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Leaving your Radiation debuff toggles on an enemy does not seem to generate threat on the enemy anymore. They just stare at you or wander off. I assume it's the new enemy aggro/threat code, but I can't imagine that it's intended behavior.
Do you think PUGs are the worst way to experience the game? Do you have at least 2 other regular Homecoming friends? Do you like occasional league events with semi-competent leadership? (e.g. Hami, Holiday Events, iTrials, MSR, Zone Events) Do you have BOTH low bullshit tolerance and generation levels? Bonus culture fit points if you're a farmer and/or have at least 20 finished characters. You and your 2 or more friends should switch to Indom. We will leave you the heck alone. Just ask if you want anything. Oh, and we have good character name availability. Please also enjoy your RP servers and your PUG 24/7 servers! Indom is not that server.
Yeah, I agree the names would be a nightmare. I will go through it if we have to. I just don't want smaller to equal bad in anyone's mind. Just because we don't have 3 dots on the status window doesn't mean we're not having as much fun. That said, it HAS been a little light over the summer. You'd think everyone put off vacation for a year and then took them all at once!
Updated for my second anniversary of nightly MSR. š Link is in the first post as well. https://docs.google.com/document/d/11jyeSm58GuyU7X7AZRxG6yQyyWrYKwUtQbSxcShD7l0/edit?usp=sharing
I like my small server, thanks. If you want to do more stuff, form teams for the stuff. *shrug* If you want to PUG 24/7 and have your pick of whatever tf at any time, then yeah, you may like a crowded server better. I like my friends and getting to know the people I play with regularly.
Eda changed their profile photo
Finally taking the time to type this all out! If someone tries to join the instanced MSR event, but they do not have the Member of Vanguard badge, they get a system message about being ineligible. Until they change zones any new invite sent to them comes back with the "considering another offer" message. I don't know the criteria, but sometimes rezoning doesn't clear it and they have to relog to be invited to any team at all. This part is only minority annoying. If a whole team is invited to an instance already in progress, but one person doesn't have the badge, the entire team fails to enter. Only the team lead gets a message about who was unable to join. Even after kicking the ineligible person both the ineligible person and the team lead now return "considering another offer" if invited again. If that team kicks the ineligible member, passes the star, and then passes the star back to the same leader, that original leader still returns the "considering another offer" message. If that team passes leadership to someone else (and kicks the ineligible person) the new leader can be successfully invited and bring the old leader into the instance. That original team lead now also cannot invite anyone new to the team. They get a system message about "SelfConsideringOffer" If that original team lead is also a league leader, they cannot invite anyone or any teams to the league either. To be honest, I don't know if rezoning clears this as I always just swear at the computer and pass the star to get everyone into the instance. The invitee being bugged is annoying, but not too upsetting. The contagious bugging of the otherwise eligible team/league lead can be extremely frustrating. Especially since we only do this inviting to an event in progress dance to get around the league shuffling bug in the first place. So the bug workaround is rather buggy! Arrrrgh!! We love science so if you want any weird permutation tested, need more info, or need more concrete examples, let me know!
Cool tip, Lorraine, but there's no cutscene in MSR so it's unfortunately n/a. š We've actually switched to instanced raids recently and we get around the various league bugs with the following procedure. One person uses LFG queue, locks the event, and zones alone into instanced MSR. They're the Instanced Leader. One person gathers people in RWZ. (Any coop zone would work.) They're the Gathering Leader. Once a full team worth of people is ready, that team lead withdraws from Gathering Leader's league and is invited to league by the Instanced Leader. The team lead has to accept the invite and the whole team instantly zones in. They do not get an afk check or anything. The Instanced Leader can never lose the league star this way. Teams do zone in shuffled and often split into many one person teams for no clear reason. Some people seem to get lost while zoning and appear back in RWZ. We put them on a new team and try again! Anecdotally, I had one participant dropped 4 times in a row while trying to zone this way. They finally got in when invited solo into the raid by the Instanced Leader. If anyone on the team doesn't have the badge or is not level 35+ the team leader will get the invite and accept, but nothing happens. A system message lists which character name is ineligible for the trial. Even if that person becomes eligible or leaves the team, the Instanced Leader can invite the team leader again, but will get the message so-and-so "is considering another offer" for that team until the team leader changes. Getting stuck as "considering another offer" also happens to anyone invited solo into the instanced raid who doesn't qualify for the event when invited the first time. Relogging clears it and they can be successfully invited.
In MSR especially it seems like if the pets get too lost (like teleported away by the shield) they enter a weird state of being summoned but not on your pet list. If you zone they will appear obediently by your side and pet list. If you die and rez they'll be reset and you can then resummon them.
untilIndom gathers nightly to kick Rikti back into the spaceship! Twice! All are welcome. Instructions are provided for newbies. Note that Mondays there is just one public raid! See The Cool Kids? Discord server for more info.
It happens either way.
I'm not sure what the on-a-league-but-not-a-team bug has to do with: when queuing the league completely shuffles, raid and team leaders can change, and half the league is outright dropped. We can check that everyone has a real team before queuing and it still happens.
Slight updates to the guide to include some thoughts from here and some other Indom specific rules. Thanks all for the commentary! š
Hi Apparition, thanks for the comments! I am 95% sure he spawns on the 4th bomb for us. We rarely have fewer than 5 teams. Have you collecting bomb and timing data through trial and error? I admit, I'm only interested in zone MSR. We don't run LFG version very often, although I did know about many of those differences. š
Eda started following A Year Of Mothership Raids (For Max Fun & Profit)
Iām @Eda from Indomitable. I started running nightly Mothership Raids in the Rikti War zone in June 2019, and I am recording my now vast knowledge for posterity! I have not come by all of this information in a vacuum. Many people have raided with me in the past and present and contributed to the SCIENCE of a great MSR. https://docs.google.com/document/d/11jyeSm58GuyU7X7AZRxG6yQyyWrYKwUtQbSxcShD7l0/edit?usp=sharing
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