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  1. Hi, All, My teenager is really into this game, which he plays mostly solo, but he struggles with some disabilities and has a hard time advancing in level. I PLd a Spider Crab for him several years ago and he plays it a lot, but wants another character who's level 50. He has a hard time leveling up on his own. I want to PL another Alt for him. (I have not played for several years, but I remember how to farm XP and just experimented with my old character—I can to it.) He wants a simple melee character and likes the idea of doing a Brute or a Tank with Super Strength/Invulnerability. I seem to remember that Brutes are better solo characters. Could someone kindly suggest a simple, fun level 50 build that is entertaining to play? I have several billion inf on my old account, so I will be able to buy him any recipes/enhancements. We play on Mac computers and do not have access to MIDS. If you could do the full-form (verbose) paste with a suggested build, that would be very helpful. Thanks!
  2. Man, that sphere is an annoying visual. Is there any way to disable it?
  3. I only have a Mac. Could someone post the long-form version of this build for me? |MxDz;1476;669;1338;HEX;||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|
  4. Hola heroes, I have needed to take a break from the game for 7 months because of the pandemic. Can anyone summarize what's new in the game during that time? (Also, is there a place akin to Paragonwiki where I can see new enhancements that have been added since Homecoming?)
  5. Hello. I am a Mac user using Tequila (32-bit) to run Homecoming in High Sierra 10.13.6. When I "Show Package Contents" in Applications, I see the below directory tree. I have been trying to bind_load_file C:\Games\coh\data\io.txt or lowercase "c" or just /bind_load_file io.txt with the file in /data/ or in the root of /coh/. No luck: always says "Unable to read in keybind file io.txt". Any suggestions on how I might type a valid path?
  6. I spend a great deal of time leveling up doing the same things with every alt for accolades. Killing longbow, running mayhems, ghost pirates, vampyri and warwolves, Rikti monkeys, etc. I know I can do whatever I want and then come back and do all these things for zero XP at level 50, but it's really the idea of accolades requiring basically the same thing every time that bores me. So, my idea: determine however many hours it takes to earn the seven major stat-boosting/temporary buff accolades currently (using alignment-switching) and assemble a selection of missions that take about that long, and award the major stat-boosting accolades around levels 25, 30, 35, 40 of that long mission arc. Leave in space for teaming and having fun, but it should be about 50% of your play time from 1-35 or 1-40. When you begin a new character, you can choose whether you're going to have standard access to accolades through badge work or whether you're going to participate in Adventure Track A, B, C, D, etc. Based on your Adventure Track, you get a contact who gives you missions all around the city, takes you to faraway places that aren't often seen in-game, enemy groups that aren't often seen, etc. Exploration and history badges could be included, but mostly with the idea of getting you to faraway corners of the game world that are well-designed, attractive and interesting. There are maybe 2 or 3 "kidnap/rescue" type missions in a standard accolade playthrough (Fortune Teller, getting stuck with three of them in one Tip mission selection, etc.), and Adventure tracks could include a few (like 2) but not too many (doing them is only fun once or twice a month). They could include SSA content, the new missions that have been added, etc. Make them all take about the same amount of time and track them to see if they need tweaking over time to add or subtract content to make them take about the same amount of time. Ideally there should be at least 4 adventure tracks. Two blueside, one red, one in Praetoria. They should not be strictly linear, but you should have buckets of missions/kill X of Y in every level range (ten tasks levels 20-30, etc.): that way you can team up with friends to complete them but you don't need to be exactly the same level. Maybe there could be eight adventure tracks and four of them would be live every month, or something like that. Maybe half of them could focus on the arcane and half on the tech. The idea is to steer people toward more of the game's existing content that they are probably skipping in order to focus on stat/power accolades.
  7. Agreed. The accolade is usually within reach at level 35 with the "Bad Luck" badge, except for this weird hoop.
  8. This is a neat guide. For those of us without Mids (I'm on a Mac), could you post the verbose version of your build at some point?
  9. Does that include the hybrid slot? Trying to uncode Paragon wiki's old notes with the current state of the game...
  10. Now that I have reached level 50 (yay) is there a reason to keep gaining XP (incarnate abilities?) or is it smarter to turn it off and gain more inf?
  11. Anyone up to doing a Wine Bottled version of Pine's for those of us who don't speak 1337?
  12. Okay, so this is more of a sigh and wait for level 50 project. In the meantime, I'm pretty darn accurate! :) <sighs> <waits for 50>
  13. Hi, I see the yellow circle around my snipe power (psi lance on a defender) occasionally when I level up, and see on the old Paragon Wiki that Issue 24 was going to make it instant-cast if you had 22% or more toHit. I tried increasing my *accuracy* in the power to 22% but that didn't work so I figured it was global toHit, so at level 22 I 4-slotted Exploit Weakness (7%) and Positron's Blast (9%) and added a Kismet: Increased toHit (6%) to Stealth. But that combination of slotting enhancement sets didn't work either. Now I see from the power's "Detailed Information" that I need *97%* increased accuracy. Is that accuracy within the individual power (several IOs or SOs?) or global toHit or a combination of the two? Exploit Weakness 4-slotted at level 25 gives me a 20% accuracy bonus, and my global bonuses are 22%, so am I 42% on the way to 97%? If all I need is 55% more accuracy, I could add a couple of SOs or common IOs. If I need to get to 97% through global bonuses I'm a long way off. Thanks for reading.
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