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About Techwright

  • Birthday 01/01/1004

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  1. While I realize this is a bind issue, it seems to be failing due to the unique nature of the Kheldians. Perhaps you can get help by posting this over in the Peacebringer & Warshade forum? That, or you might try calling @Laucianna's name three times. 🙃
  2. What's your take on the Green Lantern Corp, then? Not trying to dig at you, just genuinely curious.
  3. I was cleaning out some old bookmarks, and one was a link to @Jimmy's State of the Project - August 2020. Within it, Jimmy states the team had created "several social media channels", which at the time were to sit dormant. I assume this was in anticipation of successful talks with NCSoft. The social media named were: Twitter (X) Twitch Facebook YouTube Now that those talks are successful, I see these are still in existence but remain dormant. (Well, I assume X-Twitter is. I don't have an account for that.) Any chance these will be activated? Ever? I could see potential for Twitch and YouTube at least, highlighting special events or dev play via video, or perhaps showcasing particularly interesting missions, task forces, even the costume contests. I suppose X and Facebook can be utilized to spread awareness of the game. Perhaps someone can come up with other, better reasons.
  4. The descriptions sound promising, though it feels like Bond is a lot more present than I was suggesting. I was thinking more along the lines of a comment or perhaps, as I mentioned, a shadow on the wall. There's also the question in my mind as to how permanent these 00s are? If the writer is unwilling to kill any of them, seeing them as a cash cow, it kind of defeats the purpose. Not that they should be quick kills, though. 00s are supposed to be hard to kill. One other thought occurred to me when reading this: It would be interesting to see how a 00 rises to the role. We saw a tiny bit of this in Casino Royale when Craig's interpretation made the two kills that got him the 007. But what happens before that? What moves a candidate from naval commander into the preparation program for 00, and then prepares them? And would it be reasonable to assume there's an entire replacement team trained in the wings and just waiting for the call to the big leagues?
  5. First, I'll add my two nickles to the pot (not the pennies. I'm saving them now that they're about to be extincted), and say that I, too, have great misgivings about Amazon taking the reins. To what you said, @ThaOGDreamWeaver: I laughed because this is exactly what a dear and slightly kooky friend has confused himself into believing for years: that "James Bond" is a title bequeathed and that a variety of men have bourne it. (Sorry, couldn't resist.) I've told him until I'm blue in the face that different actors portrayed the same man to the end of Pierce Brosnan's era, and that Daniel Craig's was a reboot of the same character. Love my brotherly buddy, but he's stubbornly persisted. Now I'm seeing the idea as a possibility going forward. 🤣 Okay, with a major change, here's what I'd like to see: the other 8 Double Oh's. (There's not a 000 is there?) Let James Bond take a rest for a while, while they figure out how to handle the character going forward. Refer to him throughout this new production, maybe even as the shadow on the wall at times, but have the spotlight specifically target the rest of the 00 class of fighters. This does a couple of things: Gives us opportunities for ensemble stories: two or three 00s for big missions (not all of them at once), and a rotation of characters, movie to movie Allows for multiple movie shoots at the same time (Movie 1 gets 002, 005, and 008. Movie 2 gets 003, 004, and 009) so the release dates become closer, more like an MCU lineup. Allows for male or female agents, any ethnicity within the British Commonwealth, and any mix thereof on the team. Should allow for cooperation with allied, foreign agencies more often. Think "Felix Leighter" but in other countries besides the USA (though that's fine, too). Some of the 00s have specialized connections to key individuals or agencies where their teammates may not. And most especially: allows for sudden death. No 00 will be immune. That raises the stakes significantly, if you don't know they'll make it to the end credits. And the cold truth is, no matter how emotionally attached the audience gets, there will be another person stepping into that 00 number and role, maybe even in the same movie.
  6. Ah, so "bleeding edge" tech, then. I'm assuming we're talking the 32GB GDDR7 variety. Passmark lists it as the top mark in current benchmarks, but doesn't yet list a price. Amazon doesn't have it yet, of course. Do you do pro competitive gaming or something? 'Cause that's just...wow...both cost and anticipated performance.
  7. "...and yes, Mr. Wayne, it does come in black." 😉
  8. I'd not planned on posting this one, but I keep getting private chat compliments. Apparently, it makes an impact that I didn't anticipate. So, here's COLD FORGE, my Ice Blast/Fire Manipulation Blaster.
  9. Whoa...what kind of video card are you shooting for? The only cards I know priced at that level I'd call "bleeding edge" stuff: top 5 or 6 cards available on PassMark's benchmarked chart. Okay, some of the Quadros are off the scale in pricing, but they don't benchmark well, and looking at their stats, I'm not really sure what the spike in price is justified by.
  10. This makes weird sense. One question: are holiday weekends bound by Thursday to Monday? I could have sworn I'd seen some reporting in years past where Wednesday was a starting point. In similar fashion, what happens if the holiday falls on a Tuesday rather than Monday? Or if there's a double "holiday": say Christmas Eve (unofficial but often taken) on the Monday and Christmas Day on the Tuesday?
  11. 👍👍 YES! A THOUSAND TIMES YES! 🏆🏆 I'd actually considered writing this up myself. I can't tell you how many times I've been in the thick of a tense fight, crossed some significant point threshold, and suddenly got several pop up messages about "X wants to talk to you" splayed right over my area of vision, forcing me to clear all of them before continuing the fight. I've much desired to be able to move and resize these, just like I can the Map.
  12. Agreed, though I suspect you were never the kid with those old tin airplanes that had wheels so you could push them around. 😉 I've not noticed this. Is it an actual foot print in shape, or just a water disturbance? If the latter, you might be able to say there's an energy discharge of some sort (anti-grav wave, downward air draft, etc.) that creates the disturbance when they float over the puddles.
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