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13 Good
  1. With the new TK power not being a hold anymore, is there a way to make it so it wont break Mass Hypnosis? Since TK does no damage. Otherwise we lose a way to mitigate damage while using TK now that they can attack us.
  2. I think TK has more use as a hold effect. Also, not a big fan of the toggle limits. I would rather pay more end to keep it a toggle. I like the inward draw of the baddies and the stable distance so they don't just keep repelling away from you. If a perma toggle is just not on the table, maybe perhaps make it into a more interesting click power. A location based target that just does a quick yank of baddies to a location you target. Do a type of Psychic version of Fold Space or Wormhole. That would seem more useful.
  3. I'm a little late to the party, but I will add my two cents. I have a Demon/Thermal and absolutely love her. With fire shields and IO's, the pets are very well protected from damage. She can solo just about anything, including Zone GMs when you're bored. Here is the build I run with if you want an idea of what to do. If there is a difference in performance compared to other sets, I haven't felt the difference honestly. I went with Demon Lore Pets, too XD It all meshes together nicely. Lucy - Thermal - Mastermind (Demon Summoning).mxd
  4. I liked the old PFF where you were essentially phased out and invincible. nothing got through. You could stand right next to an AV and they would never get through. That was more useful and made the power something worth taking.
  5. NECROPOST!!!! . . . . . @Nezz, here. I should be posting this under my Nezz Forum account, but too lazy to swap over as this is my main account for all my toons.... hai o_o Add me in game under @Nezz. I play Excelsior Server.
  6. Hello! Although I am fortunately still in contact with most people from way back in the day... there are a couple that I would love to see again and hopefully they see this. I am Nezz, global was (and is here, too) @Nezz on the Guardian Server on live. I used to have a Villain Group called "The Ultimate Gods of Destruction." I used to moderate the "Level 50" chat channel, too. I was most known for my Energy Melee - Regeneration Stalker that I used to PvP with and run just about every Task Force on with the battle cry of "I Live To Die!!!™." A few old friends lost were: -Abbi Cadabra -Oleandra (aka "O") -GodStalker -Okashimi (Littledeath) -Zyxith If you remember me, message or add me in game under @Nezz like old times. It would be nice to hear from you again. Thank you.
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