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Posts posted by Bionic_Flea

  1. Personally, I don't mind the addition of the diversity bonus.  I see it as a bonus.  But I also never require specific ATs or builds when building a team unless absolutely needed (like a Hammy raid or LGTF).  So, for me it would be a bonus if we happened to fulfill the role requirements.  If we don't, I would never ask someone to change just to get it.


    However, the first time someone kicks me or tells me that I have to change my character because "I brought the wrong AT" is the time I stop thinking of it as a happy bonus.


    I don't run a lot of 4* stuff because many leaders enforce a very narrow group of "required" builds and I-Powers.  I hope this Role Diversity thingie doesn't have the same effect, but it might.


    One solution might be to expand the roles and let more ATs have multiple roles so that it is more likely that just about any group would have the requirements as long as the ATs were different.


    I'm not against the bonus, I'm against other players enforcing diversity on me so that they can get the bonus.

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  2. Hey, @Captain Powerhouse!


    Can [ICE ELEMENTAL] be allowed to tale slow sets please?  The Patron Pets can take KB (Leviathan), DefDebuff and AccDefDebuff (Mace), EndMod (MU), and ToHitDebuff + AccTohitDebuff (Soul).


    As Ice elemental is patterned after the Patron pets, with the same super long recharge, it seems only fair that it also get to slot for it's secondary effects, like the Patron pets can.




    Never mind!  It CAN take holds and slow sets in addition to pet and intensive recharge pets.  Thanks!



  3. Keep reading . . .



    This agreement provides a framework under which Homecoming can operate the game in a way that complies with NCSOFT’s wishes in hopes of minimizing the chances of that happening. We’ve had a really positive and productive relationship with NCSOFT for over four years now, so we do not anticipate there being any issues.


    But again, we are arguing over an agreement that neither of us has seen.  You can choose to believe whatever you want, as can I.  No sense in debating this further.


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  4. 15 minutes ago, Blackbird71 said:

    No, that's not how it works.  The company holding the license has all the power, and can revoke it at any time.  Or they can leverage the license to force an action from the licensed entity.  The FAQ even clearly states that even with the license, NCSoft can still arbitrarily shut them down, so that claim is simply false.  Before the agreement, NCSoft would have to send a legal Cease and Desist letter, which if HC chose to challenge the validity of (not saying they would, but it's still a risk NCSoft would have to consider), would have to be backed up with court filings, etc., creating more expense for no profit.  Now with the license in place, NCSoft can just say "Stop," and if HC refuses they will be in violation of the license agreement, which opens them to legal repercussions that weren't necessarily in play before. 


    Well, I guess we are both guessing since I assume that neither of us has read the agreement. 


    But generally speaking, license agreements allow the use of intellectual property under certain conditions.  Just like Marvel can't stop Sony from making Spider-Man movies, including all of Spidey's rogue gallery.  Marvel would, l'm confident, love to have all of Spider-Man back under their umbrella, but they can't because they licensed it to Sony to make movies.

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  5. Also, don't forget that a license works both ways.  Meaning that both sides have entered into a licensing agreement, a contract, and as long as HC abides by the terms of the contract, NCSoft cannot arbitrarily shut them down.  Before the agreement they could just say "Stop."  Now NCSoft has to abide by the agreement just as much as HC does.

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  6. 2 hours ago, Luzion said:

    FAQ Can NCsoft shut COH down and the answer was yes. I will not play a game that NCsoft has anything to do with. I love the game. I will leave on my terms not having it ripped from under me again.

    I can understand your position, but they could have pulled out plug anytime over the last few years before granting us the license.  What makes you think that it is more likely that they will pull the plug on us now vs. before?  If anything, I think the unlicensed ones would be hit first.  And finally, the code is out there.  Anyone with the knowledge and desire can make a CoH server.  If NCSoft suddenly starts issuing cease and desist letters or formal lawsuits they will find themselves playing wack-a-mole.

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