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Posts posted by Corruption

  1. 6 minutes ago, Bonkleberry said:

    Well that seems silly. So, you are saying in-game tooltips are broken? Why would they include Scourge if Controller powers do not include Containment and Scrapper do not include Critical? This is news to me, but I have not been back in the game for that long.

    Yes, they're wrong. It's a common mistake if you're just going by those numbers, but if you play both AT's, you'll definitely notice the difference. 


    A Blaster heavy team should steamroll any content the fastest. 

  2. Sentinels are very underwhelming, I'd go with a Blaster every single time. The role of both AT's is ranged damage and Sentinels are just bad at it. You can make a Blaster survivable enough, while you can't do much about a Sentinel's lackluster damage.

  3. 20 hours ago, Abysmalyxia said:

    A pool power that is placed into the build of virtually every high level player in the game is broken.

    Super Speed and Combat Jumping are in every single one of my high level builds, those who don't have those powers are at a disadvantage. Lets nerf those while we're at it if that's your justification.

    • Like 1
  4. 12 hours ago, Olly said:

    Some other TF's:

    1. Khan (I read you need about 1000 dps to counter his elude? dull pain? some power that cycles every 6 minutes. Would love to know if anyone's gotten past the last boss.
    2. Sutter TF -- a little easier than Market Crash, but was challenging on account of the level restriction. Similarly, Mary McComber #10 in the Katie Hannon TF. But I did those two solo with no P2W buffs or temps, iirc, except Envenomed Daggers.

    On Market Crash, the robot has a debuff that stacks on you. You get enough stacks (2? 3?) and your def and res hit the floor. The tactic I used was running away towards the hosp to let the debuff wear off (he has a hard time climbing the cliff), then re-engaging him. He regens slow enough that this tactic works.

    Khan is doable with a TW/Bio. You just need enough DPS to take Reichsman down while his unstoppable recharges. That and hope he doesn't use his heal.

  5. 1 minute ago, komic said:

    we're bringing misogyny into this?  who the hell said anything about women?  I don't care if GM_Miss is a woman or not, it's a god damn bully. Bullies need to have their faces shoved directly into the mud and kicked, there is no place for bullies anywhere, not even in homecoming.  Justify what you want but leave bullying out of it, we are far, far above this.

    Yeah, the first insult you had was a gender loaded term, but maybe you call everyone that.


    Toxic people like yourself should be removed from the community. It's pathetic you're still coming back after being told you're not wanted. 


    Also, you need to learn what irony is. 

    • Like 2
  6. Playing a melee Blaster does take more skill, but it doesn't require a high IQ. 


    If you want to practice jousting skills, try a small team BAF. You haven't really jousted until you face an aggro cap of Victoria bosses that will instantly kill you if you land in melee range. 

    • Thanks 1
  7. On 2/23/2020 at 2:15 PM, Chirikiti said:

    Don't touch Super Jump, Super Speed, or Combat Jumping. They're perfect. Not only that, Super-Jump is THE best power in the game, and nothing else in-game makes you feel Super than leaping around the landscape, cities, maps. 



    I think you've mistaken Super Jump with Combat Jumping. CJ is a must have power on every character I make, SJ is nice if I can fit it, but Super Speed will always come first. 

  8. 7 hours ago, Bloodom said:

    I did some big goofs during this run, can certainly be closer to–if not a little less than–20 minutes.

    Nice job. The entire TF is pretty easy to solo. The only uncertainty comes from pulling the Freedom Phalanx. 


    I'm still not exactly sure how the AI works. I've done what I thought were successful pulls, only to have  a few more Heroes decide to show up in the middle of the fight. 

  9. 6 minutes ago, jubakumbi said:


    You really, really think that 'most people' reason the same way?

    I don't even know how to appraoch that level of echo-chamber thinking, TBH, that floors me that anyone would actually think that.


    The mere mention of something that upsets the herd is wht brings out the comments, be it a new idea or an old one, IME.

    I don't give a hoo-haa about coolness, fake or real, I just type what I think.

    Do you really think anyone who shares a consensus opinion is just going with the herd and is part of an echo chamber?


    You're not the only free thinking individual here. Have you ever thought that maybe your opinions are bad and people are disagreeing based on the merits? 


    The 'herd' doesn't seem upset to me, but you do. 

    • Like 1
  10. 2 hours ago, Bill Z Bubba said:


    I don't die. Hover plus bio armor with fire blast being backed by Bio's +damage... it's probably the top Sent combo. Sure, Sent damage is lacking in the overall... but when you never faceplant, your DPS gets buffed accordingly compared to the other ATs eating dirt.

    I still think the laughable damage far outweighs the survivability benefit. I tried to like Sentinels, but they just feel like Defenders without a primary to me.

  11. 4 hours ago, Steampunkette said:

    a) Doesn't work that way.

    b) It wouldn't increase the difficulty at all.


    Once you hit 45% defense the amount of incoming damage is comically low. 1/10th normal (Same as 90% damage reduction). Removing the aggro cap would mean very little with that huge a constraint on damage throughput. Particularly once you add in Incarnate Level Shifts resulting in Level-Differences to damage output.


    It would just result in the old "Herd 'em Up" style gameplay where everyone who isn't the tank has to sit by the door twiddling their thumbs for 20 minutes while he rounds up every enemy on the map and brings them to the entrance for mass slaughter.

    a) Yes it does, it's programming.

    b) Yes, it would.


    I know how probability works, I'm not entirely sure you do. Besides, you're only talking about high end softcapped builds and even then it would still increase the difficulty.  Do you honestly believe a Blaster could easily herd the entire map of a Magisterium Trial without breaking a sweat?  Even Brutes on a fire farm with softcapped defense and capped resistance can succumb to RNG failure.


    Also, I'm not sure it would necessarily result in people herding entire maps, especially if target caps remain the same.  A team standing around doing nothing for 1 minute, let alone 20 sounds highly inefficient.  It would be fun to test at least.



  12. 34 minutes ago, sacredlunatic said:

     To each their own. I love the hami raid. It’s one of my favorite encounters in the game. I was on justice server back in the day and we raided hamidon all the time.


    I don’t see any reason though why it should affect anybody else on the server who isn’t playing the raid. 

    It shouldn't, but it sometimes makes it more difficult to form other big events at the same time. Although, that was much more of an issue when the zone cap was higher. 


    Like you said, to each their own. I'm not here to tell anyone how to have fun. 

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