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Everything posted by Tuarus

  1. Putting the ISP router into bridge mode and using my own router seems to have resolved the problem. Thanks for all the suggestions and the help with getting this resolved
  2. Thanks for all of the advice. I have tried Reunion and I get the same result. I am going to try putting the ISP provided router into bridge mode over the weekend and try an older router that I have lying around to see if that makes a difference.
  3. Additional information I have completely uninstalled and reinstalled the game. I have tried with the diagnostic and normal mode. When I ran it with the debug console I was able to get the mapserver ip address and am able to constantly ping the server whilst losing connection to the map server. I have noticed it seems to map server once the netgraph says it has retransmitted : 2. I thought I was onto something but it also disconnects with no retransmits or duplicates. I am now at a loss as to if there is anything else I can try or what to ask of my ISP. I am able to play on STO with no issues and also online on my PS5.
  4. Okay more information. I am on a wired connection - 500mb/12mb I have checked the ports and they are open but I have also set port forward rules in my router just in case. I have checked with my laptop on wireless and wired and the situation is the same. My netgraph is the same on both machines and all looks good. I guess it must be an issue with my ISP as noone else is having any issues, but without knowing what to ask them I may be stuck as they will say my internet is working fine, which to be fair it is, and I am not having issues with anything else on my PC or my PS5. I will keep trying at different times of the day to see if it is an issue with server load, but I am in the middle east so am generally out of time to the US when it is busiest unless I get up at 0400 to play. Thanks again
  5. HI all, I keep getting constant map server disconnects. I have run with /netgraph 1 running and there seems to be no issues with my ping and I have a pretty constant green netgraph with no red spikes, yet I seem to map every 2 - 4 minutes. This has been happing over the last 3 or 4 days when I have been trying to play. I havent played for some time but wondered if it is affecting anyone else or if it is because of an influx of returning and new players after the licensing announcement? **EDIT - this is on Excelsior **EDIT 2 - also occuring on Indom as well Thanks in advance for any assistance or insight.
  6. Just have toi wait for more to be released. BTW I am claws/regen for the table. Thanks 🙂
  7. Can retire the badger again 🙂
  8. Master Incarnate - Tier 4 every power available in the incarnates 🙂
  9. Updated count 🙂 My global is @Lucky Strike if anyone ever wants any help. If I can I will.
  10. Hey All, With no City Info Tracker, the other servers forums have a badge bragging thread. Here is Indoms. Post screen shot of your badge ccounts. We should have a fair few number of people with high badge counts just with the number of people that attend Cultivated Darkness iTrials 😄
  11. If you want a pretty icon for it you can use the below /macro_image "Teleportation_LongRangeTeleport" "Tiki Club Transport Hub" " enter_base_from_passcode TOUR-5307" It should work but I havent been able to test it yet as maintenance is ongoing /e owns up - stole the string from the transport hub on Excelsior Edit - it works just fine
  12. Can we get a Thursday morning Timezone please so those of us in the EU know when to expect the start time please?
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