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Posts posted by iBot

  1. I also built a self funded low budget farmer as described by that low budget fire farm guide mentioned by @Grouchybeast.  Works well.  The only issue my final build has that the post doesn't is that I didn't fully max out my fire defense so I cannot AFK farm 4/8 which is fine for me.  I just pop a purple once in a while and I'm fine.  My reason for this is I do run the character outside of AE once in a while so my build is also viable outside of a fire farm.  It can't run as the MBT but I can certainly handle the alpha and incoming attacks long enough for a team to take out everything in a spawn.

  2. 17 hours ago, Ignatz the Insane said:

    I appreciate that, but honestly I was more focused on showing Yomo's thread than my own.  He/she's  a better story teller than myself, and probably far more versed in the intricacies of the AH as well.   But Ok, I'll keep going.

    No worries.  I find that having a multitude of different perspectives to pull from makes it easier to find information.  Never know what someone else will remember that I've forgotten or never really paid any attention to that can be useful.

  3. The idea here was to give the OP some suggestions and encouragement not necessarily map out the optimal path for making inf.  There are plenty of guides and quite a few good threads about doing it "organically". (See posts by @Ukase and @Yomo Kimyata amongst others).  I think we've come to a consensus in quite a few threads that there are multiple paths to victory here and the optimal strategy is to employ any and all of them depending on your preferences in game.

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  4. Plenty of useful information here that I hope OP can take and make use of.  My only comment is don't be discouraged.  The first toon is always the poorest in terms of inf.  Don't stress over it.  As stated this game is very forgiving.  You can go entirely from 1 - 50 and never enhance anything.  You won't be running 4/8 and you'll miss a LOT when you get into your 30s but it still can be done.  Think of enh as just a boost that gets you through the next set of levels.  Most of us originally only slotted them every 5 break levels and even then it wasn't everything only the really important ones.  Also, convert to using IOs instead of SOs.  It isn't too bad to craft the level 25s for ACC, DAM, and either END REDUX or RECH depending.  Those level 25s will last you all the way to 50 easy.  Sets are only needed if you want to min/max and run +x content.  From there you can just vendor or AH whatever drops and by the time you are 50 you'll have more inf than you know what to do with for your next several hundred alts.

  5. But @Ukase I'm lazy.  Why oh why would I want to open up 1 pack to sell 10 things when I could just sell the 1 pack? ... 😜


    Seriously though when you put it that way yeah it makes far better sense to open the darn things and sell the pieces.  But that interface is such a pain not to mention then having to comb through the emails to pick out what I want versus what I can sell.  I'll take my 13-14.5 mil profit and call it a day.  And of course I may contradict myself and actually open a few this year as I've got a couple of builds that I could improve with a WO or two.  I'll just calling it "evolving" my position rather than flip flopping. 🤪

  6. Same thing I did previous years.  I'll buy what I can at 10 mil and sell them at 24.5 mil later.  This year took a little longer to finally clear out everything I had but I'm patient so it didn't bother me.  Was also nice to log into an alt and check the AH only to see that the packs had sold and I was flush with some inf.  I didn't open any of them.

  7. Garage Sale?


    I think the AH bucket system explains a lot of this oddness.  Not certain cause I've never actually paid close enough attention but I don't think the history display shows prices broken out by level.  If that is the case, I'd suspect some of what is observed is just the display showing the last sales which were for a lower level IO which as mentioned would cost considerably less to craft.

    Outside of that, it probably has something to do with the same logic as to why players sell things on the AH for less than what a vendor will pay for them.  People are weird. 🤪

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  8. You aren't missing anything there @Bananiac all those could be reasons for what you are seeing.  Also, someone could be buying up ones to convert.  They could be buying them up but mistakenly set the bid amount from another set of bids they were doing.  Could just be the AH display bug.  As for manipulation I think we've come to the discussion consensus a few times in this forum that it really isn't possible on HC to corner the market on anything because of the way the AH works now.

  9. Welcome home.  It is a bit much to take in especially if you left early in the game's life cycle.  There were a lot of changes made in the latter years to the game.  There are a few changes and additions made to the HC servers since coming back 2 years ago.  You'll find that the vast majority of the changes are simple things that make it faster and easier for you to get a character up and running.  Don't hesitate to ask in game when something doesn't make sense or when you don't remember exactly how to do something.  There is a specific "Help" channel for those things and generally it is monitored by players that will answer questions honestly so long as you stay away from asking open opinion questions like "What is the best pizza in Paragon?".


