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Everything posted by doc_miller

  1. Just want to toss out that my /Dev blaster with Targeting Drone (slotted with 2 ToHit Buff) has perma InstaSnipe (unless debuffed, damn CoT ghosts)
  2. Is there a way to get the "canon" kheldian eye aura that NPCs have in the costume creator? If not, what's the best choice for coming close?
  3. I have a tri-form PB, that I'm getting the hang of, but I just made a WS that I plan to keep in mainly Nova & Dwarf forms. My question is, what do I do with power picks other than Nova, Dwarf and the first 2 blasts? Just pick based on future set capacity? Related question: Do set bonuses in one form carry over to all forms?
  4. My preference would be for non-stop Rikti Invasions.
  5. Grab a couple friends, do the first mission of Posi 2. You'll get a jet pack with 60 mins of flight time. Then dump the tf and use the pack til you hit 28.
  6. or do you have to keep refreshing it? Asking for a friend.
  7. I've been playing on Homecoming for 3 weeks; I have 43 characters, ranging from lvl 2 to 24. About 2/3 of them are recreations, the rest are new. A few of them are reserved for "slow" leveling via story content with friends. The rest are being DFB/DiB'd up to 22 for SOs, and to get into the 1 year category for name releases. Once that's done, I'll start concentrating on a handful of them. Probably.
  8. I know Acrobatics will help, is that still the go to, or is there an IO that gives KB res? Or some other solution?
  9. Specifically, can you change the color of the lightning in Mu Mastery?
  10. to have them be always on (with auto-activate)?
  11. Thanks all, I found it. I had been looking in the patern list instead of the main list.
  12. Of course i didn't think to take a screenshot, which makes it harder. Have seen several people using a tights option that looks pretty much featureless, and seems to use the pseudo-glow that Resistance and Celestial pieces use. One person I asked said it was a pattern called Spectrum, but I can't find that. Anyone know what I'm talking about and able to give me a clue?
  13. Haven't re-created them yet, but I did a Sandman-type char(Spider-man, not Gaiman) with Stone Melee and Dark Armor, all colored sandy colors. With the Stealth power active, he looked like a sand cloud that fists or hammers would suddenly coalesce out of. Made a Little Mermaid homage using staff and DA. Used the trident option for staff, and recolored DA to look like water.
  14. Beacon! Hawk! Guardian Jasra here. Just found out about this today, still d/l-ing, but so, so psyched to get back to Paragon. Also looking for any of the Indebted crew that might be lurking around... Pink, Imo, Kari, you out there?
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