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  1. a few moments later
  2. Yes, there's that bicentennial monument, and Ms. Liberty can't be a teenage girl forever. However, the Ms. Liberty I've encountered is the one who made poorly planned incursions into Rogue Isles, resulting in her defeat. It is the same girl who's caused unnecessary friction between Longbow and Vanguard by trying to take over Vanguard's job. Ms. Liberty can be stuck as a teenager immature young adult(but my point still stands) because that's the only part of her life we see. I'll leave the unseen parts as they are: unknown. I don't assume she would lead other incursions into the Isles, outgrow her immature tendency, or make it to her 40s. Maybe she would. Perhaps she wouldn't. If people can freely fill in the blanks and believe their way is still OK, then leaving the lore intact (no more, no less) should be good, too.
  3. It is possible most if not all story arcs about Ms. Liberty commanding Longbow was happening between Issue 5 and 10. Assuming we could use their publication dates, that would mean the whole Longbow thing happened two years after the initial Rikti invasion (2006 ish). It could be even shorter if CoH is using comic book time. My point is others' interpretation can be as valid as yours, because what we have here are mostly based on assumptions.
  4. I've sent a few typos I found via PM. Also, I thought at first that Mr. Essiggurke's friends trashed Jenkins' office because I had ruined their pickle party. I didn't know Council pickle lovers can be so peaceful and chill.
  5. Longbow was Ms. Liberty's idea. If I am not mistaken, she wants to redeem Stefan Richter. She reformed a group of misfits into the Vindicators before, so she probably thought she could reform her grand uncle, too. The plan was simple: destroy Arachnos, then drag the old stinker back to the States. For the first part, she needs firepower (provided by NATO) and a division to command. The law-abiding and peace-loving Freedom Corps won't do, so a new division has to be made out of it. The Longbow is born. IMO, Longbow is not turning grey. It's already been grey since its conception.
  6. I have that one fellow from the Midnight Squad. Percy is quite up-front with his intentions, including his willingness to become Serene's slave and many other red flags. IMO, his (over)confidence makes him more likable than the poor rat. * Exhibit A: *Yes, Mr. Winkley has never been subjected to constant mind probing from the Praetorian government or exposed to sewer gas. No, I stand by my decision.
  7. Have you checked your disk for errors? I had a similar experience where all files in my document folder magically disappears. Probably there was a brown out or something else causing file corruption. I spent the whole day digging out 3 Gb of data from several .chk files.
  8. Any mission. Whenever auto-complete becomes available, I just click.
  9. Maybe it is a deliberate effort from the writers to make the player's character look powerful. IMO, Mr. G's story arc is a power fantasy, and it is not necessarily a bad thing. As the character doesn't have to carefully ponder which faction to antagonize or weigh if the outcome is worth the effort, it will be easier to write the plot. Also, the aim is to paint them as notoriously dangerous criminals. A power fantasy serves this purpose well.
  10. I didn't know Hamidon is Buginese. I should have known his origin sooner by reading his surname, but in my defense, I thought 'Pasalima' had nothing to do with 'Pesulima.' Why do I write this? Because it is satisfying to see a fictional character achieve greatness in a foreign land. He is living large and thriving. I'd say he has achieved his American Dream.
  11. Probably because the game is very old, naive questions or behaviors by your friends may be perceived negatively by other veteran players. I am sorry to hear that, though.
  12. Probably because teleportation devices are common and cheap in this universe. Heck, their vendors could also send their wares this way. Player's effort for coming in person to sell their enhancements is appreciated, of course.
  13. 38 minutes ago, Techwright said: Do we have any canon statement that the Rogue Islands are recognized as sovereign, even by a limited number of countries? There is a historical monument in Warburg about an extortive 'treaty' with Paragon City in 1982. However, the treaty is between Rogue Isles and Paragon City (instead of the US and the Arachnos nation, for example), which means the conflict is probably domestic in nature. The UN probably acted as a mediator of some kind. I believe that's why neither the UN nor NATO could intervene in the conflict, and the US doesn't want to escalate the conflict and risk a civil war. However, my headcanon falls apart in Dimitry's arc. No way the Russian Federation let its forces enter a disputed territory like that under any circumstances unless they want to provoke war with the US.
  14. The problem is finding a way to put them in the same place (and time). My Praetorians never left their dimension. My vigilantes were no longer active when the Rikti came. (They would have celebrated their 50th anniversary if the Rikti hadn't wrecked their house.) My villain left Rouge Isles to retire somewhere in Asia before the meteor struck, while my heroes went active only after the incident. Maybe a series of contrived coincidences involving time travel shenanigans? That would be poor storytelling, though.
  15. It's another post about confusing limits. Outdoor maps usually have many detail slots. For example, we have the Neutropolis neighborhood below. It has 33 allowed any detail type (33 Front, 33 Back). My hunch was I could put 33 + 33 details there. I couldn't. When I put 34 patrols, for example, I get errors: Maybe it should be "33 allowed any detail type (Front & Back)". Also, notice the second error message. It turns out, there is also a detail limit for each mission, similar to the ambush limit.
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