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Owl Girl

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Everything posted by Owl Girl

  1. by your definition, all weapon sets imply technology origin. swords, axes, maces, shields, all of those things had to be invented and fabricated and presupposes the technological advancements necessary to being able to discover and use them. so samurai are coded as being technology origin, along with police officers and soldiers. don't You see why powersets inspired by origin isn't as good an idea as just creating alternate animations for already extant powersets to make them more witchy? imo, i prefer being able to just declare any power as coming from magic rather than taking a set which defines for me what my magic is and does, or even implying that my character is "less magic" than another character that happened to pick the Super Wizardry powerset.
  2. it should be called Reanimation, but there would still be a problem with all the ghosts.
  3. negative. my Beam Rifle functions on magic, as per my origin. it works by consuming the souls of the dead to generate incredible amounts of negative karma, which it then focuses into a catastrophically destructive beam sorta like a laser except it absorbs and destroys Light instead of being made of it. further, taking a set that uses a weapon or technological props still doesn't cross origins depending on how we are looking at it: my magic origin Assault Rifle/Ninja Training blaster isn't using a magical rifle, they're just using a regular 'ol rifle (that is also a flamethrower/grenade launcher/shotgun/bean bag launcher) along with my sick magical ninja abilities. they aren't indicative of a technological origin or even any proficiency with technology in general. likewise, Dark Miasma may sorta imply a magical flavour but really it's just referencing some place called the netherworld which could also just be construed as one of the many alternate dimensions that exist. a character could invent a generator that creates that same energy, or be exposed to some kind of substance or procedure which allows their body to interact with those energies, or they could have spent decades practicing a unique martial art and meditation regime that allows them to naturally conduct negative energy safely through their own body and mind. maybe it's just because i'm used to them, but to me all of the currently existing powersets are really easy to justify being used by any origin requiring at worst to player to ignore select text but still be coherent and easily understandable to others: "yeah, i know i'm technically a 'necromancer' but think more herbert west style 'reanimator', i don't really go in for all that binding circles and shaving every hair on my body to simulate ritual purity"
  4. it might take more work, but I like the idea of epic pools tied to the minion selection. Give thugs a baseball bat, marcs a combat knife, zombies get the death knight's sword, etc
  5. total b.s. that Malta robots resist psi, all things considered...
  6. i would also like to suggest a 'minimal fx' option for weapon sets in which the animations remain the same but without any weapon visible. would Love to cut people up with an invisible sword conjured by my mind ❤️
  7. imo it's a Good Idea to add notes to pretty much ever player that You end up working with, and use the star rating to sort things according to your criteria. a lot of people have crippling alt-itis and it's easier to track them this way. also remember that altho You need permission from the other party to add them to your global Friend list, You can always add them to your local list without their knowledge. for this reason, the local list is actually better used to track your enemies or at least people that You want to surveil without tipping your hand. happy hunting 😃
  8. the cure for pain is in the pain, so of course that's where You will find me ❤️

  9. if i were doing iron man, i would try to research my missions to predict ambushes and justify it in character if necessary by saying the character puts in a lot of time planning and considering all angles of a particular excursion because they only have one life to live. then when the ambush shows up, eat those purples and run for the exit if possible or if not just really focus on target priorities to ensure that the most dangerous enemies are removed first. or just avoid ambush missions entirely =P
  10. yes, but: “Don’t leave your child unattended.” "In short, any suggestion made in this forum will be thoroughly examined by all of us, changed, ripped up, and added-on to until it’s possible that the resulting idea doesn’t resemble what you suggested in the first place. You need to allow others to add more consideration to your idea." nature of the beast.
  11. i just figured bodyguard mode was part of the package of MM pet commands, but let's say we grant that only the Commander AT wouldn't get it. pets dying quickly shouldn't actually be much of a hinderance since iirc your argument for it not mattering in the first place also often includes the reminder that turning bodyguard mode off will increase pet survivability. in short: pets dying in droves doesn't matter much, my reasoning being based on your prior (fantastic) arguments on the matter.
  12. so what? the cd on summoning pets is super low and as You have established repeatedly in the past, pets dying before being upgraded isn't a significant handicap. just imagine how tanky an AT would be with armour primary and MM pets in bodyguard mode!
  13. i am not the True Owl Girl. the True Owl Girl is within You ❤️

