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Posts posted by Razia

  1. On 1/22/2020 at 3:43 AM, Haijinx said:

    DCUO was a nice, short, free single player game. 


    I never found a team.  Reached max level.  And then uninstalled it since I was out of content.


    Not sure there's anything anyone could do to fix it or wreck it at this point.


    Not a fan of DCUO either but it's the toally opposite of CoH. The game starts when you reached max Level, if you were out of Content upon hitting max Level you did something wrong.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Ukase said:

    The only 2 things I would change about that guide is to not disable common recipes, despite the workbench. That's free money. 
    Task forces are great, but do them at least 5 levels over the cap for that task force. You might as well have all the slots and powers you can get to make the ordeal less painful. Well.. painful is too strong, but I'd rather be level 25 and capped at 20 for Synapse, then be level 15, for example. 

    I would further suggest you only do task forces if they're fun, or the weekly for double merits. Or, you just want the merits. Doing the task forces for task force commander is just wasting time. You can get the Invader, red side equivalent in about 25 minutes, maybe less if you hustle. 

    Totally agree, invader is much quicker and for me even more fun.

  3. 7 hours ago, Steele_Magnolia said:

    It was this one for me as well the day COV went live. Now, I was a terrible player and will admit it. I thought, "Scrapper!"


    Needless to say that didn't work. I understand what a Stalker is now and it just doesn't fit my play style, so I've never tried one again.

    You should try because I play all my Stalkers like Scrappers now. No Need to slowly open with Assasins's Strike. Just wait until you got Assasin's Focus then hit and and with the ATO you end up in hide again.

  4. 5 hours ago, slacktech said:

    Tanker/Warshade/Peacebringer - even more so on HC.


    Why, I hear no one ask?  Because their usefulness on a team was made less and less on live (IO's and incarnates made it possible for a few Archetypes to fufil the roles these AT played) but given the QoL improvements and 'City of Farming' mentality on Torchbearer it's so much easier to IO and incarnate out a character with an 'uber' build that it's almost laughable.  Who needs a Tanker when so many other AT on the team can stand in the middle of a map and take all aggro and still not die (and often do bloody good damage while they're at it)?  Short version - I really think the Tanker AT needs a very thorough review to make them relevant in the current game (and I'm not sure the intended changes are going far enough).


    While I see the greatest strength of WPs and PBs is their versatility, I also see that as their greatest annoyance.  I really don't want to have to manage three forms and all the mechanics that go with it.

    Taking the Alpha is not tanking! And CoH isn't all about the endgame. There is plenty of need for tanks in the mid game. In the Endgame no AT is needed.

    • Thanks 1
  5. On 11/8/2019 at 6:36 AM, Call Me Awesome said:

    Scrapperlock is something that transcends AT.  I've been guilty of it on Scrappers, Brutes, Stalkers, Tankers, Blasters, Defenders... once you build some good defenses a Blaster can keep right on trucking through a fair number of mob types just like a Scrapper.  A Scrapper is just less likely to bite off more than he can chew; LESS likely of course doesn't mean "it won't happen".

    So true. I get Scrapperlock on my BR/EA Sentinel.

    • Like 1
  6. 10 minutes ago, Gulbasaur said:



    My dark/dark corruptor is only level 23 as I'm running him slowly through story arcs to write a redside levelling guide (and boy howdy is it an unveven experience, but I think I've stumbled into some good arcs)... no fluffies yet.


    I was thinking 4-slotted Cloud Senses as more defence is the last thing a dark/dark corruptor needs as most enemies are have ~22.5% ToHit debuff on them before I even toggle on Darkest Night due to the three cones I've got going on (and that's without tenebrous tentacles which would bring it to a ridiculous ~30%)  and that fear effect lasts for days so half the time enemies aren't even trying to attack. Seriously, the debuff game is so strong that it's among the safest I've every played. 


    This isn't my AV solo artist (my fortunado has that nailed down) and I'd rather be a good levelling all-rounder than go for super meta with this character as it's basically just a story arc plunderer. 

    Yeah you certainly won't need the ranged defense on a DD or D3. How do you like Dark Blast? Back in the days on live I had a Dark/Dark Defender but did not like the low Damage from Dark Blast.

  7. 4 minutes ago, Gulbasaur said:

    Any advice on slotting? I was thinking I'd slot 3 or 4 of some sort of Accurate ToHit debuff set and then move on with my life. Is there some magical combination that makes him/her/them super mega ultra?

    I slot 4 - 6 Cloud senses. Not sure about combination. I don't have any issues with him, what is it, that you don't like about him? I have an Ice/Dark Corruptor and 3 /Dark Controllers and I like him certainly more than imps 🙂

  8. 7 minutes ago, drbuzzard said:

    This is a very fair question. However the current gap between sentinels and blasters in damage is simple huge. Between a higher damage scale, more targets for AOEs, and Defiance, sentinels are simply not in the same area code as blasters for damage. Getting them up to a decent number would be nice. They certainly should not exceed blasters, but right now, I think the characterization of around 66% of blaster damage is probably pretty correct. This is far too low for a DPS class. Getting it to 75% or maybe 80% would be reasonable I think.

    Yeah, as I said I am all for giving them more damage, I have a BR/EA, and while she is pretty unkillable, the damge feels lower than on all my corruptors. Might be because of the need to set up with Disintegrate though.

