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Everything posted by SkyRocker

  1. Sounds great, can't wait to try it!
  2. Thanks for doing this. Just installed and can't wait to try it next time I'm in-game!
  3. I just made one, trying to model him after the Spectre, if you're familiar with the character. I don't have any advice for you, but thanks for giving ME some. I've got him up to 11 or so looking at your build I'm pretty close to your plan. So thanks!
  4. It's slowed down for me just a bit, but still happens often enough to be a pain. I't got to be something client side or it would be happening to more people.
  5. I have one and I'm definitely going to try them out.
  6. What's a mule?
  7. Been happening to me for at least a few weeks, maybe a month. At first it was pretty much any transition: Superbase, Tram, mission, etc. It's gotten a bit better and only seems to be entering/exiting missions. I'm afraid to join a team because if I have to drop it leaves them short, and thinking I'm a jerk probably. Lately I've been joining TF's because if I get frozen I can log back on and still be in the TF. I put a ticket in but after all of the hassle of getting access/authorization and placing the ticket, when I came back to check on it, it didn't recognize the account.
  8. I have pretty much the same question. If I remember correctly there was a 'Task Force' channel on live? I haven't been able to find it, or anything similar yet. LFG is cool, but I'd like if there was a channel with a bit lower signal to noise ratio about just TF's. I've been running a lot since my game come back, more than I ran on live in a similar time frame.
  9. This is the comment that I found in another thread:
  10. I hear that Null the Gull in Pocket D can remove it. Some others have said that you shouldn't remove it because of some mission?? No specifics though. I'm dying to remove it but now I'm afraid to. ::)
  11. My first memory was finding a free trial of the game in a magazine. I spent about 2 hours in the costume creator, no lie, there were just so many options! I made a tank because the tool tips said it was the easiest to play at first. After I entered the game I ran around aimlessly when I was approached by someone who asked me to join their team! I did but I knew NOTHING. I knew how to move around from other games but these 7 people took the time to teach me: "Stand here and when something comes close hit this button", "Follow us by using the map.", "click on the door to open it." no one treated me like I was dumb or a newb, everyone seemed to genuinely want me to learn how to play and wanted me to have fun. I probably played until 2am and when I got up the next morning I went out and bought the full game, it was somewhere around Issue 5, and played from then every day until the last day.
  12. Logged on normally, did DFB, started a second one and got stuck on the loading screen. Killed the window and logged on again, invited to a new team, loading screen froze again. It did come back eventually to an empty deserted scene, still had to kill window. Reverified files with Tequila, logged back in, was able to use train to Steel, enter a mission ok. Froze to loading screen upon trying to exit the mission. Gave up and came here hoping to get some help. Thanks.
  13. Awesome! I'm having a bit of trouble with them, not as bind-savvy as I was back in the day. Getting there slowly but surely. Thanks Again!
  14. I couldn't find anything specifically for CoX so I just googled 'mouse cursor missing in game'. One of the hits said to turn off mouse trails. While I was in the mousse settings I saw that had the option to show the pointer location when I hit CTRL too so I disabled them both, loaded up CoX and BAM, there was the cursor. Hope this helps someone else!
  15. I kept a spreadsheet of all of my characters w/ their bios. I used their levels to sort and sorted the lowest levels to the top so I could show them some love :) So I have a record of all of my characters, their levels and their bios. Some I'll recreate, some I'll base new characters on and some will be totally new. I also tried to capture a screen shot of all of them hitting 50. Got most of them, maybe I'll attach each character's pic to the spreadsheet.
  16. Back in 2012 on D-day, I zipped up my whole COH folder, kept it all of this time. I have tons of macros, 7 years worth. Silly question but will my old macros work with this 'new' CoX?
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