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Posts posted by Corruption

  1. Name: Fiery Enforcer

    Global: @Fiery Enforcer

    Preferred Role(s): Offense

    Available Characters:


    Fiery Domination - Earth/Fire Dom


    Other offensive characters can/will be made.


    Availability: Weeknights after 7 EST. Weekends are unpredictable. I can be on almost anytime if I don't have plans.

  2. I'm just going to put this out there, but the "Warshades are Trash" SG on torchbearer hold numerous speed TF records, including the STF, LRSF, ITF and most importantly the AbSewTri.  So those guys might be on to something with their no warshade policy. (If you are looking for an invite you do need to provide your account info for regular sweeps to be sure you haven't rolled a warshade).


    I keep my Warshade on page 12, you'll never find it.

  3. Do people really stack rage? It sounds nice in theory, but the extra downtime is infuriating. I can pop reds to my hearts content while solo and it's even needed less while on a team.


    I'll have to test it using hero stats, but I didn't even use Rage at all while farming on live.


  4. Ghosting is a modern societal trend and is hardly exclusive to CoH. It's easy to ignore people when your first line of communication is text messaging. It's really making me lose respect for a lot of people.


    Do you consider the people ghosting you friends? The group of friends I play with don't ghost and are generally responsive. I even chat on Discord while at work.


    This is more of a problem with certain people I know in real life. It's so annoying when people ignore you, especially when you can see a read receipt. I don't expect an immediate response, but please don't patronize me with a BS excuse later on.


    If you don't want to hang out or participate in something you're invited to then just say so. Simply not responding makes you look like an untrustworthy tool.

  5. Guild Wars celebrates Chinese New Year because it has a psuedo-Chinese culture. No one seems to consider this the thin edge of Chinese cultural domination over the west. Paragon City is located in America. It would make sense for them to celebrate Independence Day.


    Except that Chinese New Year is not a China-specific holiday, it's celebrated by many countries, just like western New Year is.


    It's getting to a point where Americans aren't even allowed to celebrate their Holidays anymore without SOMEBODY making a stink of it. American culture is being stamped out. The fact we are even debating this is absurd to me.


    American culture is being stamped out? It's absurd you think this is actually happening.


    Then again, you did start ranting about political correctness.

  6. What difficulty settings are these run on? Might be a good thing to include going forward :)


    I assume all of these are being run at +0. Please specify when you post if you've upped the difficulty.


    The OP will be updated later with the latest times.


    However, at the same time, don't get upset by other people's opinions. I personally think tanks and empaths are relatively useless compared to other AT's and power sets, especially in level 50 content. If I had may way, every team would be made up of a /fire Brute and 7 Corruptor's, but I realize everyone's idea of fun is different.

    That seems inefficient, you could trade the brute for an 8th corruptor.


    That certainly works, but it's nice having one Brute to keep mobs from scattering and AV's from running away.

  8. /Fire Brutes are squishy starting off, so it may not be as mindless as you want it to be. Their defense is their increased offensive abilities. Although, once you get into IO's and end game content, they're hard to beat.


    Willpower would be a good choice and I'd personally go with a Brute. They have the HP cap of a Tank and the offensive capabilities of a Scrapper.

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