  9. 10 hours ago, Serringa said:

    From the original launch of CoH through at least a few issues later, Smoke Grenade from Devices debuffed enemy accuracy by many times more than intended due to a decimal place error in the powers data. Throwing one smoke grenade would typically reduce all enemies' chance to hit down to the 5% floor.


    This was popularized during issue 0 by a guide on the forums, which if I recall correctly was called something like "Fire/Dev - level 40 in 4 weeks" (the level cap was 40 before issue 1). Fire was the best AoE set and /Dev was as good as being defense capped, so this was really easy to level at a time when leveling was definitely not easy. Despite the popularity of this guide, Smoke Grenade went unfixed for many months.

    Oh god I remember that. @lol at 4 weeks today, but back in the day that seemed almost impossible to me (played AR/DEV).

  10. I am all for giving them more damage in a world where TW/Bio Scrappers exist. But then what about Blasters? I stopped playing them back on live because they were to squishy for me after all the nerfs. I do IO out all of my toons, but I wonder how super heroic a Blaster with SOs only will feel compared to all the other ATs?

  11. 7 hours ago, Tahliah said:

    This is so interesting to me!  I tend to adapt to team dynamics and try to work with what the team is doing.  For example, if there is an old-school tanker, I will wait until he has herded the mob, then drop my immobs/holds.  If I'm playing on a team that is just steamrolling everything, I will focus more on my secondary set (whatever it is, it will be more useful to steamrolling teams than my controls. Obviously, I will troll random baddies that get too close to the squishies, but mostly, steamrolling teams don't need that backup).  I can't imagine playing any of my trolls (and I have many) the exact same way no matter what the team dynamic.  What if you have a team that is tankless or tank/brute/scrapper heavy or that is all squishies? How do you run your troll the exact same way?  I'm so interested in this!

    What you are saying is common sense. Of course you adapt, but in your previous post you make it sounds like it's the Tank's fault that you're not "trolling" the right way. And I controll the right way (of course adapting to situation) if there is a tank on the team, or if there isn't. I don't even care if he is tanking the right way.


    I find it interresting that you say you adapt when you stated earlier that tanks that don't tank the right way, can't expect from you that you are trolling the right way.

  12. Thanks for your explaination.

    12 minutes ago, Rathulfr said:

    When I came home, the first thing I did was recreate my Energy² Blaster main from retail, which I played from I2 until sunset.  While I was leveling him up, my altitis kicked in and I thought I'd try out this new Sentinel thing.  I was in love!  That Energy/WP Sentinel rocketed to 50+3 T4, and I enjoyed almost every minute of the ascent.  This was the feeling I had wanted from my Blaster since I2, but could never get, because the Blaster constantly got mezzed or routinely faceplanted.  The Sentinel was almost indestructible, and felt powerful.


    I played around with about a dozen different Sentinel builds, just try out all the variations that appealed to me.  Fire/Regen is the one that had the best bang for the buck, but my heart wasn't fully into the concept.


    So I must admit that I did miss the damage, especially at end-game where the durability of the Sentinel is less important.  It takes forever to kill things defeat enemies, and on teams I was outgunned by just about everyone else besides dedicated tanks and healers.


    So I went back to playing a Blaster, Energy/Temporal this time.  The difference in damage output was starkly obvious (of course, given the higher base damage modifier, natch), and the built-in sustain toggle (Temporal Healing) made a world of difference, too.  Eventually, with the right sets equipped, it's almost as durable as the Sentinel: there's still a gap there in mez vulnerability, but there's enough defense to keep that from being terminal.  I settled back into the Blasters camp.  I returned to my abandoned E² Blaster and figured out how to use its sustain power (/powexec_auto Energize).


    But even so, I still like the Sentinels: I just wish they would do a smidge more DPS.  I understand they can't buff them too much, or else they'd be OP mage-tanks.  I understand that there needs to be a tradeoff on less damage for more defense.  But right now, the delta is too great, so my Sentinels collect dust while I play my Blasters.  The good news is that they might buff Sentinel damage in the near future.  Captain Powerhouse has indicated he plans to replace their Inherent with something else entirely, which might help, too.  But until then, my Sentinels stand watch over my character selection screen, instead of the streets of Paragon City.


    Thank you for your explaination,. I really appreciate this. I am a bit "traumatized" (j/k) with nerfed damage as I rolled an AR/DEV at release and boy got that set trashed (they buffed it later though) when ED hit. There was a time when all my Defenders with their debuffs did more damage.


    I am undecided if I should roll a Fire Sentinel or just stick to the Beam/EA. I like Beam and EA is very sturdy, but damage feels like it is less than Defenders do.

  13. On 11/26/2019 at 2:32 AM, DocRadio said:

    I always played blasters.


    So when the chance came to play a fire themed blaster with status protection shields and heals came along? I jumped on it. Vet Level 45 Fire/Fire/Flame Sent with incarnate toys to boot. He's my main. Currently leveling all kinds of alts too... but no brute. Tinkering with a DM/INV brute a little. I think It has potential.

    How was the transition from Blasters to Sentinels for you? Did you miss the damage? Because I started a Beam/EA and it feels like my Corruptors are doing more damage.

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