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Posts posted by Turric

  1. Yes I have soloed all of this above with a scrapper, a brute and my sentinel. What I haven't done is Manticore, because I am unsure I can (or want) to tank 2 AV at the same time. I also haven't soloed Numina yet.


    What I want to do is solo some of the Redside strike forces, but I am unsure which are doable.

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  2. If enough people want this, then by all means! Options never hurt anyone.


    Speaking for myself only, I would not utilize it and I would not want to be on teams that do. I also never utilize any of the conditions for task forces missions (timed, buffed, debuffed etc), but I would never complain that they exist. My instinct, judging by Indomitable only, would be that it would be very very rare to use. I also get bored and look through people's bio / build information to see who I am playing with. There are a ton of people who do not roll with any IO builds as it is. Perhaps this is by choice, but estimating by the number of people who do not know how to get places, I FEEL like there are lots of newer players these days who simply are learning the game. In this case, the forum boards can be a misrepresentation of the greater player base. But then again, I might be way off.


    But if other people want to play this way, then have at thee, fiend!

  3. 1. jetpack is easily done.

    2. rocket punch can be cloned from street justice

    3. flamethrower cloned from assault rifle or the fire breath from fire blast

    4. whistling birds? I kind of feel like the rain of bullets from dual pistols would look similar to this.

    5. I forgot what back rocket looked like in SWTOR. I would have to log in to my powertech, which I haven't played in 3 years to remind myself.


    6. What about the wrist cable grapple thing?

    7. Superheated fuel? Maybe the oil slick from Trick Arrow?

    8. Rail shot? My powertech used this all the time. Some type of sniper shot? Maybe Blazing Bolt, just recolored?

    9. Sonic missile? This was the taunt right?


    This would be an interesting concept of a skill set mixed with both offense and defense. Add in some energy or electrical armor ability or Body Armor from munitions.


    Now that I think on it, it is beginning to feel like a set made up of the Munitions Mastery ancillary power pool.


  4. I have a scrapper sitting at vet level 15 which I do not much play anymore and this is my problem:


    Martial Arts has 6 ST attacks and a 7th AoE attack. In my idiocy, I chose all of them. Now, my build is actually pretty decent. Super Reflexes is a good secondary. But I want to pare down some of the attacks, like a 4 move chain perhaps. My thinking is to remove the lowest, Thunder Kick, right off the bat, since it is minor damage. I am not sure of the next. I want a solid 3 or 4 move chain that has a nice smooth animation synchronization. 


    Any Martial Arts experts out there who can share their attack chain and reinvigorate my opinion of this character? Keep in mind some of the alternate animations.


    As a side note, Street Justice is a far better martial arts set IMO. It feels more visceral.

    • Like 1
  5. I would have to disagree also. Energy Melee is just better and faster animating now. More cohesive IMO. And tanks? They are among the best archetypes in the game now. Are they required? Not necessarily, but they make all content easier.


    Unless this is a joke, I have to wonder what kind of groups you have been rolling with lately. My second instinct is to question whether your toon is set up well or some other misconception at work that is undermining your enjoyment of your character.


    Lastly, I really feel like this is deja vu because I had this almost same conversation in a PI radio group a few days ago. I run through PI radio content quickly without necessarily waiting for the tank, since I can solo the content, regardless of what character I play. Groups just allow me to go faster and I like socializing a little here and there. On this day there was an nrg tank who made similar comments, but they were much lower level and were not twinked at all. So, yes, a tank in that situation will not live long compared to a fully twinked 50 of any archetype. But a tank who is tricked out will laugh as everyone else dies.

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  6. Are you specifically asking which day job accolades to go for?


    There are 4 accolades that every toon should achieve because they bump your stats permanently. I aim for these on every toon I make and then everything after that is just a bonus.


    1.  Atlas Medallion --> +5 max endurance

    2.  Portal Jockey --> +5 max endurance, +5% hit points

    3   Freedom Phalanx --> +10% hit points

    4.  Task Force Commander --> +5% hit points


    Portal Jockey and Task Force Commander would be hard to complete at a lower level, though by 35, TF Commander could be completed. Portal Jockey requires 2 arcs that are given in your 40s. Killing Fake Nemesis might be a hurdle before 40 also, which is required for Freedom Phalanx.


    • Thanks 2

    Revitalization of some zones. (Boomtown needs construction workers milling about! Crey's Folly needs sewage plant workers)


    Edit some of the extra crap from the old task forces. Citadel and Synapse are just ridiculous. Other task forces need some things fixed. Like there being no map available on Admiral Sutter.


    Introduction of a handful of new factions. Paragon City and the Rogue Isles need a true vampire faction. Not those artificial vampires created by the Council, but real ones. Call them the Vampire Nation! Savage melee / Dark Melee / Dark Armor / Super Reflexes etc.