    As for solo, really the best solo ATs and power sets you remember from live are still here.  Sure there were some improvements made but for the most part if you remember what you ran then, you'll be able to do it now.  A definite change is you have 1000 slots now.  Go crazy.  Try everything.  If you don't like it try something else.  You'll find once you get your feet under you that you can go from 1 to 15 or 16 pretty fast.  Also, you don't have to limit yourself based on AT to playing red/blue/gold.  Any AT can start in any of the zones.


    Nice QoL changes:

    1.  P2W as mentioned.  Visit this vendor and check out the wares.  Most are free, some cost a bit of inf, others cost a lot of inf.  The most useful are going to be the temp buffs and powers you can get along with the temp travel powers.

    2.  Travel powers can now be chosen starting at level 4.  No more slogging till 14 before you can actually move around.

    3.  All trams go all places.  No need to remember which trams go to which zones.

    4.  Get all explore badges for at least one zone to start.  This unlocks the special teleport power that allows you to instantly teleport to a zone you have found at least 1 explore badge for.  Very handy.

    5.  This community is for the most part made up of returning vets or children/grand children of returning vets.  For the most part we are here because we like playing the game with our friends and finding new friends is part of that.  So certainly don't hesitate to reach out to players you see.  Most will be glad to show you around.

    6.  Try not to cry the first time you hear the zone in music start up.  Many have tried few has succeeded.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  10. 53 minutes ago, Rathulfr said:

    CoH has never/will never scratch the same itch that afflicts WoW players.  It didn't in 2004, and it won't in 2021.

    I think this sums it up.  I remember the exodus from CoH when WoW came online.  The big draw then from what I gathered was the PvP something that CoH didn't have at that time.  Even when it was added later few came back.  I'm not saying this was the entire reason, but I think the players from WoW are looking for things that CoH doesn't provide.

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  11. Probable best to ask this in the Market section.  Rule of thumb I use: if the set can be used by a wide range of ATs and combos it will probably sell for more.  Same goes for if the bonuses it gives are more desirable for a build than those offered by the other sets in the same category.  There are also in demand sets at certain level break points because some use those to play converter roulette to get to the more expensive sets.


    Personally, I don't ever list anything under what I would accept as a sale price.  If I have to wait a day or two for it to sell then so be it.  There are a lot on the AH that put in low bids for popular things just to snipe the item when someone else places one on the AH for a "sell now" low price.

  12. 52 minutes ago, ZemX said:

    I can believe you can build anything to survive content in this game, but you're going to have a lot of variation in how safely and/or how quickly they can do it. Plainly, some ATs/combos will be better than others.  By a lot.  If that's what's really being asked, then people need to take the usual "anything works" response down a notch, because while anything works, not everything works as well.

    I will push back a little bit on this.  The "anything works" tact is true for all ATs for probably 75-80% of the content in this game.  Determining if it "works as well" is really a preference.  What works well for you may not work well for me and vice versa.  There maybe a combo that your style of play doesn't fit so you see it as a "not working well" while someone else could make it "top tier".  Now if you want to further dive into the weeds you can argue that there are some combos that "work well" against fire damage and not so well against anything else.  But that has very little to do with the AT or the power set combos and has everything to do with the build.  And I will grant that there are power sets that make it easier to build to cover a wider variety of situations but again those that are difficult to do it with can get there too but require a different approach or maybe a sacrifice in another area to get there.


    I suppose the point here is if you want to discuss what works well it requires diving much further into the under the hood mechanics than we've gone so far.  Happy to do it, but the OP seemed to want some gentle guidance rather than a completed Mids build.

  13. I hate to say it but again any AT can be built to be a chaos tornado that shreds all but the most specialized mobs in the game.  The key to that level of power is understanding IO sets and how to squeeze the most out of each and every slot you put on your powers.  It also requires knowledge of how to maximize the pool and epic powers that you choose.  If your goal is to handle +4/8 you aren't going to get there out of the gate.  Too many factors against you at low level to do it until at least your 20s though it does vary by power sets meaning some can do it early 20s some can't do it until 40s and some can't do it until you reach 50 and unlock purples.  The key is to maximize your XP/Hr meaning fight at a level that you can run comfortably quickly.  That may be 0/2 or 0/4 or +1/2 or +2/6 or even 0/8.  You'll have to figure that out for the AT, your level of play, and your build.


