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Direct Control

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Everything posted by Direct Control

  1. Character bios are a way for the player to show you what kind of story they're looking to tell, and give the reader some information to work with on how to approach or why. When people put measurements or kinks or whatnot in their bio, they are providing that information. They are advertising their priorities and their interests. Those interests are certainly not mine, and by the sounds of it not yours either, but that's fine. It saves both of you some time, because it is a strong pre contact indicator that your interests and goals in a given scene are probably not aligned enough to have fun building something together. Those people will likely recognize each other, read something they like the looks of, and have fun with a kindred spirit.
  2. Yes, several. They are just alternate versions of my main RP character, Direct Control, that I don't want to level/build appropriately. I have a 'shtick' of being an AI that pilots an arsenal of robots. A few of the ones that show up less / don't appeal to me OOC'ly in their mechanics/AT/powerset get left at level 2. They still get usage when they would be appropriate in the story/scene, or I'll break them out to use them as props in a 3-boxing scenario.
  3. That was a fun read, thanks!
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