    If I had designed this game, I would have made both solo and group content that highlighted the zones within, telling more of a story about Paragon City / Rogue Isles. The arcs within Striga, Hollows, Croatoa do this to an extent. I wish more zones had their unique arcs.

  8. I have spent a ton of time in Brickstown this weekend, running the Doctor's Ally and the Revenant Project arcs on over a dozen toons, and I have decided that it is one of my favorites. I think it is because most of the map is rather flat with only a few height changes (Skyway and Grandville are some of my least favorite because of this). Kings Row and Sharkhead are also on my list. Kings Row and Brickstown feel like a city to me.


    Which zones do you think are the best designs or simply your favorites?


    PS. I am pretty sure this question has been posted before.

  9. While I believe this is a valid feeling from the OP, I would have to mostly disagree in sentiment. Challenge on a PuG group is not something I would really desire any longer. I would probably be one of "those four" people, as I no longer play my toons until they are 50 and all tricked out. Thus, radio missions and even most TF are soloable even at +4x8 for the majority of my characters, so it is entirely possible for 1-4 people to carry the rest of the team. It happens in PI groups all the time. I have many toons and what I am looking for usually is a quick veteran level or the task force completion badge for TF commander on newer toons.


    With that being said, I do recognize that not every one plays like I do, so I would have no issues if someone spoke up concerning this, especially if I were going too fast (and there are people way faster than me!). Communication is the key, I think, to getting what you really desire out of this game.

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  10. What about Dual Blades? I ready through this entire thread and I do not think I saw this (apologies if I missed it).


    As for reskinning the existing weapons, I would suggest simple items for minions (baseball bats, pipe wrenches, crude machetes), with lieutenants getting the normal axe, mace, sword and the bosses getting Impervium based stylized weaponry. Seems logical to me. Get better weapons, move up in the gang.


    I do like the javelin throw ability. Seems appropriate.


    Archer units would not be bad either.


    And lastly, I think both the Thugs Gang War thing or else a Hound Master type unit with pet dogs (or lions) would fit nicely.

    • Like 1
  11. On 3/20/2021 at 2:04 AM, TygerDarkstorm said:

    This must be at least somewhat server dependent regarding zone MSR's. On Everlasting they're typically hosted by Chaos United and are intentionally advertised as a means for lowbies to join to grind experience. We generally seem to end up with plenty of high level people to smash through the MSR regardless.


    Don't get me wrong, I see where you're coming from. The MSR thing just threw me off, but I'll attribute that to differences between servers.


    My limited, anecdotal experience also has not resulted in too many instances like the OP's, so I guess I have been lucky. Speed runs generally seem to get advertised as such, and since I don't like those, I don't sign up for them. Most of the TF's/SF's I run don't seem to go much past +2, and usually the lead asks if we're ok with that or the group as a whole asks to ramp it up a bit because we're just slamming through the content. And no, that's not me saying stuff like what has happened with the OP never happens; I am sure that it does. I guess I have just gotten lucky.



    On Indom, the MSR raids are very well run (who ever Mrs. is on the forums). There are no provisions against bringing a toon 35+ however it is stated that it isn't a power level and so they must at least play their toon and contribute. Lately, we have been doing them in the instance, which I think cuts down on the number of less than 50 toons (that is my assumption anyway). I have been on well over a hundred of those raids, and there are definitely some nights when the damage is lacking and there are lots of lower level toons dying, while there are other nights when everyone brings their tricked out 50+1 toons and it is easy street.  I like MSR raids because I use them to get exactly 1 vet level for one of my characters.


    As to the OP, I feel your pain. A situation similar to that has occurred to me, however when I spoke up about turning down the diff, the leader did so. I was a little put out because the first few missions took far longer than required, but I quickly forgot about it and moved on. For most of those TF, I run them only for the TF Commander Accolade so I am unconcerned about xp or money and therefore would prefer to get them over with quickly. That is mostly because I've run them so many times. But I am cognizant that there are new players so I usually ask in chat if there are any first timers aboard.



    What a cool aesthetic implemented so poorly. So much wasted space. There should have been portals between islands, like the one in Firebase Zulu to get to the rest of the zone. Each island should have had a reason for going there. Just so much wrong with those zones.


    A better way to complete kill tasks when you're 50. There should be more variety of mobs in radio missions. Also, most factions should scale to 50. I want to kill Igneous bosses, but not at level 14.

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  13. On Indomitable, I lead pick-up groups in PI or DA or task forces infrequently. I find leading to be rather easy. As someone else stated, you only have to select missions and scan LFG to fill the group. Most of the content is well known to me, with a few exceptions. My reasons, especially for pickup groups, is that I am looking only for 1 vet level of experience at a time and then I switch to another character. So, I prefer when others lead because I can quickly switch in and out.

