our Parks and Wreck chat channel and shout out, anyone there will be happy to get you added to the team and/or sg. It's very easy, and our crew is amazing.
So exciting! We'd love to have you join us!! This may be weird, but I actually don't follow a build 95% of the time. I just roll what sounds good and fun, and then try out the powers to see what I think of them. If they're good, I make them better with IO sets, and if they are not as good, I just respec out of them! Sort of trial and error, I guess. I mean there are basics to which I adhere on most builds (i.e. the regen/recovery procs, defense/resist procs, etc.), but that's just sort of baseline at this point on trolls I roll. But if you want a plant/something dom build, the best place to find one is in the Dom or Guides forums, or if you have the time and interest, you can try your own combinations in Mids (or whatever it's called now, haven't gotten to it yet this time around! I will, but so far, I'm just having fun with doing my own thing build-wise.).
I see Gregg's point about Saturday being busier, but I actually think that for our purposes (recruitment of new plant trolls!), it makes more sense to hold our Parks and Wreck costume contest at the same time we typically run our 50s: Tuesday, 9 p.m. EST on Excelsior. Also, this will be good for sg turnout since we'll all be there anyway and then after the cc can go off and do our incarnate thing. We'll start it at 9, so it should be over in 15 mins or so. I can get on early and help broadcast / announce it. Maybe a thread in the Excelsior forums when we get more details hammered out? As to place, I wrote this upthread: [Edit to add: AP may be too laggy, but I'm not really feeling Perez Park, and am ambivalent about Pocket D, though I'm open to being persuaded; I just want it to be easy to get to and ideally with at least some traffic not there only for the cc. A lot are held these days at Khalisti Wharf, so maybe there since people likely to enter already know where to go? Definitely not the base, can you imagine all the questions about how to enter, what the code is, where to go once in the base, and on? Let's avoid that by making it easy to find us and easy to enter the cc.] On the last part of your post: pretty much, though I do not think we should limit the cc to only trolls and doms; we are advertising our plant night to generate interest, but a cc that narrowly focused is probably not a good idea in terms of a lot of entries? What do you guys think? [edit to add, or maybe it SHOULD be only plant trolls and doms? That has a lot of pluses to it. What does everyone think?] We do want a plant theme, though, I think, but that opens a huge array of possibilities from actual plants to plant-themed super heroes to happy woodsy elves to Termites! Heh. Or we can go more broadly with "nature" i.e. Parks and Wreck? No, no one in the sg, troll/dom or other AT, can enter the cc. That would be wrong on so many levels. CCs typically have a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prizes (depreciating in value). We can hash that out on Tuesday, or some other day, in game. As to judges, no one has volunteered, but we have @GreenAx (aka Irresponsible Creeper) and @Gregg247(aka Termite, if we can get him to stop gnawing on our porch) roped in, woots! We can ask the crew on Tuesday since I don't think everyone reads the forums. We really only need one more for tie-breaking purposes. [edit to add: We'll worry about which Tuesday when we have it all hammered out.]
We had our first new roll plant troll night last night, and it was super fun. There were two of us who showed up, so instead of doing the DFB, we decided to duo content in Atlas Park and Kings Row. It was so fun to run those lowbie arcs again since I hadn't run them since I first got back in the game, opting instead to speed on out of AP via the DFB and then typically hitting the Hollows (one of my favorite zones). As we did the Hollows last time, we decided to hit KR and try something new (well, new to the plant troll crew, anyway). This is the first time I've duo'd on plant trolls except for quicky things like the Intro to the Vanguard arc to unlock earning Vanguard merits, so I was a bit nervous that it would be deadly slow and super annoying, but it was not. In fact, it was super fun and we went through stuff really fast, much, I think to even our own surprise! It helps that we both had the vet rewards goodies from the P2W vendor that are so useful during the early levels: Sands of Mu, Nemesis staff, and Blackwand. There's not much quite as hilarious as two plant trolls walloping on the same doomed baddie at the same time with Sands of Mu. We met in AP and zoomed through a few of Azuria's missions first, then hit Matthew Habashy, Detective Brogan, Aaron Thiery, and then we were off to Kings Row, where we did Shauna Stockwell's arc. That was a blast! That big lug Toothbreaker withered before our planty wrath, and Misery was left an "arrested" mess on the floor. The Death Dolls, generally, were a challenge, but we didn't have any significant problems with them and just laughed and punned our way along as we gained new levels and powers. We got to level 9 and have Eagle Eye lined up for our next leveling adventures. We will be meeting in Kings Row on Thursday at 9 p.m. EST on Excelsior. If you are interested in growing your plant troll (or dom) on our leveling adventures, you are more than welcome. It's super easy to join us! Show up in King's Row on Thursday; we'll be at Eagle Eye. Or you can send an in-game tell to me @Tahliahor to @GreenAx; you can also join our Parks and Wreck chat channel and just shout out to let us know you are there and want to join us. You can join our Parks and Wreck sg, as well, though that is not required to run with us on Troll (and Dom!) Thursdays. All that is required is a plant troll (or dom) on Excelsior. Any plant troll or dom of any level is welcome, but we are going to be leveling on Thursdays mostly by doing content (love!) and of course hitting task forces once we have more planters for them. Our ultimate goal is to get to the 24 plant trolls (and doms!) needed to run an all-plant troll / dom BAF incarnate trial, so if that sounds tempting to you, be sure to let us know. If you have an existing lvl 50 planter, we run our 50s on Tuesdays, and if you want to roll one up, meet us in Kings Row next on Thursday for some awesome Parks and Wreckage.
That's awesome, @Gregg247, thanks! I think that @GreenAx might also serve as a judge, since he's the sg leader. So we really only need one more (as a tie-breaker if needed). If no one else wants to do it, I will, but I'll be there, either way, so it's not necessary that I serve as a judge. Speaking of being there -- any ideas on a good day / time? I'm good for evenings, or maybe with a weekend late afternoon so that our UK / Europe crew can participate? Thoughts?