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  1. Apologies for the delayed response. Using clues to tell a story is a good idea. However, there is a catch: the author must keep track of multiple pieces of text in different locations. When combined with the AE's weird UI, errors can slip through. Errors like duplicated entries (Higgin's disk clue) or text abruptly cut off (download Aegis reward text) are common. As for the suggestion, keep writing your story as long as you have time. Doing more parts only if the first one goes well may cause your character's story to remain unfinished. Adding a quote from Scott McCloud, "Write what you want to read. You'll have more fun doing it - and if all else fails, you'll always have at least one loyal reader".
  2. I found out yesterday that, yes, things crashed. Despite the story running smoothly during testing, uploading it was problematic. The server kept forcibly disconnecting me whenever I tried to publish the thing. Perhaps the file size was too large. So, I cut the number of toons from 540 to 180. The game accepted the revised file. I guess the maximum size limit is not 100 kB. It seems to be much lower than that in reality.
  3. I suggest using Lucky Six Casino because it has a small bar (Unique Maps > Casinos > Lucky Six). Set the enemy group to empty. Then, set Dean as an escort (you'll need a custom critter of Dean if he's unavailable in the standard critter list). An escort has more dialogues than an ally or a rescue detail (inactive, rescued, and arrived at the destination). Don't forget to set his arrived behavior to follow. The default setting will force Dean to leave you when he reaches his destination, ruining the dinner. The question is how to make it work. Lucky Six Casino only supports one non-violent detail, which we've already spent on Dean. The other two are for boss, ambush, and patrol. The Casino also supports 11 collectibles. Maybe set them so that when you collect something, the game writes a dialog in the clue tab (?) Anyway, good luck with the dinner.
  4. True that. Seeing all of the hard work ruined is beyond annoying. When creating characters for Daughters of Gaia, I encountered a bug where the game increased my toon's height to maximum and randomly assigned colors to her costume. It happened when I went back and forth between body and costume tabs while editing my custom character. My hunch is that these errors in *.critter files add up and eventually ruin the villain group and the story arc they are attached to.
  5. I make a custom group where each member has a different name. I also slightly vary their height and their color. The group has 54 bosses, 162 lieutenants, and 324 minions. In total, there are 540 toons. Yet, it only takes about 63% of the size limit. I was going to squeeze another 230 toons into the group (770 characters for a 90% size limit). Unfortunately, the interface lagged after I added the group to my story. Adding or editing each character in the text box takes a full second; typing "Thank you for rescuing me, $name!" quickly became a nightmare. The mission itself went smoothly. As far as I know, there were no weird changes in costumes or colors. So, in a practical sense, there is no need to worry about the size limit unless you include hundreds of unique toons in your story.
  6. I made a short arc utilizing this gameplay mechanic:
  7. Do you mean Infernal's Demon? Select "Infernal Demon (45-54)" in the Enemy Group drop list. You can color default model by pressing "Edit Standard Character" button right below Character drop down list. Select Cimeroran (35-54), Sybil Bramlet, then edit her appearance. Editing standard character doesn't bloat the file. If I am not mistaken, Cimeroran civilians aren't available as in standard character. You need to create custom characters.
  8. One of AE's quirks is that an unguarded captive counts as a completed, even though you haven't rescued him. So the captive will complete itself as soon as you spawn into a map if you set your mission enemy group to "Empty" and the captive surrounding group to "None." Imagine this scenario: somebody creates an ambush and links it to the unguarded captive. The result? AE will trigger the ambush when that guy enters the map. Imagine another scenario: you create six unguarded captives and link each captive to an ambush. Link those six captives to a collectible, and you get a booby trap. There are a few caveats: The ambush spawn location isn't predictable. Sometimes, the ambush spawns right next to you. Sometimes, it spawns next to the exit door. Keep an eye on the detail limit for each map section. For example, a tiny Praetorian warehouse map supports one detail at the front and middle. Going over the limit may prevent the ambush from starting. For an example, please check the attached *.storyarc file. multiple_ambushes.storyarc
  9. The war has dragged on for 20 years, and during that time, the hostilities between us and them mainly revolve around their transport ships dropping explosive eggs and our civilians raiding their downed mothership. (Both are as effective as they sound.) Human-Rikti war is the dumbest war ever waged in the universe. Let's declare a truce and end this stupid war before we end up as the laughingstock of the whole universe.
  10. The soldiers went to the infirmary deep inside the mothership. Like humans, the Rikti have teleporters, but theirs are much more advanced. With this technology, the Rikti can repel human attacks without any casualties. MSR (Mutual Survival Review) serves as a training session for both sides. Yup, humans got their teleportation tech from the Rikti.
  11. I can't find the plaque. It's a history plaque, isn't it? I am going to visit Paragon City once again tonight. I've spent too much time going back and forth between Praetoria and Pocket D. ^Maybe the Corp can't disrupt its operations during the transition to newer hardware.
  12. It is up to you. The game doesn't explicitly tell us the year. IMO, judging by the Rikti War's effect on the populace, it was probably around 2004. My hunch is all the post-Praetoria War events took place within the first decade of the 21st century. However, Homecoming devs add their own story from issue 27 onwards, so maybe the year is closer to the 2020s. Who knows?
  13. Sorry for being "that guy" again. I don't find any statement in the AMA from any dev that equates Incarnates as gods. Incarnate power can't move on its own. The devs liken the power to static electricity rather than a sentient being. When a powerful entity perishes, other entities can gain the power by giving it the path of least resistance toward themselves. I'd say the transfer happened in Merulina's case. The Leviathan was the most compatible vessel compared to other Shapers. Without a vessel to contain it, the power will lay dormant until it dissipates. The AMA: Lore AMA - Unofficial Homecoming Wiki
  14. According to Marchand, Hamidon killed Shadow Hunter. Tyrant revived him in the Emperor's Sword incarnate story arc.
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