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Posts posted by KC4800

  1. I use pulling on every AT. Mission have mobs too close together for a reason, so that you use pulling. Learn to love your tool set. Not everything is a fire farm. Nice videos, Nemu.

  2. 4 hours ago, Peacemoon said:

    I mean I really enjoyed my Thugs/Empathy MM. You sort of get to play as a team support character even while solo, by buffing and healing your henchmen. If that sort of thing appeals, then yes you will love it!

    Same exact feeling for me with my Thugs/Emp, currently lvl 48. I took no gun attacks, but do use sands of mu occasionally or a brawl for flair. Also took taunt to get runners when they want to flee.

    • Like 1
  3. I have flying bots and flying Mercs. They both work great as they are mostly ranged. I would think Beasts would drop out of fly as soon as an attack order is given. My Beast /Nature because of needing to be in the fray in order to protect and lay down the location targets would not work as a flyer at all. Plus my PBAoE hold wouldn't hold anything up there.

  4. It is flattering to me at least. Most of my character name choices are quite obscure, like Sporanghi. No one knows what a Sporanghi is. Is it a thing? It's a -- thing.


    Phrendon Largo, no one will take that one, thats me babee!! Been me for far too long.


    I even had a person once message me in game and offer to pay me a "ton" of influence if I gave him Krown. I refused, and we parted as friends. I never look down on people for trying to mimic my choice. It's flattering, and more power to them if they can pull it off.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  5. I was playing my level 50 Bots/EA MM named Bicycle Repairman on Everlasting this morning when I zoned into Talos Island and who do I see? A level 35 Shield/WM tank(or scrapper, don't remember) named BicycIe Repairman. What are the chances of that? We laugh, having finally broken the game.


    Seriously, what are the chances of running into your biggest fan? Have you ever done it? This was absolutely a chance encounter. I had no idea this guy existed prior to this moment.

    • Haha 2
  6. 17 hours ago, Greycat said:


    League forms.

    Spot opens in zone.

    Fly over, jump in the middle of the ship, get badge, zone out.

    I do understand the logistics of this and don't need it to be explained. I still don't like that I have to take a spot in the zone, when I have no desire to participate. Sometimes the zone limit is reached, and a person who wants in, can't get in, and gives up trying. Just so I can get that badge when the shield goes down. Do I feel guilty? No. But it is pretty poorly thought out where that badge is located. Perhaps move it out from under the shield, to the top of a building that overlooks the ship?

  7. I might ask why they skipped power X or power Y, but don't just tell someone they need to take it. And I never ask about taunt or tell them they need it. I look around peoples descriptions for back story, and see how much money they've spent on their builds by how huge their set bonus list is.

  8. I am playing a Dark Armor/Katana scrapper on SO's only. No seed money, selling all recipes and white or yellow salvage. (keeping the orange salvage and rare recipes that drop) I don't even allow her to combine enhancers.


    She'll never do +4/8, but that not the reason to play her.


    She is currently lvl 38 with all lvl 40 SO's, about 1.8 mil in reserve influence. She plays it safe at +1/1.


    At level 40 she will first enter Ouro and then the university, then start building recipes. She has been stealing Hero Merits out of email storage so she can purchase full scrapper sets with them post the lvl 40 change up.

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  9. I use it to make a judgement of my difficulty setting choice. Do I want to scale it back? Do I want to eat more inspirations and try again? Do I want to invite another players help? Most of the time when I die while soloing I rez back at the base or hospital, log off for a bit, and contemplate my decision. Self punishment is a good motivator.

     Sometimes I will self-impose restrictions, like not using my travel power until debt is paid.

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