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Thoughts on the Sentinel (feedback/theorycrafting ahoy)
Aoide replied to Nerva's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
Just a random idea I had while reading this thread: What if Sentinels current inherent was replaced with something akin to a Brute's Fury of a Blasters Defiance, but with a demerit attached to it. I mean something like a Sentinel who has no 'Fury' would have near Blaster range for their attacks, but as they attack they don't just get extra damage, BUT their Range for their attacks is actually decreased (maybe half range when their bar is full?). That way, possibly by the time they have a full 'Fury Bar' they are pumping out NEAR Scrapper/Blaster damage numbers (but not as high), thus meaning they're more likely to be in melee range (and thus get use out of their secondary), but at the beginning of a fight they might have a bit more use 'thinning the heard' of oncoming enemies at range. This way, instead of being able to pump out large numbers in their initial attacks (like Blasters and Stalkers can) they'd be more of an AT that shines more in longer fights (like Brutes and non-perma Dominators). That way they'd have a bit more of a defined roll (i.e. ranged damage that does it's best in long fights). Heck, it might change the way their Nukes are used from a 'Use on Alpha to thin the heard' to something more like 'use later in the fight to finish the mob'. As I see it, this idea not only gives Sents a defined role (something that people say they need) and a damage boost (which again, some people say they need) but doesn't make them over powered from the get go. Also, please note that I am using Fury/Defiance as an example, I don't know what the damage cap for Sents currently is, but it shouldn't be at Brute level either, since that would take away from Brutes. -
What I'm about to say is as someone who used to be a Badger back on Live, but who hasn't tried to get the PvP Badges on Homecoming, thus I do not know how well the PvP system (especially on The Server side) is currently working in related to Badges. But as someone who did have a chunk of these Badges back on Live, I can say that a lot of the time it felt like they've always been broken. With that said I fully agree that some of the PvP badges might need to be fixed if things are (still?) broken, I don't think making them cheap (and 100 Merits is cheap) or easy is the way to go. Especially since back on Live a lot of those Badges were buggy as well and either insanely easy or insanely hard at times to get. Case in point, it was fairly easy to get the various Weight Class related Arena PvP badges for a while back on Live. All you had to do was sign up enough characters for an automatically scheduled bout that it would read as full. It didn't matter if they were all actually online though, since at the time the Arena PvP server didn't clear out characters that weren't online. Thus you could sign up enough alts to trick the system into thinking that match was full, it'd start, and whatever alt you had online would be able to join the Arena match and would 'win' by default, thus getting the badge. While that bug may (or may not) have been fixed, it did make it easy to get those badges for a good chunk of Badgers back in the day for a long while. On the other hand some of the other Badges (I forget if it was Septad, Pentad,or Swiss, and it was at least when they were first introduced back on Live, they may have been fixed as well) were broken in a way that made it depend on pure blind luck to get them. Simply put you could get a group together to try and make it so people would throw matches to get them, thus the last man standing would get the badge. Unfortunately at the time the game was borked in a way that it didn't matter if you won a match, it would just randomly claim one person or another 'Won' and shove them into the next round. Thus if you weren't chosen by the broken system as the 'Winner' you could never get the badges. Now, with that said, if the current Devs wanted to change the badges so that you had to do something else (i.e. possibly killing a certain number of enemies in a PvP zone, simply taking part in PvP matches, Accolades for collecting other PvP related badges, etc.) , it might not be a bad. But as I said, that depends on IF they are actually broken Code/Server wise. Also, since it's been brought up in relation to this... Healing Badges aren't that hard to get, especially if you have access to Red Side and enough Incarnate Threads. You just need to get an Destiny Rebirth Core, Head to one of those ledges where there's lines of Arachnos (that don't con as enemies) exercising, set your Rebirth Core to go off as an Auto Power, and afk. Likewise I've had Badgers tell me ways to AFK farm for those Mez and Damage (both Damage Dealing and Damage Taken) badges. They aren't impossible. But IF, and only IF there isn't a reasonable way to get these badges (i.e. via Server issues, Broken Code, or even just badly Buggy Code), then maybe finding other ways to get them should be examined.
