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Posts posted by Six-Six

  1. 4 minutes ago, Snarky said:

    Stupid catch this guy. Before he runs out door.

    There's a few of those missions Redside. I always make it a point to pay attention to the NPC chatter to get a heads up when the bloke is about to make a run for it. Then I position myself in an intersection near the entrance so no matter where the guy is coming from, he'll have to go through me (with my hold or immob ready). Guy still got past me without me seeing him.

    Another frustrating one is the protect an object... which blows up after one hit from NPCs.

    • Haha 1
  2. 15 hours ago, PLVRIZR said:

    dental procedures sans anesthesia

    Believe it or not, I've had this happen before. Felt like an allied spy being tortured by Nazis (yes, with the thick German accent and steampunk tools)

    As for the respec trial, don't beat yourself up about it. those ambushes can really confuse a team to lose cohesion and make you forget about renewing the bubble. The only other run that I had which could be on the same level of frustration as this was an old (pre hard mode) ITF PUG. We got to the last bit with Romy, but didn't have enough damage to bring him down. We had to quit without completing.

  3. Short answer is nope.

    If you go looking for advice, you'll get a tonne of really helpful ones and then some that sound good but end up not doing you any good or not living up to the hype. You can even get opinions on how others slot a specific power. But keep in mind that what works for other players may or may not work for you.

    My point is builds are quite intimate between you and your toon, and should be tailor fit to their needs as well as your play style. Ultra and Nyght have pointed out several good pointers. You can stack up damage or recharge or both.You can soft cap def and res, but those come at a cost... and that cost is slots. you only get a limited number of slots so making a build is making those slots work for your needs. So get to know your powers and how you want to use them; see what holes you have in your chain or your armour and either min-max or shore them up equally... totally up to you. there are no wrong builds as long as those builds work for you.

    When I was learning the game, I would look for shared builds and use them as a guide. As I learned more, I'd swap this for that, move those over here. I preferred the ones that came with a lengthy explanation regarding why they slotted a certain way, that way I'll know how to tinker with them. 

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  4. Let me stop you right there.

    There are no "beginner" and non-beginner ATs and power sets. You can learn the game depending on what floats your goat. If you're attracted to Brutes, go with a Brute. Controllers more your style, roll one and learn how to control your enemies. Fight at range or melee or both.

    I think what makes the melee types more attractive is that they're simpler. Just toss on a tonne of armour and button mash your attacks. Of course, the more you learn, the more complex it becomes which isn't a bad thing, rather it opens up new stuff for you. I personally learned the game through a Sentinel (ranged + armour). The only reason behind that is I mostly play solo and I didn't like dying too often. But after learning the basics (which includes everything else from AE content to getting rich off the AH), I still had to learn each AT for what they were. Brutes play differently than Stalkers, Blasters from Dominators, even Defenders differ from Corruptors. Someone wiser did warn me about HEATs (Peacebringers and Warshades) and VEATs (Soldiers and Widows) on how it would be better to have a good grasp of the game before trying them out, they're just as different as other ATs with their own strengths and weaknesses.

    Now to get to what's really important: your costume. 😃


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  5. It tends to be choosy on who it agrees with on my toons. Same with the Ninja... works with some, not with others. I'm guessing it has to do with the toon's concept and all. Also, I've noticed Blitz stance tend to favour my Huge-bodied toons and has yet to work with a female one. I dunno, female on Blitz probably hits a deep-seated childhood trauma of my mother charging at me when I done did some goof.

  6. My Forts put a Lockdown +mag 3 hold in Dominate which should be strong enough for AVs plus it comes with a decent punch. Other than that, a fairly decent movement speed to shadow them with.

