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Posts posted by KC4800

  1. 13 hours ago, Aracknight said:

    Some of the Family bosses, especially the ones with Singularity, have surprised me with how difficult they can be recently.

    I agree! Especially getting three of them aggroed on my Ice Tank at once. You'd think an ice tank could handle not getting Knocked about, but 3 singularitys at once makes it almost impossible to get off an attack. I felt like I was inside an Orville Reddenbacher Popcorn popper. They are boss level but have Elite in the name. My vote for worst boss.

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  2. 11 hours ago, Hedgefund2 said:

    There is some small incentive to run instanced missions in PVP zones, once an hour you get a 25% bonus for mission completion.  Also there's a badge or two involved.


    The insta-50 PVP characters can't do those missions.  They can get around to other PVP zones but once there can't do the instanced missions.  I tried that when I first found out about the insta-50s.

    Yes I do remember there are two badges. And although I have yet to create an insta lvl 50 PvP only character, it is good to know they can get to, say Bloody Bay, but disappointed they can not do the zone instanced missions. I guess they can only street sweep and kill each other.

  3. Im not sure most players even remember they still exist. I do run them, mostly to test how my hero does against Arachnos or my vigilante can beat up some dirty hero corp. The rewards are about the same as regular missions as far as I can tell, so why not run them occasionally? Anyway thats my perspective.


    Anyway my suggestion is:


    Implement a few instanced missions in Recluse's Victory, that those players who made an instant lvl 50 PvP zone only character could access, as well as any normal player, like myself, who enjoys the thrill of entering a PvP zone, just to race to a door while invisible, could enjoy. My thought being it would be a good area to test your PvP only build since I do not believe they can access an AE anywhere. And it would give me, a non PvPer a reason to enter Recluse's Victory and poke fun at Castle.

  4. Trying to get the Crey Infiltrator Badge by killing my 200 Paragon Protectors. Went to Ouro and chose to flashback to Revenant hero Project arc at lvl 39. Ran it at 0/+2 until I got to the mission with all the PP. When I saw I was in it, exited mission and upped difficulty to +0/8. Logged out of character logged back in, entered mission, same number of baddies. Logged out again switched characters, logged back in with original character, still the mission had not reset. What gives? I need to kill 150 PP for the badge. Is there a time limit on getting this mission to reset? Is it because through Ouro it is part of a TF and wont reset? I am the only member of the team.

  5. I just take infiltration and put a celerity + stealth into it, run it all the time for squishies that need to position themselves and hit first. Works great for me. I feel like a stalker mostly.


    Ran the Valeria(?) Incarnate level arc yesterday with my Ill Controller with Superior Invisibility and still was seen by some of the EB's. Is this intended? Are they Rularuu Eyeball level perceptive?

  6. I pretty much always start as a hero, so I can quickly get the Atlas Park Beacon Badge, and unlock the zone teleporter thing. I stay heroic until lvl 20, then decide whether to go vig or or stay blue. After 50 I might switch to Rogue to do some red side stuff. Villain alignment, almost never stays villain, because I hate the ambushes, and cheap deaths your character has to soldier through to pay his dues. I know the original devs wanted to make it harder to be a villain than a hero. And that CoV content is still there to endure, but I have no desire to do that.

  7. On 11/16/2022 at 5:15 PM, JasperStone said:

    When I first logged in again everything was yellow... I picked the one at the top



    I have since moved mostly to Excelsior


    I worked too hard on my base on Indom to just abandon it.

    I too started on Indom, and now just have one left to maintain the base. Moved the rest to Everlasting, Excelsior or Torch.

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  8. Ive been playing a lot of Dev Choice arcs lately. They take some time, so might not get one done in one play session, which is why I think they're not more popular. The writing is excellent and so much better that the early stuff.


    I also, do not use MIDs, so my respecs are an investment in concentration. I use my tablet, to take pictures of my screen so I can remember how I laid out my power trays, and how my slotting was.


    I also use Ouro to exemp down so I can street sweep zones at the correct level. Echo:DA is a great area to street sweep as a lvl 29 exempted down Fire tank.

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