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Posts posted by Turric

  1. On 1/18/2021 at 9:56 PM, Omega-202 said:

    No, its too late for that character.  Once you have selected any Crab powers on a Soldier, the backpack is there forever.  Respecing out of the Crab build won't fix it.  


    Unless something was changed very recently, you'll need to make a whole new character.  Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.


    No that is untrue. Just this past weekend I respecced my crabspider to a huntsman build and the backpack has disappeared. But as stated, no builds can have the crab power set otherwise all builds have the backpack.


    I really wish it was there for some costumes but not others, but people in hell want ice water so...

    • Thanks 1
  2. I would not be adverse to some minor taunt power, like a punch voke thing, on any VEAT. As to their durability, my crabspider and huntsman can both reliably tank. My night widow is the one that could use the taunt mechanic since mobs run from her all the time. It is super annoying.



    And a big hell yes to the redraw thing. Also, especially for widows, please allow us to select alternative claw types! Soldiers of Arachnos get different types of assault rifles but widows do not get choices.

  3. 4 hours ago, DoctorDitko said:


    I'd personally track down each Dev and give them a dollar if my Bots MM could combine his pets into a Voltron. Make it tricky to do -- along the lines of getting a Shivan? -- fine by me. I'd just love to pull the Malta trick on the Malta JUST ONCE!


    Holy crap, this should have been a thing! What a fun idea. Similar to Gang War in a way. Put it on a long cooldown. I would dust off my bots MM for this.


    • Like 1
  4. On 4/6/2021 at 11:51 AM, Darmian said:

    LOL, I know at least three, one a RL friend who just enjoys it!  He tried farming, found it tedious, and then went to AH.  And loves placing bids and waiting and all that palaver.


    Your friend would love Eve Online.


    On 4/6/2021 at 12:00 PM, DougGraves said:


    I'm not surprised.  I had a friend who played EVE Online and all he did was run a manufacturing company.  He bought materials, made stuff, and sold it. 


    Almost any aspect of a game will turn out to be someone's favorite thing to do.




    And DougGraves beat me to it.

  5. 16 hours ago, parabola said:

    I'm a fan of this idea. Hard to know without seeing the backend but it might be simpler than auto exemping to contacts (another idea I'm a fan of).


    This I don't like so much for a few reasons. I enjoy the exemping mechanic, different levels of play in the game have very different feels. If everything was only endgame incarnate fueled insanity it would turn me off massively. There would be a danger that such a change would hollow the game out, with the only teaming available being at lv50 regardless of the content. This in turn would further encourage farming straight to 50 before playing any real content in order to keep up. And having to keep half an eye on exemping performance is one of the few remaining brakes on IO builds and provides interesting challenges in it's own right. Some more backloaded AT's and powersets suffer a little because of this but that's a design problem with them not a reason to make the entire game lv50.


    Your premise is not wrong, however I am one of those people who will not group until my toon is 50 and all twinked out with IO. I played the other way, for years in fact, and no longer enjoy the grind of it. I farm my toons now to 50 in about 2.5 hours, give or take. And then I go back through Ouro and enjoy the content at my leisure. I wish though that I could play some of that content at 50 with all my abilities. Especially, as you say, on some backloaded ATs, that suffer because their signature powers do not come until later. Endurance heavy sets, such as dark armor and many controller sets, are not fun for me at low level without the improvements I've added to their build later on. You are right, it is an interesting challenge, but one that I am no longer interested in dealing with.


    To wit, I would love to farm Skulls for the Kill Skuls badge, but I wish they could fight back with at least some modicum of dignity, but I don't want to do it at level 12 without any AOE powers and having to rest every other fight. I've done it that way before and do not wish to repeat it any longer.


    • Like 1
  6. On 3/1/2021 at 11:51 AM, tidge said:

    I do wish that it was possible to take Cross Punch after only one prior Fighting pool pick. It seems weird to me that a Cross Punch is allowed after taking one attack then one toggle. I have a different Scrapper where I'd rather delay (or opt out of Tough) to get Cross Punch earlier.



