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About Techwright

  • Birthday 01/01/1004

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  1. I can just imagine a discussion on this with a Steel Strongman:
  2. Needed the extra doors due to the crowds of people lined up to use the base portal in Perez Park.
  3. I can relate, and I was 52 when my bemused co-worker told me and had to endure a round of delighted screams. Welcome Home! It holds that feeling well, yes, but there have been a host of changes, such as new costume features, a new strike force, and The Labyrinth. This is not a stagnant game by any stretch, though it is limited in growth by the time availability of our heroic volunteer development team. As you are early into the game @07Solo, I'd point out the transportation changes make getting around in the game much, much easier. Be sure to hunt exploration badges often and early. Ten of those found will get you the Long Range Teleporter, which will unlock teleport ability to any zone (within a given list) so long as you have first found at least one exploration badge in that zone. You'll also find in your Powers list, under Accolades, a green "Fast Travel" feature, which first appears when you unlock any travel power to which it is connected, such as the Long Range Teleporter. The Fast Travel "button", as I like to call it is useful for storing all those various zone-to-zone travel powers until you need them, reducing their take-over of the powers trays to a single space. Says the party who apparently likes to burn witches. 😉
  4. Are there items/objects that can never alter direction? I've been trying to find an answer for this over several days. I've been wanting to use laser grid and security laser. I've gotten used to the ctrl+alt and shift+alt moves to flip an item, and have several items created by this process in my base. Laser grid and security laser have a problem for me: their beams extend far too high and right through "solid" object into higher levels. I'm assuming there's no way to limit the range of the lasers, so I tried flipping them so the beams pass into the "basement" where I'm not doing construction. Every time I flip the red frame for each, the beam continues firing up. I've tried using Ceiling, Wall, and the other settings , but am still not seeing a change in direction. I've got other energy effects that are changing, so why not these? I think I saw some of the other energy "beams" of various kinds not changing directions as well, but that was a couple of weeks ago while I initially looked into this. I don't have a Discord account, so if the answer is there, I've no access to it.
  5. Welcome to the game! Welcome Home!
  6. It almost sounds like Etherium and Rikti Alloy were each derived from features (but not the entirety) of Carbonadium, the flexible, durable Marvel metal of which Omega Red's cybernetic tentacles are composed.
  7. He was actually the third person to drink from the Well that day, but unlike the gifts bestowed upon Statesman and Recluse, his power is rubbish and troublesome.
  8. Base building listings, at least, could use some love. I wish your question had dropped two weeks ago while I was struggling with the wiki in this regard. I probably could have made a list for you of things to address. Now my old grey cells have forgotten much of it. As it is, if you look at this page on "Tech" for example, you'll see many pictures missing, and obsolete descriptions referencing the need for prestige. I seem to recall missing entries in categories as well, though I'm not sure why. Perhaps they were items added much later to the game. Also... Would it be possible for someone with the novels to give a detailed plot/synopsis of each of the novels, with use of spoiler warnings and fields, of course? The lore from these books has been repeatedly referenced these past 6 years, and the scarcity of the books makes it hard for all players to access that. There is a wiki page on the novels, but only with the back cover blurbs. And if there is such a thing as that really rare find, early production notes on the aborted 3rd novel, that would be welcomed as well.
  9. Was there a specific style you gave as input to give this particular Art Deco poster look?
  10. I appreciate the feedback. That certainly would have worked had I known of the extra part stuck in the wall, and what it was. As it was, I'd a host of parts throughout the base, too many for a reasonable catalog check, had no idea of a stuck part (I'd looked previously, but something about the way bases work hid the part except from one angle), and no idea what it was until I accidentally spotted it when moving around. But if someone does know of a part, knows what it is, and cannot find it, this method would work. I've now actually used it when a slip of the cursor propelled a part I was working with to who knows where in the base. Looked it up in the "current room" listings, removed it, then recreated it.
  11. In the OG game, was the coalition number based on maximum population to some event? Like perhaps the ill-fated base defense? or possibly the MSR? Although I only ever see 4 teams in a league I'm aware the league can supposedly go to several more teams (I actually saw a league leader this past week putting leads in "teams" 5, 6, and I think 7) and to my little grey cells, this was possibly related to coalition-sized events.
  12. I can see it! It's a miracle!
  13. I hope it is a compliment to say that despite only having a minute to look I found several ideas that are making me rethink my base. I like your vault and safe box area, and appreciate that your base has corners and back stairs to investigate. Was it meant to be viewed from outside as well? I tried going up the ramp in the vehicle garage but was stopped by the invisible ceiling.
  14. Joke aside, that's actually not such a bad idea. I'm about your age, and have had excellent eyesight these last two decades, but there are plaques on walls that blend in so much, I've stood close to them in dusk and night settings and didn't see them. They needed to stand out from the color pattern of the wall. A burnished brass or even a green, aged copper might let them stand out from the colors of the wall behind them. Oh, and add Arachnos base lighting, or lack thereof, to the list. Those folks need to learn that Edison's team invented something they're seriously missing. Even the CoT at least use torches.
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