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  14. 38 minutes ago, AboveTheChemist said:

    I can't speak to the tracker you described in the first paragraph of your post, but the quoted part above is currently possible via popmenus. It works the opposite of how you describe (incomplete badges are greyed out, and complete badges are highlighted), but it works great. I have a badge tracker popmenu that does this, and if you click that link you can see the accolade requirements tracker in the example screenshot. There are several other similar popmenus for tracking badges, although I don't know offhand if they track accolade requirements in a similar manner. If you go to the Tools, Utilities, and Downloads sub-forum you can hunt around for some of the other menus and pick whichever one most suits you, if you choose to go that route.


    I did not know that existed. Thank you. From the screenshots it looks to be very much what I was describing.

  15. I might be mistaken, but I seem to recall on Live that I could post to my UI a tracking method for kill tasks. I want to say it was in the bottom right of my screen in white lettering. For instance, it would track how many Skulls I had killed so far so that I could quickly intuit how many I needed for the badge, without having to drop down the Badges menus and search through all the different tallies. And then when I completed the badge (or no longer needed the progress meter), I could exchange it for another. Did I dream this or maybe it was a different game that did it.


    And if this was never real, I think this belongs in the "wish list" post. But along those lines, wouldn't it be cool if there was a better way to determine which components of certain accolades you were missing? For instance, the Atlas Medallion Accolade entry would gray out those items you had completed so that you knew that the only thing left was to do the Spelunker mission. And so forth. It is totally a QOL thing.

  16. On 3/13/2021 at 8:28 AM, gamingglen said:


    Actual game wish: (oh so many).. another area for my 50s to street sweep saving the day of regular citizens (ala north end of Peregrine Island; that's such a small area). I detest the all-dark DA, there's also no citizens to save. I like sunshine.  Yeah, I know I'm in the minority as one that likes to street sweep (there's no tunnels, caves, or Escher-style office layouts to deal with).  Add "Round up the usual suspects" repeatable mission type to the police officer standing outside ("arrest" x number of an enemy faction, a different one each time, keeping x somewhere from 10 to 20). (I guess that's a 2nd wish). That provides a street sweeping mission. Usually I hunt the badge-worthy bad guys, but once I have the badge then it feels less satisfying afterwards to hunt for Fake Nemesis for example.  Making Warhulks explode never gets old, though.



    I like this idea.

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  17. 11 hours ago, PsychoThruster said:

    Personally I'm not a fan of equip upgrades as powers. Then being automatic doesn't remedy it either from my perspective that it's simply a boring "power". It's much rather have the upgrades come in inherently at level intervals and get powers that give orders to be applied tactically. For instance giving mercs a "suppression fire" power that commands the soldiers to perform a long animation full auto that does minor damage but slows and debuffs tohit to any enemy in the cones. Perhaps another one that enables the selective application of tear gas. However these kinds of changes are already against the grain considering that level of control would be balanced by the resummoning cool downs of the pets which have just been reduced. 


    I enjoy my MM fine and don't have experience with high level content, but personally I'd rather see changes to the AT that give a bit more control and tactical consideration as opposed to buff and forget powers.


    Best argument so far.

  18. 10 hours ago, TheSpiritFox said:


    I say that because you and a number of other people seem to want to reduce the complexity of the class and make it easier to play from a game balance perspective, and most of your arguments come down to "it's annoying to have limitations"


    I cannot for the life of me understand why you would want to remove the (rather minor) depth that exists with keeping pets around and buffed. Like, masterminds are a class where there are often decisions, minor ones, but decisions to be made in battle. Much moreso than a brute or scrapper who just waltzes into a group and starts hitting things, we choose where our pets are, whats getting the next buff, to attack or support, and you want to remove some of those choices. You want to not have to think about it, to have less to do and streamline the way the actual class plays to remove some of the strategic depth masterminds have in encounters. 


    When you say that that's a good thing, yes, I say your opinion is objectively wrong, that you do not have an appreciation for the actual design of the class. Saying that you don't like having to rebuff in combat or that pets should be more disposable is exactly like saying a brute should just go to 100% fury as soon as it hits something. Saying that a pet class being forced to pay attention to it's pets to keep them alive and doing full damage is bad class design...


    No, that's wrong. Objectively speaking, you want to change Masterminds from what they are to something more mindless, which would straight up be a negative for the class. You want to not have trade offs to make in order to attack with your powers, you want to have to babysit your pets less and not care as much if they die because you're a 2 second cast from being back at full power instead of 3 2 second casts and some pet location management along the way and like you're missing the point entirely that those limitations are a direct intent in order to force masterminds to play a certain way. 


    The same way Brute fury or containment or whatever else works, being designed to force you to play certain ways which go along with the class design. 


