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Black Zot

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Posts posted by Black Zot

  1. 4 hours ago, Weylin said:

    I also wish that repair could revive robots that haven't despawned yet, would that be too overpowered? Only if they keep that 2m cooldown.

    They seem to go from full health to suddenly dead very often, leaving no opportunity for healing to even happen.


    This right here is the main reason Repair is crap.  Anything that poses enough of a threat that a big heal looks attractive, won't give you a chance to cast said heal.  The assault bot is the only one that even has enough effective HP to MAYBE survive the first swing from a big hitter.

    • Like 1
  2. 9 hours ago, PaxArcana said:

    A large influx of players here, could also convince a publisher or developer that there's room for a modern Superhero MMO to succeed, even if only modestly.  Especially with the advent of the MCU and MCEU (and to a lesser extent, even the DCCU) making superheroes "mainstream popular" nowadays.


    Oy vey, I hope not.  Marvel and DC have tried their hands at the whole MMO thing before, and every offering has been a miserable failure.  Like I really want to pay more money to Di$ney to try out another half-baked joke of a product that'll either die or become microtransaction hell within a year.

  3. 7 hours ago, PaxArcana said:

    Two wrongs do not make a right.  I choose to take the higher road, as a matter of personal ethics.  🙂


    You'll forgive me for saying that ethics, much like the laws and customs of war, only applies if both sides are willing to play nice.  Any company that has the nerve to claim they're selling a complete game, then demand my entire paycheck to buy all the parts they left out, has no business expecting one single penny from me - or anyone.

  4. 9 minutes ago, William Valence said:

    I'm sure you have a reason to say this, but I can't possibly come up with a way to have this sentence make sense. Can you please try to rephrase? How is it taxing every power in the build? Am I misunderstanding what you're trying to say?


    Presently, every problematic power in your build costs one slot to make it not hose your team, up to a max of 6 (1 OF proc plus 5 SA procs being the max available).  That's up to 6 powers that are going to be flatly weaker than their counterparts in other sets because they're down an enhancement slot. 


    Your Alpha idea instead fixes the powers in question at the cost of denying EVERY power an Alpha enhancement they would otherwise have.  So instead of short-slotting half a dozen powers, you're now short-slotting twenty-plus powers.  That is almost petless-Mastermind-tier build-gimping.


    I dunno how much more plainly I can spell this out.

  5. 21 minutes ago, William Valence said:

    Also I haven't see where the HC devs said that universal KB->KD should take one enhancement slot in a build, mind linking it for me? My search-fu seems to be coming up short.


    Note that the OF proc affecting the whole character is presently being tested on Justin; that's what got this thread started.  That wouldn't happen if the devs thought KB->KD should cost slots from every single affected power.


    Facts are facts.  KB is the worst secondary effect for an offensive set bar none, and sets that "feature" it offer nothing to make up for disrupting the entire team every time the player pushes a button.  Your suggested alternative to taxing every knockback power a slot to make it usable in a team environment is to essentially tax EVERY POWER IN THE PLAYER'S BUILD.

  6. 13 hours ago, William Valence said:

    Fuck it, make it an Alpha slot.


    People want the reduce their slot investment, well that's one of the primary purposes of the Alpha slot.


    *Restraint Alpha Boost*

      Boost Core boost Radial Boost Total core revamp Partial Core Revamp Partial Radial Revamp Total Radial revamp Core Paragon Radial Paragon
    Primary KB ->KD KB ->KD KB ->KD KB ->KD KB ->KD KB ->KD KB ->KD KB ->KD KB ->KD
    Secondary x Dam 33% Range 20%

    Damage 45%

    Range 10%


    33% Damage 16.5%

    Damage 33% Range


    Range 20% Damage 16.5% Damage 45% Range 33% Damage 33% Range 20%
    Tertiary x x x x x -Tohit 20% EndMod 33% x -Tohit 20% EndMod 33% Disorient 33%
    ED Bypass x 1/3 1/3 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 2/3 2/3




    So you want people to gimp their entire build worse than any slot investment could ever do, to free up some slots?


    Do you not realize how bass-ackwards that is?

  7. 2 minutes ago, Vayek2 said:

    sure, it would probably be abused by farming (but really, is farming so bad that we actually care what they abuse in farms but doesn't hurt the rest of the game?)


    I just find that most game content is crazy easy now with set bonuses and incarnates. I thought a pretty easy way to bring back a fun challenge would be to just drop arbitrary aggro caps. I;m not entirely sure why the cap was created in the first place on live, but it seems like a fun idea to drop it now.


    I think part of it was, it broke certain powersets clean in half.  Anything with massive mitigation (coughGranitecough) or bonuses for nearby targets could just pull the entire map and lay waste, which sucked for anyone who couldn't keep up or didn't have a badass graphics card.  It also ran directly counter to the vehement anti-farming stance the devteam had for most of the Live run.

  8. Agreed.  Minions are fragile to begin with; anything that cons higher than yellow will squash them easily while laughing off their offense.  Collectively, they do a character's worth of damage baseline, but most of that gets whisked away by the underlevel penalty.  Everyone is hurt by this to some degree, but for MMs the effect is basically multiplied by the number of pets, then magnified again by most of those pets being even lower level.


