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Drake Hellspawn

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Everything posted by Drake Hellspawn

  1. Here's my current build. I am in way a master at building toons, but I think he's a lot of fun, and he seems to be invincible(?) I haven't found anything I can't solo, maybe AE Fire farms give me trouble, but actual game content: +4/8. I still die if I get sloppy: I'm always learning and improving him, and sometimes I respec and go for more dps and less defense. I have Shadow Meld on auto an it's not quite permanent but with the incarnates and it's heal , I feel like a comic character. I hope it helps and gives you ideas. Harbinger of Fear Ultimate- Stalker (Electrical Melee).mbd
  2. Thank you, this community can be so awesome!!
  3. I tried to recreate a blaster from live and it's just not doing it for me. He used to be so much fun. I think it's me, there have been so many changes and I'm just not coming up with the right build. I'm hoping someone can help bring back that love for this guy. I like to melee with him. What are the recommendations, and especially pool powers. I got nothing for that. I have a stalker that just kicks serious butt, and I wish this guy was just half as fun as that character. Ant help would be appreciated.
  4. I was messing with my build on Mids. I'm very happy with this build; he can farm, he can solo. I think he's pretty awesome. I was trying to just think outside of the box with some combinations that might get me a couple more points of Wow. I plug in Stealth from the pool power and it adds something like 10 percent to defense? It says that it decreases if you attack and that it will not work with infiltrate. Can you run it in conjunction with hide? How much does it decrease in combat. Any comments would be welcome.
  5. LR is a pet! I didn't see that coming. Thank you all for answering.
  6. I have been playing for a while and I notice that the damage for LR doesn't appear in the combat channel. I see the figure on the screen as a floating number. My question was is this damage subject to the Build Up powers as others? I think I read that LR is different and is treated as a travel power and that is why it doesn't break Hide? The last part to this question is: are incarnate attacks also benefiting from the Build Up power. Thank you for educating this CoH loving player!
  7. Thank you both. On one of my toons I ended up with a sub 30 second time on Build Up. I re-speced to only one slot. I will see how it works out with the incarnates.
  8. I have another question on procs. The community was so helpful. I thought I try again. I read in another post that you do NOT want to have too much recharge in a proc because it will actually fire less. The OP had some formula attached and, to be honest, he lost me there. My basic question is: In an end build is it worth it to slot Gaussian's chance for build up in my stalker's build up AND add another slot with 50+5 IO recharge? Would this put me in the position that it will actually fire less?
  9. Lines, that is something I have not read before. Thank you for both^^ for the replies.
  10. I have a question. I have a bunch of procs and when they fire, I'll see something on the screen. I have yet to see anything for this particular proc. I have done some battles with basically one eye on the button and I don't see it instantly become available like I do with assassin' mark. What gives? How can I tell if it's working? Does the Global haste change it?I have read that if you make it's recharge to fast it actually make's it less effective, and so perhaps that is why I am not getting the benefits?
  11. I have shadow meld and rune of protection; with the healing procs.....he feels pretty invincible. I am pretty close to have Shadow Meld as permanent. (I think maybe it's down like 4 seconds). The lowest defense I have is in the 40 percent range and resistance is mostly in the 60 percent range. I agree that I don't like Jacob's ladder. Chain is good and Havoc and Charged brawl. I usually don't take One with the shield. It isn't affected by Haste etc. I find the cool down isn't worth. Of course, I am not sure I know what I am doing.
  12. I like your suggestion Rylas about hitting the test server.
  13. That's my word for a new kind of recipe. We have respec missions and respec recipes. I proposing something more grand. Completely changing your primary and secondary powers! You can make this a purple recipe or even make it a task force. I think there's a precedence from the comic pages. Doesn't a certain metal man change his suit and go from a blaster to a more brute like character? I can see this being very popular. You build a character , you take him to the high levels but there's just something missing. Instead of just letting him sit there unused because he doesn't scratch the itch just right. You transmute him into that AT that maybe will?
  14. I think you took my "too good to be true statement" as a criticism. I meant it, as this is great. Sort of getting a raise at work when you weren't expecting it. I ran it last night. I was way too slow, and too cautious. I can get a lot faster. I have a question. Does this suffer from the diminishing returns of the other TFs? Could I run it back to back and get a 100 merits?
  15. I found and read this thread with great enthusiasm. I just want to be clear on this. You can select this story arc and it doesn't require a minimum team size? I can run this at any notoriety setting and still get the same merits? Is there something I am missing here? Sounds too good to be true.
  16. I claimed three attachments from my email. They do not appear anywhere in my power trays. They were lvl 50 resist dmg, but the email is now empty. Can one the admins plz return and look into this? Plz delete, they were recipes not built IO's , duh...they are not lost.
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