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Posts posted by tripthicket

  1. @Kahm, Chaos United may serve your needs. We have players from all over the world, so there's active players in the wee hours of the morning (American time). Our members are age-diverse: I know of a few that are under 21, many in their 30s and 40s, and even a couple in their 50s or beyond (ahem, that's me). Voice chat is available but never required, we have our own Discord, specific themes or even roleplaying are not mandatory. We welcome those folks afflicted with alt-itis (I my own self have over 60 characters on Everlasting, but I'm told those are rookie numbers). There are a number of folks who farm and/or powerlevel others, but that's a personal choice, and we have folks who do neither. Lastly, I too am a roleplaying novice, trying to get back into it. Our own Crystal Dragon has been given basic roleplaying classes these past several weeks, mostly focusing on the mechanics and definitions, but it's prized information nonetheless.

    I am a member, as opposed to a SG officer, so in-game, if you'd like to know more and/or try us out, talk to @CU Krow. Others to contact include: @GE, @GoddessDiana, @wjm67x, and @Phephe,. If you have any questions here, I'll be glad to answer them.

  2. I've been kicking around the idea of a Stone Tank for, oh, 40 or 50 years mow, with no real sense of tryna get anywhere. Not that my foot is on the gas now, but what might be the general consensus on the viability of a Stone/Ice tank? I have a concept, but it has to be a workable combo, too.

  3. Delurking at a very late stage to ask, freely admitting I may well have missed it in the many very informative yet very lengthy posts, what Incarnate decisions @Redlynne or anyone else might have made?


    Edited to add: Uhr, I see now that Redlynne hasn't been on the forums for nearly a year. Did she move to the Homecoming Discord, I wonder, or simply move on? (runs to check)

  4. I'd like to make 2 requests, please.


    First, a Shield Defense/Stone Melee Tanker.


    Second, a Fire Blast/Mental Manipulation Blaster. I lean towards ranged for my blasters, over blapping, though I don't mind either and/or both.


    Thank you for your hard work!

  5. When I'm at the character selection screen for a given shard, I have a problem that's been driving me nuts. Being an altoholic, I'm always creating new characters. As I do, I rearrange the order of the characters, usually to put them in at least alphabetical order, which, as my roster inevitably grows, means I'm often moving a character from one screen to another. It's this exact step in the process I've come to whine about.


    My method is to hover my mouse pointer over the character I'm wanting to move, left-click and hold, then manually drag that character towards the right, and thus the next screen. Sometimes that requires moving multiple screens over. VERY often I overshoot the next screen, and it's this that's driving me crazy. I intend to move a character from the first screen to the second screen, say, but as I drag the mouse, I 'overshoot' and move 2 screens over instead of the desired one. Still holding the left mouse button down, I reverse course and try to get to the second screen, but again overshoot and end up on the first screen. This will almost surely happen at least twice whenever I attempt to move a character, often 4 or 5 times.


    Before I run to the Suggestions forum, I'm throwing this out to you all. Maybe I'm missing something, or there is a better way that I just don't know about. Thus the question: do you move characters the same way? Or do you know of a 'trick' that makes it easier? Using the arrow keys while holding the left mouse button down doesn't seem to do anything. If there's not a cheat, I'll be suggesting this admittedly-minor QoL improvement.


    Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions you may offer, except for you wiseacres who suggest that I up my OCD medication (hardy-har-har!).

  6. Back yet again. My wife (The Boss) is thinking of playing again, and is interested in recreating one of her favorites: Gravity/Thermal Controller.


    As for me, yet another Blaster idea. I've seen you do several Fire/, and a handful of /Mental, but never both together. May I request, then, a Fire/Mental Blaster?


    Thanks for your hard work!


    Edited to add: for my blasters, I like to blap and pewpew both, as the situation calls for it. 🙂


  7. Being an altoholic, I read the forums a lot, looking for ideas and/or information about good powerset combos. Even if a given post/thread includes a build, I always come here and look for that given build, to see your take on things. That means I'm visiting this thread daily, often multiple times a day. Almost all of my characters are based on your builds, and many of those are built verbatim, so to speak, with no changes. What I'm trying to really express is that your time, expertise and dedication are very much appreciated, and I'm quite sure I'm not alone in that regard. Well done, old bean!


    Now that I've buttered you up sufficiently (kidding - every word of the above is true for me), may I request a Dark/Time Controller, please?


    And do take care of yourself! Hydrate, get fresh air, sleep in if you can!

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  8. I'm looking to give an electric-based character a fair try. To that end, I'm scratching my head as to an archetype to choose. I know electric powers drain endurance; I'm not sure how that's useful when killing, I mean arresting the bad guys as quickly as possible is pretty much a top 10 goal, if not #1.


    I'll be wanting to play a ranged character, but you electric melee-type fans should feel free to show me the error of my ways. My play-style is very largely solo; when I do team, I'm not too worried about what I do or don't bring to the table. Either I'm taking fire so someone else doesn't or I'm taking out a foe so someone else doesn't have to. Strategy is for the other guys.


    I like to do damage at range, so leaning away from controlling. That would seem to leave me with Blasters, Corruptors, Defenders and Sentinels, but again, Controller and Dominator fans, do speak up to advocate for your choice. I also am not married to the idea of Elec/Elec whatever, though if that's the best way to play Electricity, again, I'm listening.