Maybe I did corner it, maybe I didn't. But with the amount of time I put into this, and the total amount that I sold, it at least felt a lot like I had cornered it.
Back on Live I manipulated the Level 35 and 40 (later just 35) Common Recharge IO's for ages. I always sold them for less than the cost of the recipe for the Level 35 Recharge IO itself, but more than the cost of the memorized crafting cost + the cost of Salvage + the AH fees. I literally used every alt I had on every server to flood the Market with these IOs, and sometimes I'd spend hours every day just doing nothing but logging in alts, placing bids for salvage, crafting the IOs, listing them, and logging out. Eventually someone tried to muscle me out, at which point I poured all my saved INF, stored salvage, and already crafted IOs onto the market and was listing them for 1 Inf less than the memorized crafting cost of a Level 35 Recharge IO, and for months I was flooding the market with a slightly less than cost product. This is when I pulled out of the Level 40 Recharge IO niche. But in the end, I eventually sunk back into making my IOs at a slim profit. At times I'm almost sad that with how the Market is seeded on Homecoming that the common IO market isn't worth doing as much as it used to be on Live. But considering how slim my profits were at times I probably make more, and more quickly, just taking part in a Kill Most ITF these days.
Thank you! Original post edited to add new information. As is I kind of feel bad about having even made this guide, but given the number of times in the past where I've crashed out of HC, and had to have my character sent to another zone via a GM, and how it wasn't until a few days ago I even found any information on the forums as to the fix (I usually searched after every crash and would find all sorts of random KW related posts, but nothing related to fixing this issue or even it's cause), I figured I'd try to do something to help anyone else who's experiencing this issue. Again, thank you Faultline!
Aoide started following I cant load KW most of the time
My idea is a badge (I have no idea what to call it) for content that odds are next to no one plays anymore, due to the content itself being so optional that it's obsolete. Said content being the Missions that unlock the higher level IO stores (Agent Six, Mark IV, Penny Preston, Holsten Armitage, Serafina, and Ghost Falcon). As is, with multiple stores in multiple zones offering IOs for sale that you don't have to unlock, plus Wentworths, IOs, and the like, there's no real reason to run these missions. But if you put in a badge for getting all of these stores unlocked, they at least have some reason to be around and for people to do their content.
Disclaimer: Please note that what is covered in this guide will not fix every issue that may happen in Khallisti Wharf. It is only for one specific issue. And it might not even work for every instance of that specific issue. This guide is for my fellow players that go to Kallisti Wharf and notice things.... Missing. Or worse, will crash somewhere in Kallisti Wharf and are then unable to log the character that they were on in anymore without the client instantly crashing. Things that may be missing include, but are not limited to: The drawbridge between One Statesman Plaza and The Old Slough, the tallest building in the zone (which is located at the center of One Statesman Plaza), the Statue of Statesman in One Statesman Plaza (where the exploration badge is located), plus other things including in places entire sections of the ground located in various areas of the zone. The reason this happens: I currently do not know. BUT this issue has been noted as something that happens to players who have used Paragon Chat and Titan Icon (mainly before Homecoming went public). It is also something that could easily effect players who have copied all the files of their instal from someone who used Titan Icon and/or Paragon Chat. Update! According to a Developer (Faultline, see below), this issue is due to the various programs having, and trying to use different versions of the Kallisti Wharf Zone. The fix: Go into the folders where you have City of Heroes installed. Find the folder labeled 'data'. Go into said folder and either delete (or rename) the 'bin', 'geobin', and 'object_library' folders. Then just to play it safe, you may want to Re-Validate your City of Heroes installation via your Launcher (this step is optional, but recommended due to the fact that you are mucking with game files). With that done, many of the missing textures and objects should now appear properly in the Kallisti Wharf Zone, and if you crash there you should (in theory) be able to log back in without having to ask a GM for help. Happy Hunting!