    My Widows prefer Combat Teleport to target (/bind [key] powexec_location Target Combat Teleport)

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  7. I won't mind if they just directly ported the pistols and rifle powers to wands and staves, provided they remove the muzzle flare -- I can already imagine beam rifle and flame thrower animations going smoothly. The projectiles like grenades and bullets would take a teeny bit more suspension of disbelief, but only an itsy bitsy bit... definitely not beyond the capability of most people who play this game. I suppose this kind of thinking is "it's better to have it and complain about it than not have it at all." Like back holstered blades and weapons. Not perfect, but workable. 😃 

  8. Not so much a new power, but I wouldn't mind porting the existing powers to wand/staff and guns/riffles. So basically the option to have the blast sets like elec, fire, ice, etc. be fired from a tool like a wand or staff. Similarly, arm or shoulder mounted cannons would also work. The only ones I don't see working off the top of my head would be AR and Pistols for the wand or staff. But almost all powers would fit nicely into a tech-oriented rifle weapon, hand-gun weapon, or wrist mounted weapon. The Clockwork and BCUs already have some sort of shoulder mounted firing mechanism, hence why I threw that in.

    Last minute edit: orbs. wands, staves or orbs.

    • Thanks 1
  9. I've got a few WH40K knock-offs:

    Sisters of battle: DP/Ninja blaster (the bolters could be beefier, and the sword strike could be grittier but it works)
    Death Korps of Krieg: AR/Traps corr (no melee, but the AR comes with snipe, Auto and Flamer so it's close enough)
    [generic] Space Marine: SoA (nice combination of rifle, nades and mace... and a butt-load of armour)
    Palladin: Mace/Shield Brute: (axe or sword works just as well, but mace choices do it for me)
    Servant of the Silent King [Necron Technomancer]: Beam/Dark Blaster
    Guardsman: Beam/Dev/Mace blaster (mace is just for show --slung across his back-- since I don't have melee attacks with it on a blaster so just the lasgun while the gun drone is his "bolter")

    And I suppose you can stretch this to fit a commissar... SoA crab. I took AR AoEs (for the bolter action + nades), Crab leg suppression fire for lasgun, mace mastery and Omega maneuvre and 'lings for flavour. Form wins over function as the redraw from the mace, AR and crab legs really takes its toll. Also, it's a slotting nightmare as you get a tonne of varied powers, but no way to get the most out of it.


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  10. Or

    instead of instigating a sweeping change that will affect ALL of us, why not a small behavioural change that only affects you and leaves the rest of us as we are? Just sell what a specific alt doesn't need and buy what it does. You'll end up breaking even in terms of inf, but you'll have a much cleaner inventory.


    Instead of the AH, why not enable the email to send more than one attachment at a time?

  11. I strongly advice you to consult the wiki. If a contact referral choice pops up, just look their name up in the wiki. Sometimes one is better than the other in the sense that it offers a badge or that the other contact will be in your near future anyway. Also worth mentioning that some contacts need to be unlocked by certain badges or tasks. And these unlockable contacts have special badges attached to them.

    Off hand, some of my all-time favourite arcs are:
    Seer Marino (level 15)
    Operative Wellman (before level 19)
    Doc Buzzsaw--both arcs, Die by the Freak and Freakish Lab (available at 25 until 40)
    Black Scorpion's entire 3-arc story starting with the Patron Pool unlock. Though I usually do Mako's 3rd arc through the Pillar for the free bane summon.
    Dobb's Arachnoid arc.

  12. Here's how I categorise them in my head:

    Blasters--Ranged damage, melee damage, some control, minimal armour. You look at me the wrong way, I kill you. You're too near, I kill you. You try to run away, I pin you down and I kill you. You dissing my lack of inherent def/res, I kill you.

    Corruptors--Ranged damage, support, decent control, enough armour, possibly one or two melee hits. Sure I'll kill stuff with you. That guy giving you a hard time? I'll make him go on a time out while you chew on this happy heal pill. Oh and have some extra buffs and debuffs for your confused friends over there while you're at it... oh, they died. oh well, next mob. 


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  13. I suspect the contention lies in the term "soloable". 

