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Suicide Squirrel

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  1. What about afk idling in sg bases? that bypasses the afk timeout as well. Edit to add, What about Sovereign on Excel in Ouro? i think he should get an exemption to the rule, either that or give him a permanent statue of his toon that he can log into.
  2. they changed a lot of the default controls for new characters with the new patch, i mentioned it was a very bad idea but they ignored my input and pushed it out anyways, you can change it back in the options but the devs made it so you have to do it on every new toon you make because it's a "superior" layout. i maintain the position that it's garbage but that's just me.
  3. The power states in the description that it unlocks at lvl 38 with one other power unlocked in the tree but the detailed info page says lvl 41 and it's locked for me at 38, I don't follow all the patch notes with a fine comb so I don't know if this is a typo in the description or incorrect minimum lvl requirement. just thought I'd note it.
  4. the only spot i have found to get under RV is in the hero base, and it's completely separate from the zone itself, there's no enemies you can attack. the ap glitch if you're talking about going into the vanguard building well that's a very long documented bug that goes way back.
  5. Great! then why hasn't it been addressed?
  6. the AH charges 5% to list and 5% once sold, so 10% in total. it prevents people from de-listing and re-listing item for sale to "game" the system.
  7. I have this same issue and it happens most often on the "TPN" maps, the interior maps to be more specific, the MJ arc is most notable with these maps but it does occur in some other instances as well. I wonder if it has something to do with incarnate generated maps.
  8. I have a SS/RA Brute and I noticed the following behavior with the power "particle shielding" The power has a duration of 1 minute Current recharge on the build I made is 39 seconds When first cast the applied absorb value is 993.55 If cast a second time before the powers duration fully expires the recast absorb value gets reduced to 505.71 Then on the 3rd cast the value is restored to it's original 993.55 Rinse and repeat... Global recharge with hasten is 105.00% and Particle shielding is slotted with 3x level 53 reconstruction d-sync rech/heal/absorb enhcanments Edit: The absorb values "DO NOT" stack on top of each other, once cast again even if the duration has not been met, it is replaced with the new value, Either higher or lower. Second edit: Providing exact absorption values. Third edit: Recharge and slotting info added It appears that every "odd" number cast if applied prior to the powers duration expiration causes it to lose a significant portion of it's absorption, while every even cast it applies the correct value. Looks like a bug to me but maybe this is just a "normal undeclared game mechanic" and I'm just stupid?
  9. hey i know i'm late to the party on this but HOLY MOTHER OF RAINBOW LOVE! i never in my life thought that i would be able to game on linux. tyvm to @klypso your guide is the top result when googling "coh on linux" although i used this guide here for instructions, i had most of what i needed already from installing rust and overwatch. thank you both for your time and effort. i'd buy you each a round if i could because games were the last stronghold windows had on me and it is falling hard, thanks to people like you.
  10. the op sent this over a year ago
  11. Just for anyone questioning my involvement here I haven't taken ANY rewards at all for my folding, and I have DMS to miss supporting this fact each month. This is bullshit, point blank. I would encourage anyone actually wanting to help to swap teams. People who use "outside" hardware to boost their rating and claim that it's theirs should be removed from the list. Do what you want.
  12. I'm not folding at full capacity atm, nor do I intend to. I'll apply just enough to hold the 11th spot. Someone is lying here and boosting their own capacity via means they don't own nor have the right to use.
  13. I'm here, I am covertly folding under another alias atm
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