    I agree, though I would go one step further and remove the requirement to take Punch/Kick to get to Tough / Weave. I wish we had the ability to choose from Ancillary Powers a la carte.

  7. On 2/9/2021 at 10:08 PM, tellania said:

    defense and resistance are the traditional means of survival, followed by heals, knock downs, and finally +hp/regen.

    But many people forget fear.  

    My old dark/dark brute use presence pool, to layer on the fear.   Best form of soft control (with immobs, they can fight back, holds are too expensive).


    Fear the mobs, fear the boss.   If you want to avoid fighting pool for a dark/dark scrapper, I recommend presence pool.


    Wont help much against an AV though, tough/weave will help more with that, but in that instance, you can pop inspirations.




    You are not wrong about this. However, my problem with using fear is that, especially on a scrapper, you scatter mobs. My dark/dark scrapper is nearly unplayable now because everything runs from him and it's super annoying running after mobs. I had to pick up the scrapper taunt so that I can solo efficiently. Truthfully, my night widow is getting this way also. The poison effects, which I love for story purposes (seems very appropriate), makes mobs run and it drives me bonkers. It probably isn't a big deal on tankers or brutes.

  8. 5 hours ago, Leogunner said:

    Personally would prefer if all enemy factions had a lvl 1-lvl55 scaling complete with different mobs, abilities and sub-factions so that you can't outlevel any content.





    I have read elsewhere about the difficulties scaling up Skulls or Hellions to level 50. How exactly? True, they may not be as difficult as Arachnos, but they do not need to be as varied as CoT or even Council. A Bone Daddy / Death Doll / Death Walker could be potentially dangerous at 50. The lieutenants might need a little tweaking, but it cannot be much harder than what they have done for Council.

  9. On 4/2/2021 at 2:21 PM, DougGraves said:

    Should goldside, redside, and blue side be separate?  Should you be able to create a goldside character and be able to go to Atlas and pick up missions from contacts?  Have Long Range Teleport let you go between any zones in the game, ignoring sides?


    Should the game require you to go to contacts to get missions at all?  Should you just select them from a contact list and use a cellphone from the start?


    Should you have to go to a trainer to train?


    It already exists for Long Range Teleport to travel to all zones. Every single one of my toons can easily hop between red, blue and gold side without issue. I do not have an issue with this. Ease of travel is not a huge deal for a person doing content for the first time. But do it 40 times on different toons and it quickly becomes a must have. I am a big fan of the LR teleport changes they did in Issue 27.


    Having run the Revenant Hero arc many, many times in the past 2 weeks, I would absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE to just call contacts on a cell phone. I would be ok with meeting them the very first time (which is how many, but not all, work). Perhaps they want to size you up face to face. But thereafter, yeah, cellphone calls please.


    I am ambivalent about the trainer. I like the routine of it, but also feel that if it were abolished, I would not care much either.


  10. On 4/2/2021 at 2:21 PM, DougGraves said:

    Should goldside, redside, and blue side be separate?  Should you be able to create a goldside character and be able to go to Atlas and pick up missions from contacts?  Have Long Range Teleport let you go between any zones in the game, ignoring sides?


    Should the game require you to go to contacts to get missions at all?  Should you just select them from a contact list and use a cellphone from the start?


    Should you have to go to a trainer to train?


    It already exists for Long Range Teleport to travel to all zones. Every single one of my toons can easily hop between red, blue and gold side without issue. I do not have an issue with this. Ease of travel is not a huge deal for a person doing content for the first time. But do it 40 times on different toons and it quickly becomes a must have. I am a big fan of the LR teleport changes they did in Issue 27.


    Having run the Revenant Hero arc many, many times in the past 2 weeks, I would absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE to just call contacts on a cell phone. I would be ok with meeting them the very first time (which is how many, but not all, work). Perhaps they want to size you up face to face. But thereafter, yeah, cellphone calls please.