I'm not sure what to call it, but basically a badge for doing all the 'Unlock Missions' for Agent Six, Mark IV, Penny Preston, Holsten Armitage, Serafina, and Ghost Falcon. After all, what reason do people have to run these missions these days? Originally they were there to sell you higher level SOs, but between the RWZ store, Midnighters Store, Cimerora store, Wentworths, and of course IOs, what reason is there to even run these missions? At least by having a badge for doing all of these (rather easy) missions they'd have some sort of purpose again.
The skiing badges always eluded me. Any tips for getting good times? 1) Super Speed (With a Level 50 Run IO) + Sprint (With a Level 50 Run IO) + Fitness Pool (With Level 50 Movement IOs) + Combat Jumping (With a Level 50 Jumping IO) are powers that you'll probably want, unless of course you have a friendly Kin buffing you like mad first 2) Unless you have a super high end rig, turn your graphics settings all the way down to maximize your FPS rate for this 3) Use the wheel on your mouse to bring your perceptive all the way in so that you are using a first person view rather than an over the shoulder view 4) Remove excess windows (Targeting, Chat, extra Power Trays, etc) to help with the FPS issues and to remove distractions 5) Angle your viewpoint down a bit so you can more easily see the area you'll be going through (since you're going down hill) 6) If you don't succeed, try, try again Alternatively: 1) Get a bunch of friends with Recall Friend and Hover/Fly 2) Form a team so that each person with Recall/Fly is right in front of a gate 3) Rapid Fire Chain Recall Friend so you pass through a gate right before being teleported so you can pass through the next one
I'm not saying that anyone should violate the Code of Conduct. I'm just pointing out how I (and others, since I did this after someone explained how to do it via a post on the old Official Forums) did it back when the game was live. If someone can manage to do this with dual boxing without breaking the code of conduct, more power to them. In regards to the timer, that's an easy fix. You pretty much have to figure out which power you hit with that will not only overcome regen, but will also eat away at hp slow enough that the targets self rez will be up before you KO them.
Yep the requirement was 400 pvp rep points as I recall. Not always quick, easy or fun to obtain at times and I believe your rep points decay by about a point per day wasn't it? - One way to do both of these back in the day was dual boxing. Basically you created a second, account just for badges like these, PLed something like a Scrapper or Tank who had a power in their pool that was a self rez (I had a Spines/Fire Scrapper for this) until it was high enough level to go into Warburg. You then found a nice quiet corner where people weren't likely to search for PvP targets, set the self rez on the Scrapper/Tanker to fire off automatically, and had the character that you wanted Disruptor on to have a single attack that would go off automatically, that way once you target the Scrapper/Tanker you don't have to worry, and the Scrapper/Tanker would self rez. Then you could afk for hours until you got the badge for the Warden II. The next step was to have the Scrapper/Tanker grab a few pets (The Meson being a preferred one) and go into a Gladiator match where either cheap pets (or the Messon) deal some damage, and the Warden just stands there and heals your pets. Of course I'm not sure how to even set up anything to dual box on these servers right now, otherwise I'd consider doing this again to see if it can even still be done.
While running through the Dakota Berg Signature Story Arc (Who Will Die Episode 4) I keep crashing during the final mission. Everything runs fine at first. I go into the mindscape, fight the couple of waves of Images of Malaise and Aurora. But then, as things change to the burning inside of Manticore's Mansion the game freezes and crashes. I've tried this a couple of times, and had it crash every time. Also, when I've logged back on after these crashes, I've been KOed, so despite the client crashing apparently I'm staying connected long enough in game to be killed
I can't speak for the CoT bosses. BUT when it comes to any crafting badges where it says that you have to do X Level Y and X Level Z IOs, it means that you have to do X of both So if it's not progressing one one of those it might mean that you have enough of one IO (Level 25 maybe?) and not enough of the other (Level 30? Or it might be the other way around depending on which you've done the most of)
Open a ticket. This happened to me the other day when I was trying to enter Brickstown. The GM had to move my character to Pocket D in order for me to be able to log it in. Once moved, my character was fine. Unfortunately I'm pretty much dealing with waiting again, since it happened to me again on the same character earlier today when I tried to go back to Brickstown (I'm beginning to think the zone is majorly bugged).
Trying this now. Thank you. Hopefully iy works.