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Posts posted by Chuckers

  1. 2 hours ago, Arcanum said:

    What was your favorite bug? I remember the desk with a million hit points. I heard of the filing cabinet that when clicked on, ran away. Or the location in KR that collected NPCs? (later fixed and given a plaque.) I'm sure there were others...

    • What gave me endless entertainment wasn't really a bug, per se. It was how the ragdoll deaths would resolve on enemies. Sometimes you would get the most hilarious poses and I have tons of screenshots of such moments.


    Thank you all for answering my question... Arcanum, I remember thinking "good thing they're dead, cause that's gotta hurt!"


    It was such a pleasure to read all of your answers to everything!! 

    • Like 1
  2. 14 minutes ago, Black Talon said:

    Chuckers, THANK YOU!  I very much appreciate getting the "inside voice" on exactly what the circumstances were "Back In The Day", and giving this bit of clarification.  All my apologies for my presumptions here - although, from what you've indicated, it's a certainty that, during Beta, you guys would have picked up the "Enhance 'em to death" play-style that we, as a player community, were pursuing back in '04.  What Mr. Emmert's thought process was during this time...well, I'm not going to go there.  All I will state is that the final outcome is something that grabbed hold of the superhero community's 'nads (in a nice way) and pulled us into something that we absolutely refuse to leave.  Chuckers, thank you again for everything you and your fellow Devs have done.

    I was not a dev 🙂 Just a loyal player from one month after launch until closing. Jack thought that every character should be strong enough to handle 3 enemies that conned white in one encounter. Anything tougher than that, should have been a fight. That was something he posted in the forums. So it ended up as if large groups of players found something that made the game easier, it was nerfed. 

    • Thumbs Up 1
  3. 20 hours ago, Black Talon said:

    I think many of us can experience a, "Been there, done that, nailed it shut," moment when reading that.  It honestly escapes me how the original Devs, back in '03-'04, would not have been able to pick up on how the players were multi-stacking enhancements to go for the damage/healing/defence-machines we were working on becoming back in Issue #1.  While I can appreciate the logic behind encouraging players to not want to just hit the single-enhancement type for any Archetype, I again think it was something so obvious they should have been anticipating it way ahead of the curve.

    You have to remember that we were not playing the game the way Jack wanted us to play it. So, he forced us to play his way. 

    • Thanks 1
    • Microphone 3
  4. 2 minutes ago, Booper said:


    The bonus XP is additive in the game. So when you get the 2x XP buff, it's giving you +100% XP.


    This results in Base + Buff = 100% + 100% = 200% XP (2x).


    With this event, you are getting another +100%. So the base + buff + event = 100% + 100% + 100% = 300% (3x).


    If you don't have the 2x XP buff, but tlrather the 1.5x XP, you will have base + buff + event = 100% + 50% + 100% = 250% (2.5x)


    Ouch.. that makes my brain hurt 🙂


    Thanks 🙂


  5. As someone who was on Victory as the servers shut down, I am crying right now. I may not play as much as I used to, but to know that my second home has a home is wonderful news! I am so glad I can come back when I want and play.



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  6. When I open up the launcher, all is good. But as soon as I choose my server and go to the log in screen, I lose my mouse pointer. It's kinda there because when I move my mouse, I can see things highlight. Clicking on a highlighted object with my mouse button will make it work, I just have no pointer on screen. If I alt-tab to another window, the pointer comes back. 


    Any idea on how to fix this? 

    I am using a Razer Mamba Elite. 




    3 hours ago, SuggestorK said:

    well as bluesider sometimes the alternative is on redside.. dont know if thats cause im vigilante and can actually go there or if i would even get it as pure hero with 1 destination unreachable.


    You can always visit Null and change your alignment, deliver, then change back. Plus you can get a badge for changing your alignment.

  8. On 2/12/2022 at 6:57 PM, Zhym said:

    That's odd, because I just did the alignment switch method with my rogue who had already done Scratch's missions.  Here's what I did:

    1. Switched to Vigilante with Null
    2. Got the mission from Ganymede
    3. Ran the first mission, then entered the second mission and defeated a couple of enemies
    4. Left the mission, talked to Null and switched back to Rogue
    5. Re-entered the mission and completed it.  <-- At this point, I got the Handsome badge
    6. Switched back to Vigilante
    7. Talked to Ganymede, completed the mission.

    The only reason I even had to switch back to blueside and talk to Ganymede at that point was to clear the mission from my list (and get referred to the DJ Zero missions).  

    I just tried it and it didn't work. I didn't get the badge, but I did get DJ zero.


