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Posts posted by Razia

  1. 1 hour ago, subbacultchas said:

    It does work with Clarion, though by the time I discovered that I'd already soft-capped through other means. So it's limited use now, but I still sometimes use it to boost Soul Absorption moreso than Fade.

    Is it a bug? I assumed it was intentional.

    It would be intentional if Fade was defense only, but it also has a resist component. Other buffs with defense and resist components (Ice Shields) don't get boostet by PB or Farsight. Plus if you pop some reds before you use Fade, the resist part of it will get buffed too.

  2. On 8/13/2019 at 4:16 PM, Mercurias said:

    I personally prefer Ill/Rad to Ill/Dark. Dark adds some nice control options and fluffy, but I love those Rad toggles that let you solo a GM if you do it right.

    Had both, Ill/Rad and now Ill/Dark with perma PA. Dark is stronger, but more expensive.

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  3. If anything I find the whole TO/DO and then SO/IO thing confusing for new players. I tend to just ignore the TO and DOs. Plus I noticed that new players sometimes don't get the whole Origin thing. It had some impact on the game back in the days but it's pretty pointless now. Saw someone in LFG: "Magic Tank LFT".... made me laugh.

  4. 17 minutes ago, dasefex said:

    Exactly. When I’m in the mood for more challenging content I just pop over to wow. I play city of heroes to relax and kill skulls with a few friends.

    I used to play a lot of typical holy trinity MMOs and I don't find them less relaxing than CoH, it's just that I don't like the elitism that usually comes with this and the attitude of the players.

  5. 20 minutes ago, dasefex said:

    This made me chuckle. Nothing in this game is super hard to do or out of reach of any players. 


    Yes help chat seems to get off topic at times and I just sit back and enjoy it.

    That's why I love this game so much. No special raid gear who you can only get if you are in some ub0r SG. And of course you need other gear to participate in such raid.

  6. 8 hours ago, Vanden said:

    The way I've always looked at it is that having a Core Lore, even if it's not the Superior T4 version, is like having another Scrapper on the team in terms of how much damage they add. However, the Radial support pets are nowhere near as effective at supporting you as a Defender or even a Mastermind teammate would be.


    Now, for farmers, any Lore at all is going to be obliterated by the enemies that typically get farmed, so you pretty much have to go Radial with the invincible pets to get anything at all out of the slot. But that's not a typical scenario.

    That's if you farm with a melee. On my Fire/Time/Dark Corruptor none of the pets is going to die on a +4/x8 map.

  7. 10 hours ago, Papaschtroumpf said:

    Sounds impressive. What level do you run those at? +0?

    I haven't tried to solo a TF since homecoming brought the game back, maybe I'll have to give it a try again.

    Since I was exemplared to level 15, 20 and 25 I did not feel very brave and went with standard heroic, plus I wanted to finish it quick. I tend to forget things so I wasn't aware that at the end of Synapse and Penelope there would be AVs, I thought it would be EB only. It was my first char I tried to solo a TF. I am pretty sure my old Ill/Rad on live would've managed though.

  8. On 7/30/2019 at 1:33 AM, Sylvar Panda said:

    To Start with, I've got Murphy (yes, That Murphy...according to family legend) in my family tree, so my whole life is a cold streak. I've had more DnD characters die from random encounters and nat 1's than anyone I know. But...

    I'm actually making my luck worse by continuing to use Brawl and beginner ranged attacks. Might explain why 9 times out of 10, the first attack after popping a yellow is a miss. My natural bad luck, plus nerfing the streakbreaker by using Brawl (with just 1 Acc in the native slot) in my attack chain. I usually take Boxing, Tough, and Weave on my melee toons, but not until the 30's when I can put 4 slots in to use 2 End Red along with Acc, Dmg Res, or Def (respectively). Might have to grab Boxing earlier just to slot it with  Acc and drop Brawl from my chain sooner.


    Thanks Fiddleback for a very useful link. In all these years I never thought to actually look up how the mechanics work. Now I can return to collecting Debt Badges knowing it's just my bad luck and not poor attack chain choices. 😄

    I had the same happen to me several time: Pop a yellow and miss. Or on my incarnate: Clarion boosted Farsight and my Snipe is missing. At first I thought this is server lag and I have to wait some secs until the server "notices" I popped a yellow.

  9. What Auroxis said, I rarely get mezzed, not even on x8 Carnie missions, because of the soft capped defense and the -tohit. But even then you can just use Rune of Protection. And I don't find it inconvenient to recast 2 buffs in a specific order every 2 minutes.


    Plus, if I am not mistaken, doesn't the Hybrid/Support also provide a bit of mez resist?

  10. 12 hours ago, twincities said:

    I've got this exact build but find that I don't have insta-snipe. 


    I've got Clarion Radial Epiphany and two Membrane Exposures in Farsight.  When I fire off Farsight and Clarion my To-Hit buff is 89.27%


    With most teams it's not an issue because someone will have Tactics running.  But solo it's annoying to not have insta-snipe.  I'm considering respeccing out of Mystic Flight and picking up Tactics.


    Any idea what I might be doing wrong?  The build is identical.

    I thought the special in Clarion ist boosting farsight, so you should fire of Clarion first and then Farsight

  11. Died for the first time, since I am done with the build. I was being stubborn, I did the whole RWZ arc on +1/x8, even the Gaussian part with the Vanguards and Longbows. Was doing fine but died then on the last mission. I am not very familiar with what they actually do, because my defenses did not drop, but I assume they got a lot of +tohit, because on a group with 3 bosses I went down pretty fast. Still unsure if it's actually +tohit, because I have no problems with Nemesis.

  12. 2 hours ago, Auroxis said:

    Both Soul Drain and Fireball are 15ft radius, deal good damage and have some other perks like a -res proc and tons of +damage on Soul Drain, and a fast cast time on Fireball.


    If you think those AoE's are only useful in farms and wanna argue for your Ice Blast Power Mastery Corruptor, please do it in your own thread instead of derailing this one.

    Agree, I run normal Story Content at x8 atm, and I can't confirm that Mobs are more spread out. I am doing RWZ arcs atm and it works just fine. Usually hit cap with Soul Drain.

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