    As a basic guide to follow:

    1.  Damage is king.  Kill it before it kills you.

    2.  Resist is better than defense but a solid use of both is optimal.  The reason for this is no matter how high your defense you WILL get hit.  Best to reduce the amount of damage when it does connect.  What a lot of players do is build to cap one or two types of damage and then average around the rest.

    3.  Debuffs act as damage multipliers at higher levels.  -res, -def, and -regen all help to mow down mobs faster.

    4.  There are set bonuses that can help to mitigate status affects from mob attacks.  Stacking those can help those without inherent resists.

    5.  There are a lot of powers available to you using buff stations, P2W vendor, and special powers earned in game that can make your solo play easier.  Seek them out.

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  14. As stated a few things:

    1.  Welcome to your great addiction.

    2.  Echoed that all ATs in this game are viable solo.  "Fun" is another issue that is up to the individual.  With 1000 slots available there really is no reason why you can't try them all other than time but I've heard rumors that time is an illusion created by historians just to keep everything from happening at once.

    3.  Fire/Staff tanker is probably one of the most offensive combos.  Another to try would be Rad/Dark melee.  If you like melee I'd also try to go brute -> scrapper -> stalker -> VEAT.  Plenty of non-melee ATs can be built to thrive in the close quarters arena as well so don't fear trying those out as you gain knowledge.

    4.  Solo is fine but where this game shines is team play.  Find a group that you gel with and go with it.  Plenty of good SGs out there full of helpful people that will gladly show you all the cool things in one of our favorite games.

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  15. Hats off to everyone that goes through the pain to run these sorts of events.  They are certainly a lot of work to organize and can be a pain if some players feel they are entitled to ignore basic instructions.  Personally, if a player cannot follow a basic instruction that makes it easier for me to efficiently put together said event then they are not someone I want in the event anyway.  I wouldn't go so far as to put them on ignore but I would certainly ignore their tells.  And if they got abusive because of me ignoring them well that is why there is a chat log feature and the ability to forward it along for moderation.  Life it too short to put any energy into players that feel they are somehow better then the rest of us poor humans.


    And lengthy explanation posts from those players that do run these events that lay out the "why" for that no tell request may just educate a few of them once in a while.

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  16. I tend to think the fluctuation that is apparent in the AH is mostly due to our lack of a full picture.  Since the AH is spread over all the servers, the small snapshot we get when we look at a particular item can look as though the price is changing wildly when in fact most prices have been pretty stable over the last 2 years.  I mean after that initial rush of "OMG the game is back!" I think we've hit a kind of equilibrium for most things since, as has been pointed out several times, almost everything in the game is pegged to the 100 merits pricing index.  Not to mention there are a sizable number of players that both sell low to sell fast and buy high to buy fast.  This can cause the snapshot price to bounce back and forth between extremes while the actual price point in somewhere in the middle.

  17. Interesting supply problem.  Certainly a consequence of our ability to convert from one set to another easily and those of us that figured out which ones give the best odds of becoming what we want.  Not certain of a simple solution that wouldn't then break a bunch of other things.  Would be nice if they could add some minor search features for the number of items listed so we don't have to manually scan for zeroes in the market.  I'd think that would then cause more people to list the IOs that have no supply.


    Personally if I want an IO and there are none listed or a few but at a ridiculous (to me) price I simply buy one of the others and use the in set to convert to the one I want.  Probably not cost effective but it gets the job done faster than trying to convert something else in the same category.  And since I don't keep a stash of things around I don't have a readily available supply of recipes or crafting mats.

  18. I've heard good things about Cosmic Council.  I believe they have a recruiting post in the forums here.


    Sisterhood does have a discord channel though it is more of a general "Liberty" ex-pat list.  In game you can look for @DaisyDiesel, @Frazier @Snowflurries, or @QPTOO (though he does have a few alt accounts too).  They are main leadership for Sisterhood.  Their in game chat channel is Sisterhood Friends which is open to the public.


    The LEGION also has a discord and a few of our members use the voice chat channels we have set up.  It is not utilized all that often but it is there for those that want to use it. 



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  19. Another power set to have a look at is Kinetic melee.  Lots of punches there with a fair bit of choreography going on.  Some of the attacks can be a bit annoying with a wind up and I know some have complained about the sound effects but I enjoyed the brute that I played with it.

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