    Saying that rebuffing in combat is a shit sandwich? Sorry but that same bad logic works equally well on containment, scourge, fury, etc. Its not even logic, your entire argument, and everyone else's who shares your opinion, is "I don't really care about balance, it annoys me personally and it would be progress if the class was changed to not annoy me personally" and you walk past every balance consideration anyone brings up as if they do not matter. Walk past the purpose of the limitation imposed on the AT because you do not like that limitation. 


    So yeah, I can say that you're just wrong. Because your opinion as you have expressed it centers entirely around your personal preferences in gaming and you and certain other people like you seem to just want to like walk over content spamming powers and watching things die without having to think too much about it. There are ATs for that, MMs have not and will never be one of them. Moreso than any other class this one has always required you to think on your feet for max effectiveness, and taking away some of the thinking on your feet in order to shave a few seconds off of when you hit max damage again is not in any way an actual improvement to the class, it's  just reducing the complexity and making it more mindless. 


    Making masterminds have fewer limitations than we already do (we are one of the strongest ATs in the game at present) is something that is not needed. Changing fundamental class design because it annoys you and literally for no other in game reason is a bad reason to make real balance changes that affect more than just quality of life. Neither you nor anyone else making these suggestions is taking any of that into account, its just a whole bunch of people making bad arguments about how they are annoyed by it, how people who don't want it to change are living in teh past, every single one of you is calling "making something less annoying to me personally" the same thing as "progress" and like no that's a bad faith argument that enshrines your annoyance as the most fundamental aspect to game balance. Its ridiculous and not an argument. 


    Having to rebuff in combat serves a very specific purpose to encourage a specific playstyle across the entire AT. "Keep your pets alive" is a GOOD goal to give a pet class from a design and gameplay perspective. It makes perfect logical sense, it meshes with the support function of our secondary. This all fits together in a vision of the class's purpose, role in groups, intended functioning and especially intended limitations which give you things to work around and pay attention to as a mastermind in order to perform effectively. 


    Forcing you to pick between like supporting a team mate, or rebuffing a pet, or attacking is a good idea. It creates meaningful choices during fights which affect what you do and how the fight flows from that point forward. Masterminds more than most other ATs have these kinds of meaningful choices where we often can pick between supporting our team, supporting our pets, attacking something, debuffing or mezzing something, and any of those actions could be your next action, and you as the mastermind get to decide which is the best next action to take. 


    That is GOOD game design. That is intended game design. It is strategic depth to a class in a game which is increasingly full of characters which cannot be challenged by much if any content. You don't have to like it, but it comes back to, go play another AT, don't change this one to homogenize it and make it more mindless cause you don't want to have to deal with depth. Don't advocate to ruin everyone else's game experience so you can have something closer to a crabbermind than a current gamestate MM. 



    In Internet debates, brevity is often a virtue. Judging upon your multiple uses of the word, "logic", I am beginning to question whether you understand the concept. Never have I argued from the point of logic. It is opinion. Yes, the class feature of continually buffing pets is annoying to me personally and I would wish it changed. I do not have to have a reason for my opinion, therefore it cannot be wrong (morals can be and the information that leads one to an opinion might be; semantics, I know). I have no reasons for liking applesauce and yet I still do. Arguing whether someone's opinion is "wrong" is an exercise in futility. You may try to change it if you wish by illustrating how great your opinion is, or by attacking the information which leads one to express that opinion (in this case, my annoyance) but I think there might be better uses of your time. You have done so ad nauseam and yet I remain annoyed by the mechanic in question. Clearly my opinion is only shared by the minority but had I the ability, I surely would advocate to advance my own playing experience over "everyone" else. This is, by far, my favorite game of all time, and yet there are many things I would change about it.

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  19. On 3/14/2021 at 1:49 PM, TheSpiritFox said:


    I mean, you're flat out wrong, but hey you're allowed to be if you want, it's not like it's gonna change MMs at this point. 


    Thank you for telling me my opinion is flat out wrong. That is very gracious of you. I am sure that tactic wins many arguments.


    From my own standpoint, it is my opinion that masterminds are not broken. They are simply annoying to me. As you stated in another post, yes, their play style does not match my own. I wish that it would. Clearly you wish it to remain the same. However, asserting your own opinion as simple fact does not make it so, as much as you provide evidence for your opinion or state the original intent of the developers. It becomes a moot point but wished to express my opinion, as useless as it seems to be.


    But consider this (to channel Tommy Boy): if I took a dump and served it to you as a sandwich, then convinced you that is the way sandwiches are supposed to taste. And you, persuaded by my statement, rationalized it so that you enjoyed shit sandwiches. Further, in your ingenuity, you made other dishes that incorporated the shit sandwich and became really good at eating shit sandwiches, which is a testament to your perseverance and skill. But in the end, whether you like it or not, it does not change the fact that it is a shit sandwich. My desire is that we all did not need to eat shit.

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