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Everything posted by Teikiatsu

  1. Hello, I have a proposal for a primary 'Elementals' power set for Masterminds. Brainstorming: 1: Minor Elemental Blast 2: Tier 1 pets 3: Moderate Elemental Blast 4: First Pet Empowerment 5: AoE Elemental Attack 6: Tier 2 pets 7: Wildcard Power (?) 8: Tier 3 pet 9: Second Pet Empowerment What I'm envisioning is a set where the tier 9 pet models from Controller pets would be turned into Tier X pets, with downgrades to damage and HP to align with existing MM pets The basic idea is that a Fire Elemental would likely have fire blasts and fireballs, and fire imps at all tiers with perhaps some shading to tell them apart, maybe more prominent fire auras, etc. Not sure about the wildcard for that, maybe little 'fire spawnlings' similar to Demon Summoning Hell On Earth, or an short Enflame aura to boost damage output for a short time. Same with Stone Golems, Jack Frosts, Electric Gremlins, etc. Level 7 modified to fit each theme. That's the basic idea... the 'hail mary' idea is where these could be mixed and matched and I have no idea how difficult the coding would be 🙂 In this 'hail mary' a person could pick and choose their blast/aoe powers similar to Dual Pistols allows damage types to be applied to their attacks, and they could pick and choose (for example) three T1 earth golems, two T2 fire imps, and T1 elec gremlin. I imagine that would use the branching option tree similar to VEATs? This secondary apppraoch to the powerset could make the L7 wildcard power even more difficult to figure out so staying with just Fire Elememntal, Ice Elemental, etc would probably make it easier to deal with. My main interest in this idea is gaining access to new primary MM powersets without having to create new pet models, since the Controller models already exist. Thanks for your time.
  2. No mention of escaping Pocket D and locating the Rikti Motherships?
  3. My Ill/Dark/Psi troller Wisp o' the Will.
  4. Can we assume that it will continue to November 2nd, then?
  5. Nevermind, I see what you did there.
  6. I made a Traps/Fire and TA/AR defender before I found this list... do they count?
  7. Meh, we're a low population. It's to be expected that the numbers will be low. That hasn't changed the donation rates to keep the game going. What is it, less than 15 minutes to reach their goal each month? Anyways, I look forward to the stats too. I want to make the least popular of each AT because I can :p
  8. Thank you for that info!
  9. Hi there, I did a search before to see if there was another topic on this. It looks like the day job that gives the Brain Storm drop at mission completion is no longer functioning with the updates to zone acceptability. While I love the changes for getting around the zones, I was wondering if the accolade for the Brain Storm drops could be brought back? Maybe attach them to Intern or Professor? Thanks for your time.
  10. I rook some advice from the Dilbert comic and 'shut up and rebooted' and now I can get in. I'll take your advice for the AV as well :) Thanks!
  11. My launcher was working fine yesterday after updates. Today I'm getting this error. Please advise :)
  12. I'm going to reply from the perspective of my Controllers and Tankers :) Controller - When I'm in a high-level team, I feel like a fifth wheel at times. By the moment my powers resolve, half the mob is already gone. The Brutes and Blasters are mopping things up. At best I'm debuffing a Boss, and even then the recharge on that debuff won't be back until after the next two mobs. Sure I can try to wait for the mob to cluster, but after that happens all the AoE unloads and there is not much left to hold/immob. Tanker - When I'm in a high-level team, I feel like I'm not needed after the alpha strike. There is no way I can pour out the DPS like a Brute, Blaster, or even a Sentinel. At best I can keep up the aggro on me, wait for the Troller or Dom to lock down the mob, then move on once the bad guys look like they are under control. At least I can try to cluster up the next group for easy group immobs and/or AoEs from the rest of the team.
  13. Leveling pacts are handled by the statserver, which is crashing pretty much constantly. They also have some database queries which need to be run in a specific order, but the order is not guaranteed; this is called a "race condition" and results in lots of errors, especially when the servers are as overloaded as they are right now. So fix we need to figure out why the statserver keeps crashing, then we need to solve the race condition, then we can enable leveling pacts again. It's not intended to be permanent, but I can't give a time estimate because of everything else that's going on. That sounds perfectly fine and reasonable, I was just curious what was up and/or if it was intended to be permanent or not, that tells me what I need to know. Thanks Leo! Any word on the stability of the LP statserver?
  14. 1 - I know, right? 2 - I dunno man, these days it's hard to tell what is snooping on us... 3 - This is what I wanted to read, thanks :)
  15. No legal precendent = no reason for end users to worry. The game _cannot disappear_, the code is in the wild. The anxiety is not about losing 'the game', so much as losing access to 'the servers'
  16. And this is the part that is relevent. The only one for the end user, really. The end users worried about getting in 'hot water' by 'the man' over playing this game are simply wasting thier own energy. Stress kills. After 7 years of no game, maybe you could try to understand how some people are anxious that the game could disappear again or they could be banned for some legal loophole?
  17. Not sure where complying with Federal Law is somehow Homecoming's attempt to parent your child? Am I missing something? To start with, please bear in mind I'm being sarcastic and facetious. I'm trying to point out the absurd with absurdity. From what I can tell the whole point of COPPA appears to be preventing kids from sharing their information online and keeping them away from cyber-predators. What I am trying to point out in my question, and seems to have been lost in the weeds, is that the User Agreement is telling me that by pressing 'Accept' I am supposed to keep any child under my roof who is less than 13 years old from looking at my monitor while I play a video game. I'm trying to point out that there seems to be a disconnect between the lawyer who wrote the UA and the people who play the game who have kids. It also appears to be an over-reach from what the COPPA is intended for. My son, playing LEGOs on the floor behind me, is not going to be sharing his personal information through the monitor with people in CoH.
  18. So does this mean I'm supposed to lock my 8-year old in his room every time I want to play? I realize tone is lost in forum posts, so I'll add italics for emphasis. Technically, according to Homecoming, no one under 13 is allowed to play. This is because of COPPA, a federal law designed to protect children under 13 on the internet. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Children%27s_Online_Privacy_Protection_Act I don't think there is going to be any policing on this unless someone jumps up and down in front of a GM saying "I'm 8", or starts spamming the channels about what they are going to do on their 9th birthday. I have a 9 year old, and hypothetically , he might have been near a computer today, that had city of heroes on it, on an account separate from mine. In this hypothetical, he would have been in the same room as me, and the account he might have been near would have had all the chat channels except team, NPC Dialogue, System, Rewards, Cutscenes removed. Hypothetically I'm asking an absurd question about an absurd regulation, which seems to assume that I as a parent can't hypothetically keep tabs on what my hypothetical child is doing.
  19. So does this mean I'm supposed to lock my 8-year old in his room every time I want to play?
  20. Originally joined on Pinnacle but migrated to Virtue after a few months, signed on with the Seekers SG and never looked back. @Teikiatsu Proud owner of... Resting Breeze (now Wisp o' the Will) Midnight Lightning (now Wight Lightning)
  21. Tried the tequila and got stuck at: [5/21/2019 9:22:34 PM] Downloading file "C:\CoH\piggs\stage3e.pigg" from "http://coh.air-raid.de/coh-client/2400/piggs/stage3e.pigg" Trying the qtorrent approach as Silk has lined out, this is definitely outside my wheelhouse. Thank you guys for all the work you put into this!
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