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Cryo Guy

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About Cryo Guy

  • Birthday 01/17/1990

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  1. These are all NPC descriptions in the new Ashling Corlette story arc, the last mission. "...her effect on those in her protection *are* considerable." should be "effect...is" or "effects...are" I especially appreciate the oxford comma in this description, however... "Cauldron is now joined with Hero Corps..." might I suggest, "Cauldron *has* now joined with Hero Corps..." as being a bit smoother So here he's "The Ascendant" in his name, but in the bio it refers to him as "Ascendant" so one or the other. Thanks for the hard work, I'm *flat* out excited to see the next patch!
  2. U.S.
  3. Safe Harbor woooooooo
  4. I've had the water blast issue. As well as some animation switching back and forth on elec.
  5. I'm betting Manzini is Nemesis. Okay, hear me out. If we add an apostrophe s, the resulting anagram occurs: Tan train Nemesis prize This also coincides with the Nemesis invasion event. When the monorail turns tan (from the setting sun), there will be a Nemesis prize. Clearly at Manzini. It's all right there in the name.
  6. So on a Tin Mage when I exited the sewers, my pets got stuck in the sewers and wouldn't come out, so I dismissed em and then tried to resummon but they wouldn't summon even though the power activated then a minute later they appeared and I could command them, but my pet window said no active pets. @Apparition said this also happens in Crey maps with elevators. Bug fix for a poor MM? 😄❤️
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  7. Thanks for the raid, App. Another great one!
  8. Had a great time. Got enough moneys to finish up my build :D. Thanks for leading App!
  9. It was nice while it lasted.
  10. Clash Man won't be able to make it tomorrow unfortunately. He has family obligations.
  11. woo status updates!

  12. Hey, I'm gonna try to make it :D.
  13. I'm level 18, gonna be there tonight.
  14. Hey sorry I haven't replied. I'm actually on pst for the next two weeks so my timing has changed. I'm gonna try to make it tomorrow, but I'll let you know one way or the other.
  15. Yeah! Goldside night was loads of fun. My global and forum name are the same-Cryo Guy. I work til 6 est so I just need those 30 minutes. As far as my toon Clash Man goes...after knowing only the justice of Emperor Cole for so long and yet being exposed to certain truths recently, he could not bring himself to kill Cleopatra. Clash is resistance for now, but will he be swayed back to the Emperor's arms? And what will he do when he learns of his Primal Earth counterpart Bash Man (not to mention his evil twin brother, Smash Man, or his resurrected robot form, Bash Man 2.0)? Stay tuned for more of Clash Man's amazing adventures!
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