    I am ambivalent about the trainer. I like the routine of it, but also feel that if it were abolished, I would not care much either.


  11. On 4/2/2021 at 2:21 PM, DougGraves said:

    Should goldside, redside, and blue side be separate?  Should you be able to create a goldside character and be able to go to Atlas and pick up missions from contacts?  Have Long Range Teleport let you go between any zones in the game, ignoring sides?


    Should the game require you to go to contacts to get missions at all?  Should you just select them from a contact list and use a cellphone from the start?


    Should you have to go to a trainer to train?


    It already exists for Long Range Teleport to travel to all zones. Every single one of my toons can easily hop between red, blue and gold side without issue. I do not have an issue with this. Ease of travel is not a huge deal for a person doing content for the first time. But do it 40 times on different toons and it quickly becomes a must have. I am a big fan of the LR teleport changes they did in Issue 27.


    Having run the Revenant Hero arc many, many times in the past 2 weeks, I would absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE to just call contacts on a cell phone. I would be ok with meeting them the very first time (which is how many, but not all, work). Perhaps they want to size you up face to face. But thereafter, yeah, cellphone calls please.


    I am ambivalent about the trainer. I like the routine of it, but also feel that if it were abolished, I would not care much either.


  12. I am NOT asking which is better. I have a new controller idea, which will be paired with Storm Summoning. What I am asking for is any experienced person with either set, are there any nuances that you have discovered for either set? Any tips? Does one synergize better with Storm? I am looking for feedback so that it might clue me into which would fit my particular play style better. I have multiple controllers already, but I have not played either of these (ice corruptor yes, electric blaster yes).

  13. 7 hours ago, Coyotedancer said:


    Hard no on that. 

    The Indy Ouro exit is the one closest to a train station. That makes it useful. 




    My point being that the difference between the distance to the train for Talos and Independence was minimal and Talos had more services located very close, such as a trainer / Tunnel Gate / Vault / Pocket D, making it a better crossroads IMO. And the Smuggler Ship to Striga is closer, though both are kind of far away. I wasn't advocating for IP's removal, just that it seemed superfluous to me. 

  14. 20 hours ago, Darkhorsedan said:

    Make Sentinel's primary powerset more like the Dominator's assault set, so it has a mixture of melee and ranged abilities.  That way they could be a more 'jack of all trades' type. Ultimately It wouldn't be much different in function to a human only Peacebringer. 


    I sorely want just 1 or 2 melee attacks for my sentinels. I had to get them from the ancillary power pools and am truly not satisfied by them.  Especially for Assault Rifle, there should have been a Butt Strike option or Bayonet attack.

  15. IMO, there should have been more of a crossroads or central hub in the city. Red side does better with this as Cap au Diable serves that function. Talos Island somewhat serves that function. The central hub zone should have ALL amenities that are not zone specific. That includes a P2W vendor, which should be in both Cap and Talos. Then there is the end game zones, which are PI / Grandville.


    So, I think the Ouro choices make sense for the most part --> beginning zones, middle zones & crossroads, end game zones. I think Founders Falls was in there for the ease of access to the Midnighter Club and then Cimeroa. I think Independence Port could be removed but whatever. Is Nerva one of the choices, I cannot remember.


    If I had my druthers, I would revamp the entire travel system and even the way the zones are planned out. I would have merged the Rogue Isles with Paragon City from the very start so that villains were actually IN the city too, but just had different trainers and services. The actual Rogue Isle zones would have become part of Paragon, though some would have been hazard zones. Lord Arachnos would have his own island. There would also be some zones entered only via special helicopters or airplanes that took you to different parts of the world for doing special missions, like a jungle island (i.e Primeval section of Nerva, kind of like a Savage Island), a Madripoor like foreign city, an arctic area (perhaps the North Pole), undersea Atlantis and so forth. Also, the Portal Corporation would have a single portal and the places it would take you would have more internal story cohesion. I never understood why there are 3 portals in 3 different building basements. It is annoying popping back and forth between.


    I have gone off topic. I apologize.

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