  14. the lore in this game is pretty interesting and this is a Good Idea! its sure to be better than some Rinky-Dink, Two-Bit, Slap-Dash thing put together by Some Rando that may or may not have some kind of bizarre and morally reprehensible take on the proud history of this game and it's many fine npcs
  15. the crypts tal'mahe'rah Generic Super Group the Rat/Bat Clan the sons of the son of Svenghouli
  16. "so Samuel told all of the words of the Lord to the people Who were asking for a king from him. he said, "these will be the ways of the king Who will reign over You: he will take your sons and appoint them to his chariots and to be his horsemen and to run before his chariots. and he will appoint for himself commanders of thousands and commanders of fifties, and some to plow his ground and to reap his harvest, and to make his implements of war and the equipment of his chariots. he will take your daughters to be perfumers and cooks and bakers. he will take the best of your fields and vineyards and olive orchards and give them to his servants. he will take the tenth of your grain and your vineyards and give it to his officers and to his servants. he will take your male servants and female servants and the best of your young men and your donkeys, and put them to his work. he will take the tenth of your flocks and You shall be his slaves. and in that day, You will cry out because of your king Whom You have chosen for yourselves." buyer beware!
  17. 110%, but can You live with yourself knowing that it might prevent us from ever reading greycat's magnum opus (the kheldian bible) and all of the many guides that he's working on but withholding until we have some idea of whether or not we can get a minimal fx fix for kheldian forms? is it really worth that dreadful price??
  18. yes, the lore-based arguments are hot trash. but no, i will Never give up on greycat and rudra!! (i am uncommitted on biostem as of yet)
  19. there's that huffing i love so much ❤️ the lore will absolutely survive if every single player of a kheldian uses some sort of custom form change (including minimal fx ones), i promise that it won't alter any of the lines delivered by any of the npcs or even have an effect on that bible that You are writing. for all You know, all of those players will claim to be playing characters that are outliers from the rest of kheldian society or perhaps kheldians from another dimension accessed via Portal Corp! don't forget to thumb this comment down along with the prior one that You forgot to do or i will be very cross. and as a gesture of Friendship and an assurance that everything Will Be Okay, have this emoji of a smiling face as a gift from me to You: 😃
  20. i guess the lore really can survive players having fun then? the possibilities seem so endless now...
  21. the weak of heart are easily offended by the implications of their own actions ❤️

  22. every time greycat thumbs down my comments, it only increases my rep and my power level. being thumbed down by those Who huff is actually a great honour in my culture ❤️
  23. You don't have to bail, anybody can be a corpse if they try hard enough!
  24. my favourite part of this entire thread is the lore purists huffing about how we should just do away with kheldians all together unless every single person plays the way the huffers should play. it contributes Nothing productive and is based off of an irrelevant argument, but i still love it! obviously the easiest solution for this issue is to allow as much player freedom as possible and if lore purists don't like anything outside of the original forms then they can just not customize beyond that point. it's an easily solved problem, the only hitch is that it would require some people to get over themselves which i realize is a pretty big ask for some types. don't like that a person can have a rikti plasma rifle for their Assault Rifle that shoots bullets? good, don't use that option then. don't like that a person can just talk to Null the Gull to change alignment willy-nilly and face no sort of consequence or difficulty from contacts on either side? fine, then just don't use that option. it literally takes Nothing from anybody to allow additional customization but some people literally want to impose their play preferences on other people or else watch the world burn. relax, let go, let other people have their fun and get out of their business already!
  25. how other people want to play is really none of my business. i can't imagine inventing nonexistent problems to assert control over how another person wants to portray thier own character! i guess Owls are just too humble for that sorta conduct ❤️
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