    Being retired, I've got time on my hands, but I'd rather not make one of each and see how I like them. Thus, I'm asking all of you. What archetype makes the best use of electricity-based powers? What's your favorite electricity-using character to play? Or if you just can't stand electric powers, give me an earful about my poor choice of goals!


    Thanks in advance!

  9. I had repurchased the original Guild Wars last month and was plinking around with that. It too was like coming back to the old hometown. Spent a few weeks running around until a friend interested me in BattleTech by Hare-Brained Schemes (sp?). I had never played, tabletop OR online. When I looked, Humble Bundle had the entire collection on sale at 75% off. Now I'm playing that and having a bit of a blast!

  10. Every few months I start feeling a little burnt-out with City of Heroes. I end up backing away for a few weeks, then I wake up one day and fire it up, carrying on as normal. I'm in one of those troughs now, and am casting about for a diversionary pursuit. As a casual gamer, I've not been attracted to first-person shooters, and I don't think I'd be any good at console games period, being a PC fan. I have played Guild Wars in the dim past, but that was 2 computers ago, and my account is long gone. I am interested in trying out similar games; thus this post. Specifically, how good is Dungeons & Dragons Online? Neverwinter Nights? Neverwinter, which I understand is a separate beast? Oh, forgot to mention I tried Guild Wars 2 for about 5 minutes, but it left me cold...then. As you can tell, I'm looking for something in the swords-and-sorcery dept.


    Has anyone tried the games I've mentioned? Thumbs up, thumbs down? Would you recommend anything? Warn me away? Maybe there's a game in this genre that's great that I need to know about! Thanks to all for any opinions and recommendations!

  11. Many of you have listed the hobbies that you discovered and fell into with a willing passion. You speak of the year, of the availability of this or that interest, of the limiting circumstances that might have kept you from taking another path. But I'm willing to bet you all skipped the first part: who you were before all of that consumed you, much like my fires consumed me.


    It was because I was an outsider.


    I was shorter in stature than my peers, and a lot less athletic as well. I labored along with nearsightedness that somehow wasn't recognized until high school. I was a 'gifted child,' with all the later problems that would bring, both in the social arena and in my performance in just about everything. I have memories of my life before then, but at some point in late elementary school, they became sharper and clearer, and it's from that point I often felt alone. My core personality became built around wanting desperately to be part of the group and furiously scorning all that, deliberately making myself one of the outcast.


    Lifelong reader of comic books. Original series Star Trek syndication reruns. Isaac Asimov started me off in science fiction. No, I take that back. In 4th grade, a student teacher read aloud to us from a book called A Wrinkle In Time. After that, all the science fiction my school library had, and on and on. Horror, too, starting with King's Carrie and Salem's Lot. The Rocky Horror Picture Show, its first month in theaters. Star Wars (the original, before it was called A New Hope). The Lord of the Rings. Heavy Metal magazine (as well as Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine). Roleplaying games, including the first boxed set of Dungeons & Dragons and a copy of Superhero 2044. And more, but I think you're getting the point. All of this while still in my teens, but I don't want to spend all night typing out the next few decades.


    I wasn't fitting in in the world I kept waking up in, so I dived into all kinds of other worlds. Fast-forward to now:  I just this evening walked into a local gaming shop and bought the D&D 5E Players Handbook, with the vague intent that I would try to join a local group that plays there. That's a big deal for me, 'cause since I retired (-ish) about 6 years ago, and with the internet/cable TV at hand, I don't do a whole lot of leaving the house.


    But to reiterate my underlying point: how many of you chose all of your myriad pathways because you felt like an outsider?

  12. Teaming, yeah. As I've said, I do run on teams, but I've noticed something. Maybe it was this way back on Live, maybe it's just Homecoming's particular atmosphere, maybe it's my fevered imagination. But the teams I run on (DFBs, PUGs, MSRs, mostly) seem to seldom function as a team. It's a group of soloists on the same mission. DFB: run through, bam bam bam, some small strategy to achieve the Vazh boss badge, but that's about it, and I don't really pay attention to what others are doing. PUGs: (especially radios) run through, let the tank/acting tank take the alpha, then bam bam bam, on to the next group, pew pew pew, stomp on the last boss, done, pull up the next mission. MSRs: here is lots more strategy involved, but it's on rails, 'cause you do a mothership raid the same way -- pylons/follow the crowd, shields DOWN/plant bombs, into the BOWL, U'Kon's DOWN, BAM BAM BAM PEW PEW PEW HEAL HEAL HEAL, a big spammy sometimes-confusing mess until the timer runs out.


    Prolly another by-product of me doing the same ol' stuff over and over and over. Maybe I'm just a soloist who happens to be running with a team; maybe I'm the only one not paying attention. With my new toon, leveling slow, I'm planning to learn all the Task Forces so I won't be shy about joining any of them because of my current ignorance. Already I've gotten merits from 2 mission arcs that I don't believe I've run before, plus a new badge from one that I know my other, Sentinel main doesn't have.


    Another thing I'd like to do is start/run teams, rather than waiting for someone else. Hopefully learning the ins and outs of the various TFs will help with this. For this, I'd be fighting my own reclusive nature, which personal change is always fun, and never hard to do. 😁

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