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Steampunkette last won the day on August 25 2019

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About Steampunkette

  • Birthday 12/09/1982

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  1. Yes. That's rather the point. That portion of the community would haaaate this powerset and think it's the worst and the rest of us would go have a ton of fun flinging enemies around like ragdolls!
  2. I call it "Chessmaster Control" Power 1: ST Knockback. Power 2: ST Knock Toward. Power 3: Ground Target AoE Knock Left. (If left isn't an option, knockback) Power 4: Power Build Up. Increased Knockback and adds big damage to these knock powers. Power 5: Targeted AoE Knock Right. (If right isn't an option, pulsing knockdown) Power 6: PBAoE Knock to Caster. Power 7: Cone Knockback with massive magnitude. Power 8: Ground Target AoE Pulsing Knock Up and Center. (Animation, flipping the chessboard) Power 9: Pet: Holographic Queen. Do the "Low Rez" body model and then slap one of the crowns onto it. All of it's attacks (Whirling Sword, Headsplitter, Slice, Disembowel) do big knock. Some is back, some is up, some is in. All the powers make black and white squares appear near the target, and then you get a 'gold' line to show where the bishop is moving, or a straight line for a rook, or the L of a knight, etc etc etc. The Tier 2 Knock Toward can be en passant! (This is actually a semi-serious suggestion. It would be interesting to play, but probably a nightmare to balance.)
  3. So... out of curiosity, I zoomed WAY IN on the Crey Biotech image. I recognized Amanda Vines, Dean MacArthur, Jessica Flores, and a few others at the press event... Where is that from, and what's it meant to represent?
  4. Eh. Not my monkeys, not my zoo. If the dev team want people to go to other zones to experience the game world, and they all go to precisely one zone, and that's acceptable, surely allowing them to go to various other zones to experience the game world shouldn't really be a problem. It's up to them to continue their argument that AP should not be the zone people level in, not me. The issue, there, is that people level using papers and radios. Which is why they stay in the zone you're in. A level 15 character getting sent to Talos Island is going to be bouncing to the hospital, repeatedly, while trying to get to their mish.
  5. Okay... So leave Atlas and Mercy out. Problem solved!
  6. With the AE you stand inside a single building entering and exiting a column of light. At least with papers you'd be running around the zone fighting crime!
  7. People go to Peregrine for three reasons: 1) If you're level 40+ your options for running Radio missions (which are what is constantly advertised in LFG) your options are very limited. 2) Most players are Blueside. 3) Shadow Shard is difficult to maneuver around. The density of the mission doors doesn't need to be optimal with these key factors in play. Sure, Dark Astoria could be the preferred zone for radio missions, especially with the incarnate reward options, but then you have to explain how to get to Dark Astoria to newbs. Thanks to the Tunnel portal, Peregrine doesn't really have that problem. Level 1 character needs to get carried? Hit the portal to Peregrine and you're golden. Meanwihle Cimerora requires jumping through a few gates to go in. With this change, we'd probably see a -lot- more hero teams running around Atlas Park (highest filler population)... But is that -really- a problem when most hero teams run exclusively in Peregrine Island, already? In that regard it's just shifting where the Radio Teams spamming for players hang out to wherever it's easier to be. But for people who enjoy specific zones, or want to do a ton of content hanging out in Praetoria post-20, or make their supergroup a "Zone Hero Team" that mostly targets crime in a single place for RP purposes? It's a major boon. Plus people could do radio mishies cross-factionally in Kallisti Wharf, maybe, which could be fun and might result in it becoming a bit of a hub-zone just for a new place to spam radios! So on one hand we've got a boon for RPers and for Variety for anyone who wants it, and on the other hand we've got people making Atlas Park the heart of the game instead of Peregrine Island. That doesn't seem like a heavier thumb on a "Downside", to me.
  8. Blueside they let you do stuff in any zone. Redside, every level 41+ tip mish is in Grandeville, sad to say!
  9. I've also been informed that Message Man and Clockwork A87952 are the Praetorian repeatable mission contacts. Which is great! Now just expand their level range from 1-50...
  10. I mean... the title's it. Let my level 50 character do radio mishies in Cap Au Diable and Brickstown. Add a "Holochannel" for Praetorian Zones to do radio mishies there, too. Still the same old madlibs content generation, just anywhere in the world. Even Hazard and PvP Zones because who the heck cares if someone wants to run around Recluse's Victory fighting pockets of Council or Circle of Thorns bases on instanced maps?
  11. Ahhhhh... that explains it. Thank you! ❤️
  12. I've clicked on a bunch of doors in Cap Au and gotten 0 monsters... Is it limited to specific zones?
  13. Just what it says on the tin. We've got the Winter Horde which are pretty great for when you wanna do a Winter or Snow-Themed storyarc or encounter... but how about the Apocalypse Zombies? I'd love to be able to have Nightmare EBs in my AE Arcs. Same for the Mapserver event's D.O.O.M. minions. Having a "Reality Breaking" NPC with Code Gremlins and Unspecified Error minions could be a lot of fun.
  14. Riotess! The rolling riot. Hard-left political character who supports the Scrapyarders and fights the Family, Tsoo, and Council/Column as her main goal. (Savage/Invuln Brute) Ionique! Cap Au Diable defender, she's a hero in the Isles fighting to protect the citizens of Haven from the Goldbrickers, Vahzilok, and myriad Destined Ones looking to conquer, kill, or crush the isle. (Elec/Elec Sentinel) Fortresse! Protector of Port Oakes, she mostly fights against the Marcones and Verandis in the ongoing war between them, but also fights against the Hellions, the Lost, and the other dangers of the eastern end of the Isla Diable. (SS/WP Brute) The Silversaint. Greek superhero who retreated to the Rogue Isles after receiving a debilitating injury during her superheroic career in Europe. Signing on with the Global Defense Force, she makes the Isles her priority but will fight wherever needed. (Staff/WP Brute)
  15. I'm really struggling on a superhero name for this character: The idea is she's a Rogue Isles Superheroine. Elec/Elec/Mu Sentinel. (Though I may also wind up making an Elec/Elec Dominator version, as well, at some point). Right now she's "Stormlight" with the i for L trick in her name. It's a solid name, for sure. I'm just wondering if I can get something snappier for her. Any thoughts from our thesaurally blessed forumites?
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