    I started as a vigilante and got the second mission from Ganymede. I went into the mission progressed to the objective. Left, went to null and changed to a villain. Back in the mission, the objective exploded on it's own. I exited the mission with the exit button. Switched back to Vigilante. Talked to Ganymede and all he did was give me DJ Zero as a contact. 
    Or am I confused and you need to do missions on both sides to get the badge? 

  9. So, I've been playing my new earth/earth blaster. I am currently level 14.  Salt Crystals says it's a auto-hit. I have had several instances where critters are not put to sleep - I assume that's the auto-hit part. Also, I've seen several critters where the crystals hit and they immediately break right out of them. I have not attacked them either. 

    Now, I am not sure if Seismic Shockwaves will affect the sleep (I don't think it does), but when I have used salt crystals, I know that shockwaves was not active. 

  10. On 3/30/2021 at 6:51 PM, EmperorSteele said:

    WTH devs?! I was using the server instability as part of my character concept! Can we please have a lagging/rubberbanding emote to make up for this character-destroying "fix"?!




    ...actually, I kinda want an emote like that now >_<

    Kinda like the Vanellope in Wreck-It Ralph? 


    • Haha 1
  11. On 11/6/2020 at 11:44 PM, Hardship said:

    Was the taxi brigade around on Victory? I don't remember using them and I DO remember creeping around the Hollows trying not to die -- a LOT!

    Yes, they were on Victory. That was my home server and I remember them. 


  12. 13 minutes ago, Piecemeal said:



    Hey there! I looked through the files because I didn't recall writing anything akin to the nature of your experience.
    I even did a whole directory search on the working files and didn't find the word coward anywhere. I'm sorry that was your takeaway from the mission/arc, but it wasn't designed to be failed! If you can get away from the first ambush after Pathogen and leave them alive, they'll womble after you slowly, so take a look for those glowies ahead of time and beeline to them. It's not that bad!

    Hey Piecemeal, thank you for your response. Reading it over, because I didn't save myself, I went BACK into the mission and it ended, it reads as sarcasm.  He didn't use the word "coward", but that's what I felt like he was implying.

    If I had let time run out while I was standing outside the door.. well.. that's a different story. 

  13. I didn't get a chance to run this in Beta, but I ran it in live and just finished... and I'm pissed off. The ending REALLY torqued me. I solo-ed this arc. The mission where you have to corrupt the data and then put out the fires: I believe it was designed to be failed. All of the ambushes and the fire damage made it tough to finish it in 5 minutes. I died, had to hospital, and wasn't able to put out the fires. I don't mind failing a mission, that happens. However, I *do* mind being called a coward at the end of the arc.  To be told that I decided to save my own life over those who may have perished in the fire.. that's bull. I wasn't given a choice to fight the fire or flee. I had to go off on my own because Watkins wouldn't talk to me. I finished the story WITHOUT his help. I solved HIS problem and he still tells me that I cared only about myself. Screw him. 

    If Watkins were ever to turn up as another contact, I'd skip him because he's an ungrateful snot. 

  14. 5 hours ago, UltraAlt said:


    Is it just me, or does it seem that Athletic run is slower than ninja and beast running?

    The Jump seems to be as high, but running seems slower.

    Maybe seeing the animation just make my mind think it is slower.

    No, it's not just you. I revoked Ninja Run to get Athletic run and saw that it seems no better than sprint. There has to be a bug...

  15. On 11/10/2020 at 10:14 PM, FundamentalyConfused said:

    I’m surprised there isn’t a holiday themed GM roaming around the zones. A giant sized turkey would be hilarious to fight and a giant snowman/elf/reindeer or whatever for winter. 

    GM's or Events by month...

    January - We have Baby New Year in the winter event and he is already IS kinda scary
    February - Groundhog Day - A giant Punxsatawney Phil goes on a rampage in Perez Park looking for his shadow
    March - St. Patrick's Day - The Snakes from the Rogue Isles rise up in a concerted revolt.

    April - We have the Trickster

    May - Mother's Day - Mother Nature is back and boy is she pissed
    June - June 30th is Meteor Day - Meteor strikes releasing Shivans by the boatloads. (obscure, but we already have Father Time in the winter event)

    July - The Mad Patriot? or The Ghost of Statesman comes back to tell us we're all fighting wrong and randomly nerfs different powers
    August - August 1 - August 7 is National Clown Week... CLOWNS!!!!
    September - National Chicken Month... CHICKENS!!!

    October - We have Halloween

    November - Thanksgiving - PILGRIMS WITH MUSKETS!!! (We already had Chickens.. Turkeys would just be boring now...)
    December - Winter Event.

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