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Ridiculous Girl

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Ridiculous Girl last won the day on July 15

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  1. what archetype and powersets do you have? some powers have a circle that appears to let you know their buff/debuff is wearing off, like one of the powers in dual pistols (piercing rounds, i think it was). another example would be arcane bolt, which has a proc that gives it a circle that lets you know that if fired it would do double damage. if you could provide examples or, better yet, a screenshot, that would greatly help to see what is going on. 🙂
  2. PFFT! amateurs! 865 alts an counting on 2 servers... ðŸ’Đ
  3. then i reread your question and realized that i gave you a corned beef on rye sandwich when you asked for the menu... 😆 i looked again and no the alpha is not showing up on the buff icons for thugs. and it shows on demons... so yes, the buff power icon is not showing on thugs, but the effects are *cough* in effect... 😄
  4. i had to ask on help because i was looking on my thugs/kin under the combat attributes and forgot that the alpha affects the power itself and not base damage. so i slotted in the basic musculature boost and looked at my enhancement management screen and detailed info for the bruiser. bruiser with agility slotted in... bruiser with musclacture slotted in... there is a difference there in damage, but not much. this is probably due to the fact that he might be already capped on damage or close to it, because of the enhancements i have slotted inthe power. so i looked under my gang war, which has no damage enhancements added to it, and the detailed info for one of the posse. posse sledgehammer with agility... same posse with musculature... and voila! the 65.30 smashing damage turns into 81.48 smashing damage. so, your alpha slot power is probably not showing up because you were like me and looking in the wrong places. 😄
  5. did you make this to torture me? is this hell? what does it mean???
  6. can we get some new patch notes? because this is driving me crazy... 😆
  7. i have come to the conclusion that the phrase "Something secret hidden in the orange!" is some sort of subliminal mesage... ðŸĪŠ
  8. if the tier 3 angel does not look like this... it's a no go! 😁 PS... aren't there already cherubim pets in game already? 😄
  9. uh houston, we may have a problem... or at least if you do this %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% by holding the % key down in editor you get this... (and the 2514/3000 is the max limit due to hidden text) just FYI... if someone else would try this, just to see if that happens with them, i would appreciate it. because i was experimenting with something else and i hope i did not break something... 😄
  10. ERMAGERD!!! Correction!!! if i have only 1 single % symbol in the text, it multiplies! they breed like rabbits with each saved edit!!! ðŸĪŠ
  11. well, still questioning my sanity and this is still a thing... i opened my still published mission, went to edit and got this... because after all the testing of this bug the last time and reaching the character limit, i forgot to shorten the souvenir text. so there are probably hundreds of players, ok maybe 5 players, that have an AE souvenir that looks like this... since the text bleeds off to the side... it actually reads... just like before... so... i wanted to know if anything has changed. to recap; if the text read "0.01%" nothing would happen when i would edit my mission and save/republish. (read the following entry) BUT! but, if the text read "0.01%%%%%" (because ridiculous) the editor would add "%%%%" to the souvenir text each time that it was saved. the following edit would it be "0.01%%%%%%%%%", etc... this geometric progression would add to the text each time that i edited and saved/republished the mission, even if i did not do anything with that particular text. it would only take a handful of edits before the text field would fill up to the maximum limit of 3000 characters. so i shortened the text to just one long line of %%%%%s, republished, and ran through the mission again. same thing, the souvenir has the long string again, though shorter than before. but upon re-editting, saving/republishing, it added more %%%%s, doubling in one go in the editor and the souvenir. you get the picture... suddenly my souvenir text gained some winter weight while i was just trying to edit, innocently. since AE souvenirs accumulate, globally, i wonder if there is a limit? 😄 just bumping this up again, since it is such a strange bug. 😎
  12. i am assuming this is a typo/forgotten text and not a dev held hostage, but... (grant invisibility temp power) oh wait... every single one of these have the same text. what's going on here?
  13. for future reference the HC wiki is very helpful. here's the page for patrol experience... 🙂
  14. OMG i changed the title and put the code in the title and it is functioning as a non-breaking space! OOPS! ðŸĪŠ
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