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Thrythlind last won the day on July 4 2021

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  1. Grimm is certainly one of the TV shows it was aiming to emulate. The original inspirations were stuff like Dresden Files, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Supernatural, etc... Grimm is a direct inspiration to one of the new team playbooks. This is the backerkit for the new books. https://www.backerkit.com/c/projects/evil-hat/slayers-survival-kit-and-hunter-s-journal
  2. ... has anyone picked up the new books that Evil Hat is crowdfunding? (admitted bias, I'm a co-author)
  3. I haven't made the last few videos public yet (they'll be released over a couple of months) but I just had to pull out this little clip showing the museum being almost complete except for one poltergeist anchor. https://youtu.be/HkD9yUJlstM
  4. There are some cuts for timing, and I did a lot of disengage and recover including a long stretch of them chasing me around the arena, but I never got taken out in this fight.
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  5. Started a new character and every time I tried to pull the options screen to modify my settings and keybindings, the game crashed. Went to one other older character and the same thing happened.
  6. Based on a transformation sequence by the artist Ibenz (warning source material is NSFW if you go searching for it)
  7. Oh, wish I had known this was here... here's a thing I posted a bit earlier today:
  8. Probably not likely to see this happen really, because I imagine making it work is... well... work. But stuff like this: (Also, admittedly, I got a near effect for this using the "Spots" facial decal, but still getting the request in just in case someone sees it.
  9. Came up with this character yesterday after seeing a new transformation sequence from Ibenz. (as a warning, Ibenz's stuff is definitely NSFW,)
  10. I love city of heroes, but the AI is very simple and I have to imagine certain scenes in the training of the villain groups: "Now, this is important, if your mini-gun needs to cool down, take the chance to punch the hero. You're enhanced 8 ft tall nazi super-soldiers, use that." "All right, so if they're close enough, then I should punch them, got it, makes sense." "Hey, that's specialized training you're not ready for. No, no... you should get in range to punch them while you're gun is cooling down." "Okay... now... umm, say there's an godzilla girl roughly as tall as we are, surrounded in fire, and we just saw her melt a dozen 15 ft battle robots and five 10 ft werewolves?" "Did I say something confusing? Shoot her, then, while the gun is cooling down, run up and punch her." "Into the fire..." "Yes. Into the fire, that's where she is, isn't it?" "But won't I die?" "Are you doubting the chem... I mean genetic modifications we've given you? Step forward and punch her for the column.... Now, you ranged lot... you stay put and keep shooting." "Oh thank the Center... I mean, right sir, we keep shooting." "And if the hero takes cover, take the shortest route possible towards them until you have line of effect." "What if they're just... waiting just around the corner to gather us into a big clump and do an AoE alpha=strike?" "Are you daring to say these foolish so-called heroes use tactics superior to our own?!" "No sir!" "Good... now, you... snipers. Just don't move and keep shooting. Never ever move." "Right, don't move until the hero makes us run." "When did I say that?! Don't move... if the hero comes at you keep shooting!" "And if I'm thrown away by a super-strength or grave troller?" "Then stand where they threw you and shoot. It's not rocket science. Now... Rabbits." "Yes sir." "Do one or two annoying things... then teleport away for 20 seconds." "If I can't port?" "Then fly, of course... run. Now, that's training done! Go defeat our foes!"
  11. I'm the Dark/Fire dragon-fender, my brother's character is the Dark/Dark porter.
  12. The wind-ups are pretty, but they are sooo long, and it seriously impacts my ability to contribute as a Brute. It's fine solo and pretty fun, but in a team I feel like I'm lagging behind.
  13. My team compliment is: Widow Dark/Dark tank Earth/Kin troller Rad/Rad corruptor Elec/Cold corruptor Pistols/Martial blaster Psi/-- scrapper (uncertain their defense) Dark/Fire defender (me) We have speed boost, but I'm still seeing some request for endurance... the Dark will get Dark Consumption and she's most of where the request comes from, but I'm wondering if picking up Victory Rush would be good for me (already have Tactics and Assault)
  14. Hmm, cool, thanks
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