    I ran a Thugs MM in a group a couple months ago and we ran into an AV that, for some reason, spawned as +4 even though we were running at +0.  Re-summoning my pets was a complete waste of time and end; poor guys never even got a swing in before a Footstomp deleted them.


    The Live devs sorta half-acknowledged this problem by level-shifting minions for Incarnate content only, but that's a bandaid on a massive laceration.

    • Like 2
  9. 1 hour ago, MunkiLord said:

    I disagree here. The most likely outcome based on how we've seen other rights holders act in the past is the other public servers are going to eventually be hit with C&D, regardless of how the negotiations with the HC team play out. It'll just be easier for NCSoft to watch and manage if there is only one authorized group, and any backlash will be far outweighed by the positive PR from the game coming back.


    But I could very well be wrong here, and NCSoft may not care as much as the typical corporate rights holder.


    Unlikely.  Korean corporate culture would rather see an IP die than see anyone but themselves benefit from it.  It makes the company look bad if someone else takes your stuff and makes it work where you couldn't.


    And you don't keep a job at ANY company, from ANY country, by making your employer look bad.

  10. 11 minutes ago, merrypessimist said:

    New random thought:  If the Mothership in the RWZ loses its shield during a raid, why don't any of the heroes or the government drop a damn nuke on the thing while it's vulnerable?  Carried in it could be dropped before the shields are restored.


    Because there's still a city within minimum safe distance?

  11. 2 hours ago, Megajoule said:

    Would people accept a cashless Rage with a reduced bonus?  Or is this one of those "I want it ALL" situations?


    The sticking point is that the entire Super Strength set is balanced around the assumption that players have Rage active basically at all times, often multi-stacked to negate the crash.  The raw numbers on SS attacks are almost universally garbage without Rage, especially since everybody and his dog is smash-resistant to some degree.  HC devs fixed the bug that allowed for the crash-skipping without changing the set's numbers otherwise, basically taking a mid-tier set down to trash-tier in one go.


    (SS's reputation as a high-damage set comes entirely from one gimmick farming build that revolves around getting the recharge on the set's one genuinely strong power (Foot Stomp) down to "spammable", stacking Rage as high as it would go, and bolstering that with the buffs from Fire Armor.  With the Rage change, that build is now dead as disco.)


    A lower-grade, no-crash Rage would still leave SS in a bad way, unless the set's baseline numbers get buffed significantly in the bargain.  So it's not a case of SS players wanting it all so much as wanting to be viable.


    EDIT: Rage-dependency isn't even SS's only problem; knockback is pretty much the worst secondary effect you can saddle a melee set with.  For me to consider making a SS character would require removing the knockback (or at least making it knockDOWN), and fixing the set's borked numbers somehow.

  12. 14 hours ago, Nexys said:

    That's how I feel.  I first heard about Paragon Chat about a year or so ago, and I was beyond thrilled to be able to just get back in to Paragon City, fly around, collect badges, and see the scenery I loved.  When I heard, this past April, about Homecoming...well, I was like a little kid getting a surprise from Santa.


    I don't have faith in NCSoft either, but I have grown to really trust the Homecoming team.  What they have given us, whether it lasts another month, year, or decade, is a true gift.  Their openness to discuss new ideas for the game, to work on the Beta server, and to give us back the game we love puts them in high esteem in my opinion.  I hope this can last for years to come.


    The problem is, for negotiations to end well BOTH sides have to approach the table in good faith, and NCSoft has an established history of not doing that.  It doesn't matter if we trust the HC team or not - NCSoft still has the power to take their ball and go home anytime they please, and the tendency to do just that.

  13. If we're going to add "bald under the hat" options, we should cover the other end as well.  Why the hell does EVERYONE with any sort of headgear have a buzzcut?  Does Paragon City require you to go through boot camp before donning a hat?

    • Like 2
  14. 10 hours ago, biostem said:

    Welcome to the forums!  I feel like those buff pets are supposed to be squishy, to make up for the buff they provide being free and not taking up any sort of power pick or such...


    You mean the buff that's utterly trivial, goes away if you do any sort of vertical movement, and has a stupidly-long cooldown for what it ultimately doesn't do?  THAT buff?


    In their present state, those little buff pets are a waste of a click - there's nothing to make up for.  1% defense and 0.1 end/sec on a 1hp aggro magnet is worthless.

  15. 8 hours ago, Calamity Cain said:

     You reap the benefits of these people's hard work by playing for free, only to mouth off with glee about how ill-fated their efforts are? 


    Now who's projecting?  There's no glee at all in what I'm saying.  Only disgust that so many people are willing to take the snake at its word that it won't bite.

  16. 1 hour ago, Abraxus said:

    So, trust?  Well, I'm not sure I completely trust any large entity whose very existence revolves around the money to be made from their particular product(s).  But, when something is in their best interest, or at least not completely against it, potentially good things can happen.



    CoH and its studio were turning a solid profit over its last year, even with another project going on in the background that was leeching some of its revenue.  It was in NCSoft's best interest to leave well enough alone.  They didn't.  


    "Best interest" isn't part of the decision-making tree here. 


    Just now, MunkiLord said:

    How do the negotiations make this any easier for NCSoft to squash anything? All it will take is a C&D to the hosting company and the servers are gone. Nothing about this makes that any easier or harder.


    Same way they almost wiped the game out 7 years ago: use the "legit" server to concentrate everything in one place so they can kill the thing with one bullet instead of half a dozen.

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