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Everything posted by Daksinakali

  1. I think that's perhaps closer to my personaly view... :) Same!
  2. First off, did you seriously just Google me? That is insanely creepy. Secondly, CoX ended in 2012. Kamen Rider Drive, and the official character Mach, did not exist until 2014. So unless you want to argue I'm clairvoyant or a time traveller, then the fact is I happened to pick a name and theme loosly similar to something Bandai eventually did afterwards. I googled your screen name, because it looked familiar. Not exactly the same as googling YOU, as a person. THAT would indeed be creepy. As for Kamen Rider, that franchise has been around since the 70s. Hell, as old as I am, it's older than me. So please, spare me the idea that your character is a completely original concept. There is nothing wrong with remaking characters, whether completely or using costumes, etc. I have 2 toons that do so, in a sea of original characters.
  3. What is with this hate for people that enjoy homage? I just don't get this incessent need to put down the way other people choose to express themselves. It's hateful and rude from my PoV. What gives? What do you "express" by using a tool with immeasurable potential to copy someone else? Because the only thing that seems to express is a total lack of creativity. There's also a line between "homage" and "ripoff." Statesman is an homage to Superman and Captain America, borrowing elements from both but still being unique in enough ways to be a new character. On the other hand, yesterday I ran into the literal Hulk. Like, he was a green giant named Hulk, there was no attempt to be subtle or clever about it. Not to mention the legions of other "homages" I've run into, you have no idea how many variations of Star Lord I've seen already. It's just an eyesore. If you want to play a Marvel character, play a Marvel game. People used to be forced into creativity, and the players were better for it. Wait a minute, aren't you the same person who had a copy of Kamen Rider Mach back on live? https://www.deviantart.com/akutenshiizero/art/City-of-Heroes-Characters-337347134
  4. Character name: Copy Kat Costumes: Captain Marvel, Wonder Woman, Spider-Woman, Alana (Saga comics), Harley Quinn and Black Cat.
  5. Not quite anywhere. You can't use that slash command in a mission. Can't use it in the base either, unfortunately.
  6. Hey, as long as there's nothing in the ToS that allows them to turn me into a HUMANCENTiPAD, I'm good. ;)
  7. Check your range archetypes and make a new hero.... Or Villain! ;)
  8. You lot are amazing! I'm nearly in tears even typing this. This game got me through one of the absolute worst periods of my life. I'm not lying when I say that I might not have made it through if a friend hadn't convinced me to play as a means of distraction, outlet, etc. Now, all these years later, at 44 years old with 3 grown kids, I feel like a kid again! Thank you all so much. It really means the world! <3
  9. I have never been so excited to see a webpage work again!
  10. Me!
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