    As Glacier said, all content can be done alone... even some of the TF/SFs that supposedly need a team. Are they easy? short answer is no. Difficulty or chance for lone success can stem from 3 things:

    1) Notoriety Settings. I personally think that +2 is the normal challenge setting. +0 is easy, -1 is an almost brainless stroll (though I gather some people have a reason for it which I won't disparage... each to his own); +4 is the hard setting. With respects to TF/SFs, the new star system makes things more challenging for those who want that option, but the vanilla setting wasn't removed as most people pointed out.

    2) AT + powers + build.
    Some ATs fare better in some content than others. In the same way, some powers will tend to do better than others. But I think the difference is almost negligible. You have to keep in mind that the original intent of the game was an MMO, which carries with it the intent to make it fun to play with other people. And while CoH doesn't impose the "trinity" dependence as other more mainstream MMOs do, you'll find that two heads are indeed better than one. However, CoH has done a lot of work so that a single hero can stand alone against the villainous tide (or vice versa). While it is entirely possible to go through most of the content all by your lonesome, the caveat is your build. Two toons with identical ATs + power sets can perform very differently depending on how they were built.

    3) Which brings me to the third point: skill. People often ask what the best blaster is or best tank or best whatever. there is no answer. If there even is a "best" this or that and you leave it at the hands of a noob, then that noob can look forward to a life of pushing a lot of daisies. Another player put it nicely, The ATs and powers are just the car, what matters is the driver.

    If you equate soloable with easy, then no, some of the content won't be soloable for you because some of them do require effort, thinking, and a fair bit of skill to get through. but for the most part, It's like a walk in Perez Park with your incarns on.

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  14. I started on Reunion and stayed there up until recently.

    I tried Everlasting for SG and RP, but the wifi gods would not allow me with my third world internet to enjoy the game without lag every 2 steps. So I left. 

    Reunion started lagging for me (I blame Putin and his BS in Europe). So I moved some of my active toons to Torch.

    Then Page 4 and the name-flagging started, I reviewed my toons which I wanted to keep and which I didn't mind losing. I ended up grouping my ATs to either Torch or Reunion. When Torch is slow, I play in Reunion and vice versa.

    There was a time both Torch and Reunion were slow. So I set up camp in Indom. Indom's low population works for me since I solo 95% of the time.

    So nowadays, I go where the wifi gods let me. I have 50 toons on Reunion, 55 on Torch and 10 in Indom.

  15. This has happened to me several times: I have a fairly decent concept + costume + back story for a toon. Power sets/combos are picked and the level up process begins. (It should be noted that I enjoy the lower levels so power levelling is not something I tend to consider). At certain levels, there are signs that the toon will or will not work. Sometimes it's as early as 10, sometimes as late as 45. So I hit a respec to strip whatever IOs I have on him/her, sell, stash or email whatever assets the toon has accumulated and roll the toon to a more fitting AT + power sets.

    As people have mentioned, XP is really easy to come by, especially if that's your main goal. I don't see why re-rolling a toon would be hard, more so if you've found that the current iteration of your concept isn't working.

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  16. It may be traced to your connection or lag. What you described sounds very similar to posting/claiming stuff to or from the AH that don't seem to want to cooperate only to suddenly do so a minute or two later. As someone blessed with third world interenet, I experience this quite a bit so I'm used to it. I can't say I haven't encountered the not levelling up one as I probably dismissed it as such.

    If you can replicate the bug with Netgraph on (/netgraph 1 to turn it on, 0 to turn it off), it might confirm or eliminate lag as the culprit.

  17. This has been happening consistently of late. Upon accepting Miss Jones' first mission for the Missing Maiden's arc, Investigate the Disappearances, the marker will point to the wrong (and quite risky) door behind a troop of Longbow (for the Oobatz badge). This didn't use to happen, but this is the 4th time in a row (in the span of about a month) that I've noticed this behaviour.

    This is similar to Seer Marino's bug which can be fixed by abandoning the mission and speaking with Ms. Jones again. However, unlike Marino's, Jones' always points to that specific door. 

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