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Posts posted by Psylenz0511

  1. On 6/8/2021 at 6:33 AM, Neiska said:

    Here is my main Bots/Electric MM.


    Notes -

    - Group Fly which is fantastic with Robots.

    - Bonfire for additional damage and CC, works quite well with Assault Bots fire patches.


    It plays quite well. You can hover and ranged fight if you want, or go into melee. Its fantastically tough, with endless end, and faradays cage makes you and all your pets status immune. It also packs a ton of +absorb and healing. It feels quite tanky. It can both solo or be on a team on the hardest difficulty.


    Sins Robot-Electric MM (fold space).mxd 4.85 kB · 8 downloads

    I too, like Bonfire on my masterminds, especially robots who are KB>KD kings

  2. Stepping back, I think we all agree that Empathy benefits from increased global recharge, so I am changing my support to /energy secondary with the Force feedback +recharge proc and the KB>KD at least in the AoE attacks. The +recharge proc  works great on my storm defender; it should be a welcome feature to an empathy build.

  3. 52 minutes ago, dangeraaron10 said:

    This post inspired me to make an Emp Defender.  With a secondary with secondary effects that Defender can boost and proc of course.  Maybe Emp/Dark

    You can proc both rad blast and water blast, too.

    • Like 2
  4. We initially filled the Classic Positron team but one member was interrupted by the real life AV and had to bow out.


    Caged-Cube, my Ice/electric affinity controller

    Lumin Kitty, Peacebringer

    Critical Missy, stalker

    Hellstryker, scrapper

    Mae Ienah, Demon/Time MM

    Darkness and Shadow, Sentinel

    Deaf from Bellow, Sonic/Kin corruptor


    We didn't really grind, had some casualties, but we finished in 1 hr 52 min. Fun was had by all.


    By suggestion, next Friday we are setting our sights on the Ouro Sister Psyche.


    Not sure who all can make it, but this was the team on Friday.

    • Thumbs Up 2
  5. We initially filled the Classic Positron team but one member was interrupted by the real life AV and had to bow out.


    Caged-Cube, my Ice/electric affinity controller

    Lumin Kitty, Peacebringer

    Critical Missy, stalker

    Hellstryker, scrapper

    Mae Ienah, Demon/Time MM

    Darkness and Shadow, Sentinel

    Deaf from Bellow, Sonic/Kin corruptor


    We didn't really grind, had some casualties, but we finished in 1 hr 52 min. Fun was had by all.


    By suggestion, next Friday we are setting our sights on the Ouro Sister Psyche.

    • Thanks 2
    • Thumbs Up 1
  6. 7 hours ago, DreadShinobi said:



    As others have said don't give your final say on a kinetics character before reaching fulcrum shift. Rad Blast with Kinetics is also a great combination because you can proc load your attacks and still get maximum enhancement value even with 4-6 dmg procs per attack because kinetics will cap your damage and refill your endurance. Damage procs and resistance debuffs are the only thing that will get you more damage, effectively exceeding the damage cap, after you fulcrum shift yourself to the damage cap. Rad Blast can consistently apply both fury of the gladiator and achilles heel as an aoe with Irradiate for -40% resistance after you damage cap yourself with Fulcrum Shift, then drop a 6-proc (5 dmg procs + annhilation -res proc) Neutron Bomb on them. Vigor Core Paragon at lvl 50 makes a big difference for a 6-proc attack character because it boosts both your accuracy and endredux in every attack. 

    Proccing out the neutrino beam is a plus, too, because it recharges so quickly.

  7. 16 hours ago, queequeg77 said:

    That's a game changer. Normally those buffs cover the whole screen, make it unusable. Thanks!


    By the way, after a period of experimentation, I've found that I like Time/ quite a bit. Stuck with the Rad/Kin corruptor for a while longer, still didn't dig on it. So I remade her into a Time/Rad defender. Fits the character theme just as well, and I've found it far more playable.


    Thanks to all for your help!

    Kin/rad is a lot more clicky than a Time/Rad. I am glad you found a combo you prefer. Rad blast was a staple in the blast sets for many defenders and corruptors because the -defense to make the foe debuffs hit is so appealing.

  8. On 5/18/2021 at 9:58 AM, malleable1 said:

    Thanks Brasilgringo



    On 4/30/2021 at 1:59 PM, malleable1 said:

    So I'm boxing x4 Robotics/Radiation Emmission MMs.  I got Accelerated Metabolism at 6th and was completely amazed.  Since I have x4 AM up at once my recharge is pretty fast, but I can't quite keep it up all the time.  I'm hoping if I get Hasten (from Speed) and Unrelenting (from Presence) I can have it up all the time.  Or maybe I'd be better taking Burnout (from Speed) - but that has some negative side effects, and maybe Unrelenting would be enough and provide +DMG, +Rec, HOT and self-resurrect as well.  From Presence, Pacify and Intimidate might be useful.  From Flight, Flying, Hover and Group Flight (you need group flight with Robots for raining death from above, right?). Maybe from Leadership I'll take Maneuvers, Assault, Tactics, and Victory Rush. From Radiation I'm only looking at taking AM and Mutation.  From Robotics I'll take the normal stuff (no Pulse RIfle, Photon Grendade, or Repair). 


    Does this make sense?  Does taking Hasten and Unrelenting (combined with x4 AM) sound like I can keep AM up all the time (or close to it)?




    Instead of Victory rush, pulse RIfle and pacify, please take radiation infection, enervating field and for goddess' sakes Lingering Radiation, you will be happy you did

  9. 2 hours ago, Mack008 said:

    How well do Procs work on Acid Mortar?  I know the chance of a proc going off will be low, but that might be balanced out by the fact that it's an AoE and how often it fires.


    Anyone have experience with it?


  10. Are there any players that have the sick urge to complete the classic task force which many dreaded during Live with either classic powersets or just to see how their heroes meet the challenge of an Ouroboro Positron? I would run this with a 3-8 man team. Share your thoughts.

  11. On 5/10/2021 at 1:29 PM, DarkSkysz said:


    Can you name some of them so I could test? The damage procs IOs.


    Also, about the sudden acceleration. I never saw one for sale in the auction house. Always have like 0 selling and 200+ buying.

    I frequently buy IO recipes using merits. I have been chided that is an expensive use of merits, but I get along with it fine.

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