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Owl Girl

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Everything posted by Owl Girl

  1. g_d Knows i love to handle a corpse tho 😃
  2. okay but it's impossible to die in this game. The "iron man" rules here are clearly referring to being knocked out. by all means, keep the character if You want to, but people are right to recognize that you failed the challenge.
  3. can't a Girl change her mind without upsetting parasites?!
  4. I've changed my mind. I also now believe people should be unable to enjoy things in their own way, and we should in fact delete the things that people don't appreciate in my (correct) way. devs please erase kheldians due to player base being insufficiently committed to role-playing within the confines of the established and possibly incomplete lore parameters. Also we should punish people that put salsa on crackers, that's not the way i eat them.
  5. time wounds all the heels.

  6. that's a good *suggestion*. i would also like to see more emotes usable when hovering =D
  7. oh okay i think i see the confusion here: yes, it is a minimal FX request! it always was. it might entail some additional work when compared to altering the FX for Fire Blast but the OP is simply asking for a method to avoid visually transforming and definitely not asking to have Nova/Dwarf powers in human form or human powers in Dwarf/Nova form. is it physically impossible for this to be achieved? possibly yes, but probably not really. from a personal philosophical position i think that it's best if we avoid adding to or amending other people's suggestions beyond the scope of what they are actually asking for but i can understand why some others would disagree. it's certainly easier to come up with supporting arguments for or against something if we allow ourselves the liberty of putting words into other people's mouths! this leaves only the lore issue unresolved. and while i can appreciate that some people would prefer to exercise control over other people's characters in order to reinforce their own vision for how the game "should be" (i myself often wish i could force people to refer to ouroboros as Owlboros!), i just don't think it's a good idea at the End of the day. it's not really my place to Judge the way that others want to interface with the lore, and my own subjective experience as a hypothetical Lore Appreciator really shouldn't be dictated by whether or not other players religiously adhere to it. You often have very good Judgment and argumentation from what i have seen but with respect, i think the OP's suggestion is perfectly reasonable presuming it's possible to do without somehow destroying the way the powers actually function in play.
  8. Rudra, please refer to the title of the post 😃
  9. also a new Owl Technique pool power (or patron set). or at least make the current one usable outside of Greyside missions and SF please ❤️
  10. this isn't a trade-off sorta thing because no functional advantage is being gained. that's like asking what Spines should lose for getting the option to visually appear as metal spikes instead of organic bananas.
  11. steady is the knife held sure by Faith.

  12. the good thing about this suggestion is that "lore purists" wouldn't have to give up their standard forms, so their complaints can be safely ignored in favour of greater player autonomy and allowing people to put the focus on the aspects of their character that they choose. it wouldn't affect power balance or gameplay except possibly in the niche situation of pvp play. there's just no reason to try and justify the change via lore arguments, because while the lore might be the reason *some* people play it's hardly the reason that *everyone* plays.
  13. if he can do it and it's not obscene, then i should be able to do it too
  14. hello! i am addicted to the flight pool generally, i think that it's the most powerful movement option when deployed properly and honestly the travel aspect of it becomes the least valuable factor once you've got Team Transport and Mission Teleporter. the *real* draw is keeping enemies in your desired range increment and the superior mobility and finesse control during combat. it is Very Funny, hiding behind a support beam in the ceiling and dipping out to shoot at a frustrated boss character and since most players don't invest heavily into the pool you pretty much rule the skies in PvP zones: nobody can keep away from You, and nobody can catch You. strategic usage of -fly powers can make pulling mobs into the sky only to drop them crippled and confused on your team a viable strategy! also gives excellent options for setting yourself up in good hiding spots for ambushes or espionage on other players! a lot of people don't Look Up when they walk into a room. best part? actually choosing flight with a power pick means it will never run out while you're in the middle of defusing a Dam bomb ❤️
  15. it's helpful to have an idea of what kind of rp You are looking for. if you have specific tastes or prefer very structured or rules driven rp you'll want to take a look at some of the sg advertisements for our shard. but if you're more casual about it, the easiest way is to just type in character when you are doing missions and such and you'll naturally end up in the company of likeminded characters over time. another thing to take seriously is the type of role you're trying to take. will You be acting or being acted upon? in the second case it's actually very important that you have some established ideas about your motives since other people are going to be using that as the plot elements they'll be moving around or working with 😃
  16. i wish someone had told me that the tabs for the Super Group chat and the Looking For Group chat are very, very similar and You should double check before pressing enter!!
  17. maybe this is the Wrong Place to mention it, but i've always hated the restrictions on which power sets can be used with Shield Defense. i don't care if You don't think Staff Fighting with Shield Defense makes sense, i don't think it makes sense that i can't Aim my Assault Rifle. i just cut a Titan in half with a sword. since when did we care about extreme realism in our game about comic book hero dress-up?
  18. when i picked SR i was hoping that every time i dodge an attack i might do a lil' juke or something. it's very underwhelming. so instead i use a sort of jousting fighting style in which i'm constantly repositioning and herding the enemies around bonfire patches and corners. when done poorly You will suffer a large drop in damage output and make your team made because you're dragging the mobs around. but if You do it correctly then you'll be avoiding a lot of attacks as the enemies get frustrated trying to keep up with You and on top of that it'll look really thematic and cool! and you actually *can* and *should* be strafing your targets as you gather them for cones and AoE's and such, i just hold down the right mouse button while i move and rotate the camera as i go. is very funny in PvP. on the bonus side, there isn't any required set to play like this honestly. just the patience of your teammates ❤️
  19. personally i think more cosmetic options is only good. i've especially always wished for a way to include a katana on my hip regardless of the powersets chosen, for 'ceremonial' purposes. does anybody know about the theoretical application of P2W temp powers for that kind of work around? can you customize those powers, and if you can't... should we be able to maybe?
  20. controllers are sort of a blind-spot in my CoH experience, because every time i play one it seems like it's almost a waste of endurance to bother attacking anything. just lock 'em down and wait for my two effective powers to cd.
  21. i also Love to fly. i also Love 'evasive maneuvers' because it makes me cut thru the air like a razor blade. and so, as a decision, i sacrifice 3 power picks so that i can have wonderful mobility and travel. i could have taken something else, and then i'd have to use a jetpack. people willingly enslaving themselves to a meta or a personally imposed limitation don't really get to have a reasonable expectation that the world change to accommodate their personal decisions. You don't even have to take tough OR weave if you don't want, you could easily adjust your playstyle to avoid it.
  22. did You ever consider that when people are using the laugh emoji, that they're laughing *with* You?
  23. wait a minute... isn't this an illegal pirated game that we're all playing?
  24. yeah it also censors the word 'castration' which i find a lil' weird. but i just turn the profanity filter off when i want to get called dirty names by my Friends 😃
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