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Everything posted by Yellowjacket

  1. Dr. Complex looks great! Could we see a more, ahem, static pose for Redliner?
  2. Not sure how this name was available on Excelsior. . .
  3. Technokai / Techyokai flows a little better I think. He probably would've been called Robo-oni or Oni-robo in a kaiju / sentai film. I doubt there's a variation of that name available.
  4. Who is this "Cyclops" everyone is talking about, is he like Skyman?
  5. Edit: changed up the weapons, celestial axe and tech knight shield were too large for this character Plus a couple from The Vault:
  6. Well done, pretty close to what I came up with. My only alternative was the plain vampire high collar cloak with the tech knight cape, but I think the wings read better. Funny we both came up with the same thing though!
  7. Is her nemesis the Lithospherical Gangster? (Murderer)
  8. I'd believe you if you told me Hardshell was a ripoff of a Spiderman villain. Bravo! Meanwhile bunny with a sniper rifle would probably be a Flash villain.
  9. Yeah they added a female option that's close to what I'm talking about where it looks like short shorts bunched up around the hips. I messed around with the integrated tights over there and it's a real rabbit hole to go down, total decision paralysis.
  10. It doesn't help that the COH brief looks like a banana hammock that hugs the inside of the hip line instead of going lower more like a short. I think the barbarian bottoms are like what I'm talking about.
  11. Ah you meant general vibe. Yeah I was going for a heavily armored Death Knight and she ended up scantily clad so we definitely landed in DMC territory.
  12. Actually never played DMC, but I'll take the credit anyway. Which character is it so I can see how I did?
  13. Shapeshifts into a fat pigeon that can fly short distances, a swarm of bed bugs, and a pitbull dragging a chain
  14. *Multiple theme songs play at once in cacophony*
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